Domenico Panno

Metodologie di analisi energetica nei supermercati e negli ipermercati, con l’obiettivo della ottimizzazione della domanda elettrica ed energetica globale, casi studio per la Regione Siciliana.

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Valutazioni energetiche ed economiche relative all’utilizzo di un sistema frigorifero ad assorbimento alimentato da collettori parabolici

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Advanced refrigerating plants based on transcritical cycles working with carbon dioxide for commercial refrigeration

Supermarkets and hypermarkets require a huge amount of energy to maintain chilled and frozen food in product display cases and cold storage rooms and thermal comfort in the whole building. Systems exploited require very large refrigerant charges for operation and suffer significant leakages. The challenge for advanced systems, based on equipment which reduce TEWI, suggests the proposal of carbon dioxide: a natural working fluid. This paper deals with a feasibility study of a refrigerating system for a big hypermarket in Sicily based on a three-stage transcritical cycle working with carbon dioxide which is compared with an alternative system composed of two cycles operating as a binary refri…

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Building energy demand assessment through heating degree days: the importance of a climatic dataset

Abstract The weather is one of the main factors to consider when designing a building because it represents the most important boundary condition to affect the dynamic behaviour of the building. In the literature, many studies use the degree day to predict building energy demand. However, linking the results obtained from a generic building simulation tool with defined degree days, will not give reliable energy evaluation. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that the assessment of building energy demand through the use of the degree day is correct only if the determination of the climate index is a function of the same weather data. The relationship between Heating Degree-Day and heati…

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Upgrade of citrus waste as a biofuel via slow pyrolysis

Abstract Slow pyrolysis (200–650 °C) experiments on citrus residues (orange peel waste “OP” and lemon peel waste “LP”) were carried out in lab scale fixed bed batch reactor. Bio-oil and bio-char obtained by thermal degradation are more stable, more homogeneous and higher energy content fuels when compared to the parent feedstock. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed higher stability of LP waste, which appears related to the higher lignin content . Mass and energy yields of solid and liquid products (i.e., char and oil) were measured to determine the effects of peak temperature on feedstock. A linear correlation between Gross Calorific Value (GCV), peak temperatures and mass loss (ML) all…

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Il riutilizzo dei materiali di scarto provenienti dai processi industriali di estrazione e lavorazione del marmo nella tecnica delle costruzioni stradali

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Cogeneration plant in a pasta factory: Energy saving and environmental benefit

Abstract Italy produces approximately 4,520,000 tons of pasta annually, which is about 67% of its total productive potential. As factories need electric and thermal energy simultaneously, combined heat and power (CHP) systems are the most suitable. This paper describes a feasibility study of a CHP plant in a pasta factory in Italy while analyzing energy saving and environmental benefits. Commercially available CHP systems suitable for the power range of energy demand in pasta production use reciprocating engines or gas turbines. This study demonstrates how their use can reduce both energy costs and CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emission in the environment. An economic analysis was performed…

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Se l'olio d'oliva è sostenibile

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Due to the negative effects of synthetic refrigerants on the environment, natural refrigerants have obtained again interest as alternative refrigerants for different applications because of their zero ODP and negligible GWP. This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of different two-stage cascade refrigeration systems using as refrigerant carbon dioxide (R744) in low-temperature circuit, and, respectively, ammonia (R717), propane (R290), butane (R600), R404A, R410A and R134a in high-temperature circuit. The operating parameters considered in this study include condensing and evaporating temperatures in high-temperature circuit, temperature difference in the cascade heat exchanger, and e…

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A testing facility for refrigerating plants equipment working with new fluids

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Multi-Energy School System for Seasonal Use in the Mediterranean Area

School buildings represent an energy-consuming sector of real estate where different efficiency actions are necessary. The literature shows how the design of a multi-energy system offers numerous advantages, however, there are problems related to the integration of cogeneration units with renewable energy sources due to the low flexibility of the first one and the high degree of uncertainty of the latter. The authors provide an alternative solution through the analysis of a case study consisting of a multiple energy system in three Sicilian schools, focusing on the system&rsquo

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La cogenerazione con microturbine a gas nei pastifici

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Usi energetici dei residui agricoli della coltivazione cerealicola in associazione con colture no food di rotazione: un caso studio nel Comprensorio Madonita mediante GIS

