Michele Gaeta
Hirayama disease – Early MRI diagnosis of subacute medullary ischemia: A case report
Background: Hirayama disease (HD) is a rare, benign, and self-limiting motor neuron disorder that results in selective motor impairment of the C7-T1 myotomes. It is characterized by progressive, unilateral, or bilateral asymmetric muscle atrophy of the distal upper extremities and myelopathy. Case Description: A 23-year-old male presented with bilateral atrophy of the thenar/hypothenar eminences/ interosseous muscles, plus left-hand weakness. The cervical MRI documented subacute ischemic damage of the distal cervical cord. To rule out a tumor and reduce questionable cord compression, the patient underwent a C5–C6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) immediately followed by a lami…
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Periodontal and Systemic Implications: A Systematic Review
In recent scientific literature, oral infections and systemic manifestations, or correlations between oral health and systemic diseases are a topic of discussion. Porphyromonas gingivalis is one of the bacteria implicated in the biofilm formation of bacterial plaque, and plays an important role in the progression of periodontal disease. In this systematic review authors have evaluated the literature of the last 10 years on P. gingivalis and all the systemic implications proven. This study therefore evaluates all the districts of the organism in which this bacterium may have implications. From the results it emerges that P. gingivalis has implications in the onset of different systemic patho…
Intraosseous gas distribution as a marker of postmortem interval
Abstract The postmortem interval is probably the most important puzzle piece in clarifying the circumstances in case of death occurred in unknown conditions. Over the years, radio-imaging modalities have proved their worth in forensic field, providing additional and significant improvements and findings. CT-scan is characterized by wide availability, fast scan times and sustainable healthcare costs. Detection of gas, hemorrhage and bone fractures are points of strength of CT-scan. A reliable evaluation of the post-mortem interval is interesting in the victims of a mass disaster, also following a natural disaster, for the individuation of responsibility in the efficiency of the help and assi…
3T Double Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Imaging: diagnostic advantages in the evaluation of cortical development anomalies
Abstract Purpose The aim of this work was to investigate the diagnostic value of the DIR sequence at 3T MR imaging operating in the evaluation of cortical development anomalies. Methods We studied 40 patients, with a previous diagnosis of cortical dysplasia, by FLAIR-3D, DIR, FSE T2 and MPR-GE T1 sequences at 3T MRI. Two independent observers evaluated, for each sequence and lesion, some semiological aspects (cortical thickness, cortical signal intensity, white-gray matter blurring, subcortical white matter intensity). We made also a quantitative evaluation of the cortical signal intensity in lesion site, drawing a ROI on each MRI sequences and comparing them to the correspondent normal con…
Contrast-enhanced second-harmonic sonography in the detection of pseudocapsule in renal cell carcinoma.
“OBJECTIVE. Our purpose was to assess the capacity of contrast-enhanced second-harmonic sonography to detect a pseudocapsule in renal masses compared with conventional gray-scale sonography. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Thirty-two patients with 40 renal masses suspicious for renal cancer (mean diameter, 3.1 cm) were prospectively studied with contrast-enhanced second-harmonic sonography during IV administration of a second-generation sonographic contrast agent. The sonographic criteria for the presence of a pseudocapsule were a peritumoral hypoanechoic halo on conventional gray-scale imaging and a rim of perilesional enhancement, increasing in the tardive phase of the examination, on contrast-enha…