Maria Gabriella Verso

Testo Unico sulla sicurezza: cenni storici e nozioni di base

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Nota Introduttiva

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Sulla dermatite da contatto sistemica nella patologia generale e professionale

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Ischemic cardiovascular disease in workers occupationally exposed to urban air pollution – A systematic review

Introduction Cardiovascular disease is the first cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Among several known risk factors, researchers also focus their attention on the chronic exposure to air pollution. There is much evidence that exposure to air pollution, especially to ultrafine particles, can damage the endothelium and can favour cardiovascular diseases in the general population. Occupational exposition could be an additive risk factor for the cardiovascular system. This article presents a scientific review of the linkage between occupational exposure to air pollution and ischemic heart disease. Material and methods A scientific review was undertaken, followed by PRISMA Statements. …

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Valutazione dell'alcol-dipendenza in categorie a rischio per l'incolumità di terzi: dati preliminari

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Accertamento della condizione di assenza di tossicodipendenza nei lavoratori: ruolo del Medico Competente

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Valutazione delle conoscenze in materia di rischi e prevenzione da parte dei lavoratori e dei datori di lavoro: indagine condotta in alcuni cantieri edili della provincia di Agrigento

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Coxiella burnetii spread in Sicily

Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by C. burnetii. Common reservoirs of this worldwide disease are wild and domestic animals, especially sheep, goats, cattle. Q fever has been considered also an occupational disease for abattoir workers, sheep shearers, livestock farmers, and veterinarians due to their direct contact with potentially infected animals. The aims of this study were to estimate C. burnetii spread in Sicilian livestock and among rangers that live and work in Western Sicily. ELISA test on animal serum and IFI test on seasonal rangers sera were carried out. Real Time PCR was performed on milk and vaginal swab samples collected from animals to search for the C. burnetii DNA. The …

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Idoneità al lavoro nel paziente cardiochirurgico: proposta di iter procedurale

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Screening for Latent Tuberculosis Infection among Students of Healthcare Professions and Postgraduates of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Palermo

Introduction and objective: Italy is a country with a low incidence of tuberculosis and in the last fifty years the annual number of TB cases decreased from 12,247 to 4,418, showing a reduction of approximately 64% in the number of cases and 71% in incidence. Despite of this encouraging trend, in the last years the epidemiology of tuberculosis changed and today it is a re-emerging infectious. The aim of this study is to measure the prevalence of positivity to tuberculosis infection (latent TB) in students, without any obvious manifestation of disease, attending degree courses of the health care professions and postgraduate medical courses of the School of Medicine of the University of Paler…

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Malattie asbesto-correlate osservate in un reparto di Medicina del Lavoro siciliano

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Predictors of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Titers two decades after vaccination in a cohort of students and post-graduates of the Medical School at the University of Palermo, Italy

Introduction and objective. The introduction of a vaccine against hepatitis B virus (HBV) for newborn babies in Italy in 1991, extended to 12-year-old children for the first 12 years of application, has been a major achievement in terms of the prevention of HBV infection. The objective of this study was to analyse the long-term immunogenicity and effectiveness of HBV vaccination among healthcare students with different working seniorities. Materials and method. A cross-sectional observational study of undergraduate and postgraduate students attending the Medical School of the University of Palermo was conducted from January 2014 – July 2016. HBV serum markers were performed with commercial …

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Rischio alcolico e possibili interventi di prevenzione: indagine conoscitiva in alcuni cantieri edili del territorio agrigentino

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Casa e salute - rischi domestici e salute nelle casalinghe

This study discuss home security and shows that "the house" is very rich of dangers. In fact housewives are exposed to various risk factors and have a high incidence of physical and mental disorders.

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Aspetti normativi inerenti l'assunzione di bevande alcoliche sui luoghi di lavoro

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D.M. 155/07: Registro degli esposti agli agenti cancerogeni

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Laryngopathies by vocal abuse: clinical multidisciplinary evaluation in workers at risk

Background: Attention to vocal pathologies in occupational categories that provide for a continuous use and often abuse of phonation has grown in recent decades. Objectives: Aim of this study was to evaluate presence of laryngopathies by vocal abuse in subjects occupationally exposed, namely teachers and singers, compared with non-exercising jobs at risk, also checking if self-assessment tests and spectrographic signals could be predictive of disease observed with endoscopy. Methods: We therefore proceeded to enroll on a voluntary basis, after information campaign, subjects, which in addition to an ananmnestic framework, underwent a multidisciplinary evaluation, which included, besides a fi…

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Esposizione cronica a campi elettromagnetici a bassissima frequenza correlata ad alterazioni elettrocardiografiche nell'uomo

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Salute e lavoro in un'ottica di genere

E' stata condotta una revisione della letteratura per evidenziare quali tra le patologie lavoro-correlate esprimano differenze di sesso/genere negli outcome di salute e focalizzare i principali limiti degli studi in tale ambito. La ricerca, effettuata su PubMed mediante stringa specifica, ha identificato 4828 articoli (periodo 1997-2017) di cui 381 eleggibili ai fini della revisione (4-22% a seconda della patologia). Tra questi, il 68% hanno evidenziato differenze di sesso/genere negli outcome di salute che nella maggior parte dei casi sembrano dovute ad una diversa esposizione e/o ad una segregazione lavorativa, piuttosto che a differenze biologiche. Pochi studi tuttavia pongono tale valut…

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Monitoraggio biologico nei lavoratori esposti ad EBDC in un’azienda vitivinicola siciliana

