Kristóf Fenyvesi
Co-designing a pedagogical framework and principles for a hybrid STEM learning environment design
AbstractThe importance of engaging and effective learning environments for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has been internationally recognised. However, no comprehensive pedagogical frameworks exist that support STEM learning environment design. In this study, a pedagogical framework and principles for STEM learning environment design were created based on participatory focus groups involving 10–18-year-old students, teachers, school directors, parents, university students and STEM professionals. Representatives of key stakeholder groups in Belarus, Finland, Germany, Greece and Spain (total n = 132) were invited to focus group discussions in which their wishes relate…
Teaching Practices During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Austria, Estonia, Finland and Romania
Review of the 10 Most Challengings Aspects of Making Hybrid Education Efficient and Enjoyable for Learners
Our goal was to describe the 10 most challenging aspects that need to be considered when making hybrid education efficient and enjoyable for children. In this context, by hybrid education we refer to both emergency online education that took place in the COVID-19 outbreak in spring 2020 and to various forms of providing education combining online and onsite environments during the pandemic years. nonPeerReviewed
Széljegyzetek Esterházy Péter műveinek finnországi fogadtatásáról
Bridges: A World Community for Mathematical Art
Exploring Kaleidocycles with LUX
Participants can experiment with building a series of dynamic linkages, mainly triangular and cubic kaleidocycles with the LUX construction system. In order to make the required movements with LUX, a new LUX module has been developed. The new module will be introduced in the workshop, and participants will be asked to assess the further educational, artistic and creative potentials this module offers to the LUX system. After the introductory activities, participants will experiment on how to study these topics in multidisciplinary settings by using LUX in the mathematics classroom. The workshop combines hands-on geometry learning with other subjects, like arts, engineering and design. peerR…
Adventures on the Borderland of Mathematics and Arts: the Kaposvár University's "CrossBorderScience" Project (2011-2012)
In the framework of the CrossBorderScience Project we launched an international program for Hungarian and Croatian high school students, based on experience-centered learning methods of mathematics and physics through visual arts. The events took place in Hungarian and Croatian venues. This presentation provides a short overview of the project. nonPeerReviewed
Organizing Children and Youth Mathematical Art Exhibits and Interpreting MathArt-works through a Collaborative, Transdisciplinary Practice
This workshop will build upon a process developed by some of the authors for interpreting the mathematical and artistic knowledge demonstrated in MathArt-works created by children and youth. The participants will be separated into small groups and be given a MathArt-work to interpret. Each group will develop their own “Rhizomatic” representation of their interpretation which will be shared with the whole group during a “Gallery Walk” exhibition. Finally, all participants will discuss the creation of a network of practitioners interested in organizing children and youth mathematical art exhibits. peerReviewed
Maths in Motion : Exploring Rotational Symmetries and Triangles through Dance and Body Movement
In this workshop, we share the main results of the “Maths in Motion” (MiM) Erasmus+ educational project (2017-2019), concerning how dance and body movement can be used as tools to teach mathematics. The MiM-approach is based on embodied cognition and opens up new horizons for students, teachers, and even parents by offering simultaneous experiences with the structural, spatial, rhythmic and symbolic dimensions of mathematics through body movement. We will introduce two teaching modules developed during the project. These modules follow in the footsteps of the writing, workshops, and performances of Schaffer and Stern in the field of mathematics and dance over the past few decades. The modul…
Design Anamorphosis in Math Class
Many visual effects are based on mathematical, geometrical procedures. Creating visual illusions through playful activities hold exciting pedagogical opportunities for raising students’ interest towards mathematics and the technical aspects of visual arts. The Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement has a number of thematic workshops — developed through interdisciplinary collaborations between mathematics teachers, artists and scholars — that are connected to perspective illusions and visual paradoxes. In this paper we introduce classroom activities focusing on mathematical connections in anamorphosis, drawing inspiration from István Orosz’s anamorphic art. peerReviewed
Creative Engagement in Online and Hybrid Teacher's Professional Development Programs