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In consequence of the increasing awareness on the future scarcity of fossil energy sources and the global warming impact of energy conversion processes, the European Union has been planning several actions to enhance the efficiency of energy use and reduce the environmental impact. The declared goals of EU actions are synthetized in the 20-20-20 formula, consisting of an expected 20% increase of energy efficiency, a 20% contribution to the total energy supply by renewable sources and a 20% abatement of pollutant emissions. Applications of cogeneration in process industry can significantly contribute to achieve these targets. In this paper a reciprocate engine-based Combined Heat and Power (…

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Recupero energetico da termovalorizzazione di rsu e dissalazione, un connubio possibile

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La rintracciabilità come contributo alla sostenibilità delle filiere agroalimentari: il caso di un molino-pastificio

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Studio di fattibilità di un impianto di climatizzazione con accumulo di caldo e freddo con ghiaccio per un grosso ipermercato ubicato in Sicilia

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A solar assisted seasonal borehole thermal energy system for a non-residential building in the Mediterranean area

Abstract Solar heating and cooling systems are reliable and feasible solutions among renewable energy technologies. Indeed, solar thermal devices help reduce primary energy consumption and can reduce electricity demand, thus representing one of the best options for satisfying heating and/or cooling energy supply. The Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) represents one of the best promising option among the various storage technologies, because the size of the storage can be easily extended by drilling additional boreholes and simply connecting the pipes to the existing boreholes; the overall energy efficiency of this system is about 40–60%. In this paper, the authors present an applicatio…

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Technical and economical feasibility of biomass use for power generation in Sicily

Biomass can provide a reliable support for production ofbiofuels while contributing to sustainable management of natural resources. Many countries, including Italy, have introduced important incentive schemes to support the use of biomass for electricity, heat and transportation. This has raised considerable interest towards the use of biomass for energy generation purposes. Nonetheless, the design and installation ofbiomass-fuelled power plants present several critical issues, such as choice and availability of biomass, choice of technology, power plant localization and logistics. The case study tackled in this paper evaluates the economies originated by a 1MW el Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC…

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Esperimenti sulle prestazioni di fluidi sostitutivi dell’R22 negli impianti frigoriferi

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Cogeneration systems represent an effective solution for optimizing energy performance of users with contemporary thermal and electrical energy demand. An energy audit of an industrial pasta factory equipped with a cogeneration system natural gas fuelled has carried out along last two years. This CHP plant, with a 650 kWe capacity, currently covers a relevant fraction of the electric and high-temperature heat loads during peak hours, while it is switched off during off-peak hours because of the much lower electricity price. Heat content of flue gases is recovered by two cascaded gas-diathermic oil and diathermic oil- water heat exchangers; the superheated water obtained is then supplied to …

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Seawater desalination utilizing thermal energy from MSW

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Assessment of bio-combustibles production via slow pyrolysis of wine industry residues

With the aim of evaluating the potential production of high energy solid and liquid bio-fuels, a laboratory scale fixed bed reactor (FBR) derived from the standard Gray-King (GK) assay test on coal was used to carry out fixed bed pyrolysis experiments on wine industry by-products. The present study provides results on the pyrolysis of grape marc, residual from wine-making process, consisting of 50% by weight of grape seeds and 50% by weight of grape skins, at temperature between 150 and 500 °C, holding time of 30 minutes. Pyrolysis mass yields of solid (char) and liquid (tar) products and their corresponding energy properties, as a function of reaction temperature, are reported and discusse…

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Valorizzazione energetica delle biomasse: un caso studio mediante GIS

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Caso studio - Determinazione del quadro complessivo relativo alla utilizzazione del Gas Naturale nel territorio della Regione Siciliana

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Modelling heat transfer-controlled cooling and freezing times: a comparison between computational values and experimental results

Modelling of heat transfer-controlled cooling and freezing time predictions are very important for a good preservation of foodstuffs. In that regard, we used a computer code based on the finite-element method that allowed us to analyse the phase-change of various foodstuffs during their freezing. The model was exercised to predict process times. The results can be used to design high efficiency plants. In this work, the results predicted by the FEM program are compared with the experimental values given in technical literature.

