Bernardí Cabrer
On the relationship between knowledge creation and economic performance
An empirical two-equation dynamic panel-data model system with fixed effects is proposed to analyze the relationship between knowledge creation and economic performance across regions over time. Estimates of the model for Spanish regions show that (i) knowledge creation depends on local R&D effort, on the amount of knowledge in use, and on knowledge creation in neighboring regions; and (ii) assimilation of new knowledge depends on local knowledge creation and on assimilation of knowledge in neighboring regions. Both processes include region-specific context fixed effects and region-specific time effects, representing region-specific dynamic influences. The results imply that (a) efficie…
Updating input–output matrices: assessing alternatives through simulation
A problem that frequently arises in economics, demography, statistics, transportation planning and stochastic modelling is how to adjust the entries of a matrix to fulfil row and column aggregation constraints. Biproportional methods in general and the so-called RAS algorithm in particular, have been used for decades to find solutions to this type of problem. Although alternatives exist, the RAS algorithm and its extensions are still the most popular. Apart from some interesting empirical and theoretical properties, tradition, simplicity and very low computational costs are among the reasons behind the great success of RAS. Nowadays computer hardware and software have made alternative proce…
The effect of knowledge spillovers on productivity growth inequalities in Spanish regions
We investigate the impact of local and foreign forms of knowledge spillover on productivity growth inequalities in Spanish regions. In each sector and region such inequalities will depend on the innovative capacity of the region and on local spillovers emanating from proximity to innovation producers and from the composition of economic activity in the region. Foreign spillovers will be mainly from trade with other regions or countries. Panel estimation results indicate that local sector human capital and specialisation patterns, public-R&D efforts—both local and from other regions—and international technological imports reduce these growth differentials. The regional level of developm…
On distributing quarterly national growth among regions
In many countries a very important fraction of public expenditure is managed by regional authorities. However, in a world where economic life has quickened and become more turbulent, subnational institutions rarely have a timely regional macroeconomic picture at their disposal. The authors propose a guide to a method for estimating quarterly accounts of regions from the national quarterly and annual regional accounts, by the use of a temporal structure which eliminates possible spurious jumps. The robustness of the process and suggested practicalities are tested, and the proposal is also shown to produce better estimates than other uniregional methods often used in this framework.