This chapter briefly introduces a few critical aspects of online and hybrid Teachers’ Professional Development (TPD) program design, based on our experiences concerning the facilitation of hybrid TPD programs for Southeast Asian mathematics teachers. These hybrid programs were provided locally in Indonesia and some parts of these programs were facilitated online from other countries, including Finland. The COVID-19 pandemic affected all areas of education. Teachers’ Professional Development programs needed to be transformed in several ways too. SEAMEO for QITEP in Mathematics or commonly abbreviated as SEAQiM (https://www.qitepinmath.org/ en/) is an Indonesia-based regional organisation tha…
Multidisciplinary and Phenomenonbased Learning in a STEAM Framework
Ideas for using GeoGebra and Origami in Teaching Regular Polyhedrons Lessons
The approach of combining GeoGebra and origami is well accepted among students in the school "Petro Kuzmjak" where it is used to teach geometry lessons. This article elaborates on how to introduce students (upper elementary and high school students, age 14-18) to Platonic solids and their properties through combination of GeoGebra and origami activities. Some of the important mathematical concepts related to these well-known geometrical solids can be explained to students applying hands-on activities along with educational software. peerReviewed
Environmental Problem-solving and Hands-on Geometry Learning through Storytelling inside a Geodesic Dome : Ice, Honey and Stardust
In this workshop, we introduce a STEAM learning activity based on the construction of geodesic domes. This workshop will engage participants in various preliminary and exploratory constructions, while also applying the geometry of geodesic domes to approximate hemispheres. Various storytelling, role-playing, and environmental connections that can provide needed context for learners of all ages are explored. peerReviewed
Geometrinen hahmottaminen sosiaalisena, vuorovaikutteisena ja kehollisena toimintana
Matematiikan ja luonnontieteiden oppimista käsittelevässä tutkimuksessa on viime aikoina korostettu kehon, kognition ja vuorovaikutuksen läheistä yhteyttä. Tässä artikkelissa pohdimme, millä tavoin geometrinen hahmottaminen on sosiaalista, vuorovaikutteista ja materiaalien välittämää kehollista toimintaa. Tarkastelemme eräässä kouluajan ulkopuolella järjestetyssä STEAM-työpajassa kerättyä videoaineistoa keskustelunanalyysin menetelmin. Työpajassa alakouluikäiset oppilaat saivat tehtäväkseen koota pareittain jalkapallon geometrisen representaation 4DFrame-rakennussarjan muoviputkista ja -kiinnikkeistä. Tapaustutkimuksemme osoittaa, miten tämän kaltaisen ohjatun rakennustehtävän aikana katse,…
Hothousing: Utilising industry collaborative problem-solving practices for STEAM in schools
Collaborative problem solving (CPS) has been widely used in both industry and in schools over at least the last twenty years. The Industry Hothousing variant of CPS in its adult format is an intensive, time-constrained workshop based process designed to build mutual trust between customers and industry experts in order to synergically develop creative solutions together. Its potential use in schools raises two important questions: Firstly, what degree of structure and support is required to unleash student creativity and enhance learning - as in industry or does the student need more structured methods including explicitly being taught collaborative problem solving skills? Secondly, is CPS …
Transforming an In-prior Conference into a Massive Online Event to Celebrate the United Nation's World Creativity and Innovation Day amidst the COVID-19 Crises
The University of Jyväskylä’s UNESCO Chairs and the Council for Creative Education-Finland decided to celebrate the United Nation’s World Creativity and Innovation Day in the form of a traditional, physical conference on 21 April 2020. During the last phases of preparations for the event, the COVID-19 pandemic unexpectedly hit the world and the organisers needed to transform the traditional conference program into an online event with several innovative solutions. In this chapter, the conference organisers describe the theoretical and technical background of the online conference, which has started a new conference series at the University of Jyväskylä. When it became clear that the confere…
Experiential Education of Mathematics: Art and Games for Digital Natives
As attitude-researches point out, students tend to sustain an aversion to mathematics, while remaining largely ignorant of how deeply embedded it is in the world around them. Most students however are able to recognize patterns and numerous research and empirical evidence indicates that they become easily motivated when mathematical connections are presented in ways which relate to their experiences by triggering their natural curiosities. PISA and TIMSS results and recommendations are that students should find education enjoyable, develop self-belief and stamina to address challenging problems and situations. Experience-centered education of mathematics through arts and playful activities …