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Potential applications using LNG cold energy in Sicily

According to previsions, natural gas could be the main energy source worldwide, inducing relevant geopolitical changes. Most likely, such problems will be solved with the development of a gas transportation mode alternative to traditional pipelines: liquefied natural gas (LNG). The global LNG trade has increased rapidly during recent years. A significant amount of energy is consumed to produce low-temperature LNG, which has plenty of cryogenic exergy/ energy. Therefore, the effective utilization of the cryogenic energy associated with LNG vaporization is very important. Sicily, with more than five million inhabitants, is the second biggest region of Italy and in this region will be realized…

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Characterization of cooling loads in the wine industry and novel seasonal indicator for reliable assessment of energy saving through retrofit of chillers

Abstract The food sector is a major consumer of energy and growing efforts are being made in the search for solutions that will guarantee the efficient and sustainable use of energy resources. Among the different sectors, wineries are attracting particular interest due to the continuous growth of the global market and production. Surveys conducted in the winemaking sector have highlighted the importance of performing accurate energy audits and have identified the installation of efficient refrigeration systems as a promising solution in a variety of cases. Unfortunately, the savings achievable by efficient cooling technologies are often estimated using simplified approaches which do not tak…

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Ottimizzazione energetica e razionalizzazione della domanda elettrica dei supermercati e degli ipermercati.

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Numerical Solution of Foodstuff Freezing Problems Using Radial Basis Functions

This work presents a novel numerical approach for the solution of time dependent non-linear freezing processes in terms of radial basis function Hermite approach. The proposed scheme is applied to a mashed potato sample during its freezing; evaluation of time evolution of the temperature profile at the core of the sample is carried out. Food thermal properties are highly dependent on temperature and the mathematical problem becomes highly non-linear and therefore particularly difficult to solve. Incorporating a Kirchhoff transformation significantly reduces the non-linearity. The robustness of the scheme is tested by comparison with experimental results available in literature.

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On the Reliability of Optimization Results for Trigeneration Systems in Buildings, in the Presence of Price Uncertainties and Erroneous Load Estimation

Cogeneration and trigeneration plants are widely recognized as promising technologies for increasing energy efficiency in buildings. However, their overall potential is scarcely exploited, due to the difficulties in achieving economic viability and the risk of investment related to uncertainties in future energy loads and prices. Several stochastic optimization models have been proposed in the literature to account for uncertainties, but these instruments share in a common reliance on user-defined probability functions for each stochastic parameter. Being such functions hard to predict, in this paper an analysis of the influence of erroneous estimation of the uncertain energy loads and pric…

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Life Cycle Assessment for Supporting Eco-Design: The Case Study of Sodium–Nickel Chloride Cells

The European Union is moving towards a sustainable, decarbonized, and circular economy. It has identified seven key value chains in which to intervene, with the battery and vehicle value chain being one of them. Thus, actions and strategies for the sustainability of batteries need to be developed. Since Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a strategic tool for evaluating environmental sustainability, this paper investigates its application to two configurations of a sodium–nickel chloride cell (planar and tubular), focusing on the active material and the anode, with the purpose of identifying the configuration characterized by the lowest environmental impacts. The results, based on a “from cradle…

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Analisi di cicli frigoriferi a cascata e confronto con cicli frigoriferi a doppio stadio

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Analisi di inventario di un sistema di valorizzazione energetica di biomasse residuali di origine forestale in un’ottica di ciclo di vita

Il presente lavoro descrive i risultati dell’analisi di inventario di un impianto integrato “gassificatore – cogeneratore” impiegato per la valorizzazione energetica di biomasse residuali di origine forestale, in un’ottica di ciclo di vita. Il sistema gassificatore – cogeneratore è un prototipo realizzato presso il laboratorio di Bioenergia e Biocombustibili dell’Università di Bolzano. L’impianto è costituito da un gassificatore down-draft e un cogeneratore con motore diesel dual – fuel e una potenza elettrica di 3 kW. L’analisi di inventario è stata sviluppata in accordo agli standard della serie ISO 14040. L’unità funzionale (UF) è 1 kWh di energia elettrica immessa in rete. I confini del…

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L'applicazione della Direttiva ErP presso le piccole e medie imprese: punti di forza e criticità

La Direttiva ErP sulla progettazione ecocompatibile dei prodotti connessi all’energia richiede che le imprese applichino dei criteri di eco-design orientati alla riduzione degli impatti energetico-ambientali lungo tutte le fasi del ciclo di vita dei loro prodotti. In tale contesto la Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) rappresenta uno strumento di fondamentale importanza per individuare le “key issues” energetico-ambientali connesse ai processi produttivi. L’articolo presenta i risultati di una LCA applicata ad una caldaia a biomassa prodotta in Sicilia, evidenziando i punti di forza e le criticità connessi all’attuazione della Direttiva da parte delle piccole e medie imprese.

