Pace Francesco

L’attenzione per il benessere organizzativo nella Pubblica Amministrazione italiana. Analisi critica del questionario CIVIT/ANAC

L'articolo propone una riflessione sugli studi inerenti al benessere organizzativo nel nostro Paese, e un'analisi secondaria sul questionario per la valutazione del Benessere organizzativo nella pubblica amministrazione italiana CIVIT/ANAC realizzata tra il personale tecnico amministrativo di alcuni atenei italiani, con tre obiettivi: confrontare le dimensioni del benessere incluse nel questionario con i fattori considerati nei più noti modelli che in letteratura hanno definito il costrutto del benessere al lavoro; controllare attendibilità e validità dello strumento; identificare la struttura semantica soggiacente alle risposte, prescindendo dall'impostazione precostituita del questionario.

research product

Elementi trasversali ai processi di rilevazione della qualità della vita accademica

In relazione alle linee guida relative alla proposta del gruppo QoL per la rilevazione della qualità della vita accademica, il sottogruppo che si è occupato dell’area tematica “processo” si è concentrato sull’analisi di coerenza tra il framework teorico e la metodologia proposta. Tale lavoro ha richiesto di ricostruire le modalità di gestione del processo che potessero sostenere la nostra lettura disciplinare specifica per lo sviluppo di competenze organizzative nel contesto universitario, ed evidenziarne il valore aggiunto. In quest’ottica, non ci siamo soffermati su un modello ideale costruito a tavolino, ma abbiamo preventivamente ricostruito le logiche e le pratiche di intervento sottes…

research product

Emotional Dissonance in workplaces: differences between jobs and perceived well-being

Purpose. According with a recent EU-OSHA research, among the sources of major stress on workplaces there is some connected to emotional regulation, such as "having to deal with difficult customers, patients, pupils, etc. (58%). Hochschild (1983) called emotional labour the process by which employees manage their emotions to meet organizationally mandated emotional display rules or norms concerning. When an employee must express an emotion he or she does not feel, is lead to emotional dissonance, that affect well-being (Sheldon et al., 1997). The aim of this work is to explore how the emotional dissonance affect the personal well-being in a sample of italian workers differentiated by sector,…

research product

Quality of life at work in academia: preliminary results for the validation of a tool for Italian university

Purpose: Research on quality of working life in academia appears surprisingly rare in many countries, and in some cases nearly absent. Trying to fill this gap, a team formed by W/O psychologists from 16 Italian universities developed a tool for the assessment of psychosocial risks as well as workers health and wellbeing in universities. The validation of this tool (theoretically based on the Job Demands- Resources model) will be presented in this contribution. Design: A pilot study was conducted on a sample of 120 Italian university researchers/teachers, to make a preliminary test of the psychometric properties of the tool. In order to finalize the validation of the tool a second study was …

research product

Emotional Dissonance in workplaces: dierences between jobs and perceived well-being

Theoretical background. The connection between work-related stress and psychosocial risks and workers’ health and safety has been confirmed in a wide range of studies all over the world. According EU-OSHA (2016), "while acknowledging the role of individual dispositions and general life circumstances, it has been shown that stress stemming from work-related factors may significantly affect workers’ functioning in and outside work". According with a recent EU-OSHA research, among the sources of major stress there is some connected to emotional regulation, such as "having to deal with difficult customers, patients, pupils, etc. (58%) or "poor communication or cooperation within the organisatio…

research product