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Municipal waste management in Sicily: practices and challenges.

There are numerous problems yet to be solved in waste management and although efforts towards waste recovery and recycling have been made, landfills are still the most common method used in the EU and many other industrialised countries. Thermal disposal, particularly incineration, is a tested and viable alternative. In 2004, only 11% of the annual waste production of Italy was incinerated. Sicily, with over five million inhabitants, is the second largest region in Italy where waste management is now a critical problem. The use of landfills can no longer be considered a satisfactory environmental solution; therefore, new methods have to be chosen and waste-toenergy plants could provide an a…

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Efficienza energetica ed ambientale delle aree industriali- un caso studio di simbiosi industriale nella provincia di Palermo

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Analysis of some renewable energy uses and demand side measures for hotels on small Mediterranean islands: A case study

Abstract Tourist activity strongly influences the energy consumption and the overall load profile of communities with isolated energy systems. One example is hotel sectors on small islands that are not connected to mainland energy distribution grids. The use of solar energy systems could be a smart option for reducing energy consumption and tackling seasonal fluctuation. The operation of a weak and isolated electric grid requires attention to the management of power profiles in very short time frames. Energy storage (thermal or electric), as well as building automation control technologies, can be utilised for these aims. In this context, the present paper illustrates a study conducted at a…

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Analysis of Air Cycle and Efficiency Evaluation for a Blast Freezing Tunnel Plant

Air refrigerating systems offer a suitable alternative to vapour compression systems. Air can be used as working fluid in gas compression cycles for refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump systems. This paper gives some results of theoretical investigation into improved air cycles for refrigeration systems and a comparison is made with their performances. The case-study relates to a dual purpose refrigerating plant. A blast freezing tunnel gives the coldest air stream and, in cascade, the air coming out from the tunnel is used in a channel network for feeding a lot of chilling cells. The case-study analysed indicates that there is a real possibility to build plants which will be equip…

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A Testing Facility for Refrigerating Plants Equipment Working with New Fluids

A test rig was built in the department of energy, in laboratory of refrigerating engineering for test runs with a lot of fluid and equipment of various kind for commercial refrigeration. The facility has been continuously improved during the past years and allows to perform experiments aiming to assess the performance characteristics both of conventional and new equipment for commercial refrigeration. In the test rig can be tested a lot of cooling loop filled with a secondary fluid for simulation of their behavior in industrial and commercial plants (e.g.: during exploitation in supermarket and hypermarket for refrigeration of foodstuffs in cold store, display cases and cabinets, etc.). The…

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Caso Studio relativo ad un ipermercato ubicato in Sicilia, opportunità di risparmio energetico, studi di fattibilità

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Energy saving analysis in industrial processes by heat pump systems with ammonia as refrigerant: the case of a cheese factory

In the last few years, the consumption of energy has been the heart of many papers about future developments of refrigerating engines. The studies regard especially refrigerating systems used in industrial fields, where their operation can cause direct and indirect effects on our environment. In order to set a limit to the harms induced by the use of synthetic refrigerants and in order to follow up energy saving, it is very important to investigate new solutions. This paper reports a feasibility study on the plants of a cheese factory by means of addition of an heat pump with ammonia as refrigerant in order to recover the termic reject of two refrigerating units and to supply the required h…

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Concrete thermal energy storage for linear Fresnel collectors: Exploiting the South Mediterranean’s solar potential for agri-food processes

Abstract Italy is celebrated in the world for its agri-food industries while the process of production of pasta is highly energy demanding and requires both electrical and thermal energy simultaneously. Because most of the Italian factories producing pasta are located in the Southern part of the country, the direct use of thermal energy generated from the sun would be particularly profitable. In this study, the authors examine the possibility of generating by a Solar Industrial Process Heating plant the thermal energy required annually by an existing factory that produces durum wheat pasta located in Sicily (Italy). The hypothesized plant scheme consists of an array of Fresnel linear solar …

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Absorption equipment for energy savings: A case study in Sicily

Abstract This paper considers a feasibility study on the recovery of the reject heat available from an electric utility with two units operating with 120-MW gas turbines; these units have a heat recovery system that feeds the district heating pipeline of an industrial consortium. Thus, feeding the expeller of the absorption equipment installed in a cooling plant for foodstuff stocking represents an opportunity for the feasibility study. This plant operates at both 0 °C and −18 °C. The feasibility study covers two aspects: (1) the technical feasibility of a suitable absorption cooling plant that uses two separate pieces of absorption equipment working with the pair ammonia–water and (2) the …

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Solare per la conservazione alimentare

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La normativa obbligatoria e le certificazioni volontarie nel settore agroalimentare e proposta di un manuale integrato qualità ed ambiente relativo al processo di produzione dell’olio d’oliva

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La Nuova Gestione Strategica dei Rifiuti Solidi Urbani in Sicilia

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Energy Retrofit. A Case Study—Santi Romano Dormitory on the Palermo University

Electrical and thermal consumption related to buildings, whether civil, commercial, public, or of any other kind, is very much in focus today. With today’s targets for energy savings, reduction of consumption, and environmental impact, it is necessary to carry out energy retrofits to modernize installations and their management. The realization of an effective improvement requires a careful analysis of the case study because each category of building has different requirements such as different load profiles and different installations and needs. This was carried out by studying the electrical and thermal load profiles. A good initial energy audit can provide the retrofit solutions capable …

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An integrated approach based on Life Cycle Assessment and Thermoeconomics: Application to a water-cooled chiller for an air conditioning plant

Abstract A large number of methods for energy systems analysis were developed in the last decades, aimed at acquiring an in-depth understanding of plant performances and enabling analysts to identify optimal design and operating conditions. In this work an integrated approach based on Life Cycle Assessment and Thermoeconomics is proposed as a method for assessing the exergo-environmental profile of energy systems. The procedure combines the capabilities of these two techniques, to account simultaneously for aspects related to thermodynamics of energy conversion processes and to the overall impacts along the plant life cycle related to other phases, i.e. from raw material extraction to the d…

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Riscaldamento globale: prospettive di impiego dei fluidi frigorigeni

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An experimental study of a refrigerating plant when replacing R22 with HFCs refrigerants

This paper presents the results of an experimental analysis comparing the performance of a vapour compression refrigerating unit operating with R22, and its performance in comparison to some HFCs fluids, substituting the former according to reg. n. 2037/2000. In particular, the plant working efficiency was first tested with R22 and then with three HFC fluids: R417A, R407C and R404A. The investigation verified that the performance with HFCs refrigerants did not result as efficient as when using R22. An environmental analysis also was performed.

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Embodied energy of pasta: first results of a field assessment

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Road Thermal Collector for Building Heating in South Europe: Numerical Modeling and Design of an Experimental Set-Up

The combination/integration of renewable energy and storage systems appears to have significant potential, achieving high-energy results with lower costs and emissions. One way to cover the thermal needs of a building is through solar energy and its seasonal storage in the ground. The SMARTEP project aims to create an experimental area that provides for the construction of a road solar thermal collector directly connected to a seasonal low-temperature geothermal storage with vertical boreholes. The storage can be connected to a ground-to-water heat pump for building acclimatization. This system will meet the requirements of visual impact and reduction of the occupied area. Nevertheless, sev…

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The DREAM experimental facility for testing Equipment for Refrigerating Plants working with new fluids

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Design di edifici a energia netta zero alla luce della Direttiva Europea 2010/31/CE (EPBD recast) sulla prestazione energetica nell'edilizia [GU europea del 18 giugno 2010 (L 153)]

Il presente lavoro descrive dettagliatamente gli studi e le attività svolte in seno al progetto di ricerca “Design di edifici a energia netta zero alla luce della direttiva europea 2010/31/CE (EPBD Recast) sulla prestazione energetica nell’edilizia GU Europea del 18 giugno 2010 (L153)”. L’attività di approfondimento sull’edificio oggetto di studio, la Leaf House, è stata svolta nell’ambito dei diversi filoni di ricerca di seguito elencati: 1. Analisi dei dati dell’edificio esistente, 2. Redesign dell’edificio esistente, 3. Embodied energy dell’edificio esistente. 4. Partecipazione a gruppi di lavoro internazionali in seno alla task 40 dell’IEA. Gli indicatori sviluppati nel corso dei lavori…

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Life Cycle Assessment di sistemi per le auto elettriche, Report Ricerca di sistema elettrico RdS/2012/093


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