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Studio osservazionale su un gruppo di operatori sanitari addetti alla manipolazione di farmaci antiblastici di tre nosocomi siciliani

Neoplastic disease therapy problems, e.g. antiblastic drugs manipulation, is developing. We suggested correlation assessment between the lasting professional workers' exposition of three city hospital and disease development. We selected 43 exposed workers; we gave a questionnaire regarding the modality of activity; then we examined this sample with a protocol including clinical examination and special tests (blood tests, ECG, audiometry and spirometry). RESULTS: over 55% of the workers reported aspecific complaint related to antiblastic exposure (headache, nausea, vertigo, dermatitis, alopecia, rhino-conjunctivitis, asthenia, parageusia, fauces dryness); we registered, instead, the absence…

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Accertamenti di assenza d'uso di sostanze stupefacenti in mansioni a rischio per terzi: studio su un gruppo di lavoratori della provincia di Palermo

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Valutazione stress lavoro-correlato in un'azienda sanitaria siciliana: criticità e spunti di riflessione

In accordo con l’OMS, il D.Lgs. 81/08 ha introdotto l’obbligo di valutare in tutte le realtà lavorative il rischio stress, secondo i contenuti dell’Accordo Europeo dell’8 ottobre 2004. Sulla base del nuovo obbligo di legge, la Commissione Consultiva ha fornito nel novembre 2010 le indicazioni metodologiche. Il settore occupazionale prescelto per l’analisi è stato una azienda ospedaliera di una provincia siciliana ai cui lavoratori, distinti per partizioni organizzative e mansioni omogenee, è stato somministrato il Questionario Indicatore modello ISPESL-HSE. Dal presente studio è emersa una percentuale di rischio alta per tutti i reparti afferenti al Dipartimento di Emergenza e per l’U.O.C. …

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Patologie da freddo

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Mense e personale addetto alle cucine: valutazione dei rischi occupazionali

The aim of the study is to evaluate the occupational risks among food service workers and cooks. During the occupational risks assessment the following risk factors must be evaluated: musculoskeletal disorders, chemical risk (cleaning kitchen work surface, dishes, utensils ecc.) biological risk (contact with foods or biological agents) cancerogenic risk (by baking smoke inhalation), and psycho-social stress. In this study the preventive measures and protective equipment to prevent health hazards for these workers have been evaluated (i.e. aspiration hood, adapted ventilation, chosen of less harmful methods of baking, ecc.). In particular the performance of rigid behavioural norms and hygien…

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Malattie asbesto-correlate in un reparto di medicina del lavoro palermitano

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Esposizione a campi elettromagnetici a bassa frequenza (ELF) in ambito occupazionale e nella popolazione generale

Scopo del presente lavoro è quello di verificare l’eventuale riscontro di alterazioni della frequenza cardiaca e del ritmo cardiaco in un campione di soggetti esposti professionalmente a campi elettromagnetici, nello specifico lavoratori di centrali elettriche e sottostazioni, afferenti presso l’ambulatorio di cardiologia della Sezione di MDL dell’AOUP di PA, posti a confronto con soggetti di pari età e sesso non esposti al fattore di rischio considerato. I dati raccolti sono stati messi in relazione ai rilievi ambientali dei campi elettromagnetici a bassa frequenza effettuati dall’ARPA Sicilia (1). Sono stati quindi analizzati i risultati ottenuti nelle due popolazioni in esame al fine di …

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Malattie Infettive

Il rischio biologico in ambito lavorativo rappresenta un fattore di grande attualità e in continua evoluzione, anche in relazione alla crescente attenzione verso agenti patogeni resistenti alle comuni terapie, alla identificazione di patologie emergenti (influenza aviaria, SARS, West Nile) e all’ubiquitarietà del rischio. L’attenzione del medico del lavoro deve rivolgersi a varie categorie lavorative esposte, oltre quelle inerenti l’ambito sanitario la cui trattazione sarà affrontata in altro capitolo; fra queste ricordiamo, in un elenco non esaustivo, tutte le professioni veterinarie, quelle attive nel settore primario, nonché gli addetti alla rimozione e trattamento dei rifiuti, al tratta…

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Flebopatie e giudizio di idoneità al lavoro: descrizione di alcuni casi clinici

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D.M. 155/2007: cartella sanitaria e di rischio negli esposti a rischio cancerogeno

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Approfondimenti di fisiopatologia generale in dermatologia professionale

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Cavo orale: distretto obbligato nella diagnostica di patologie sistemiche e della cute. Approccio clinico-semeiologico

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Infortuni e malattie riscontrate nell'attività della pesca nel porto di Trapani

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Studio osservazionale sull’assunzione di bevande alcoliche in un gruppo di operai palermitani del settore dell’edilizia

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Esposizione professionale a polveri di legno duro in un gruppo di falegnami siciliani

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Rilievi semeiologici e diagnostici nella pratica medica. Appendice: il geroglifico cutaneo.

La dermatologia è stata spesso considerata branca di esclusiva pertinenza degli specialisti. Sempre più spesso invece i Medici di Medicina Generale e i Medici del Lavoro si cimentano con affezioni della cute e degli annessi la cui etiologia e la cui soluzione diagnostica possono per lo meno essere orientate da tali professionisti prima del ricorso agli specialisti. La collana in cui è inserito tale articolo, si propone di essere utile strumento nella pratica quotidiana per i non dermatologi.

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Apnee ostruttive del sonno e lavoro: studio condotto su un gruppo di lavoratori

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Concentrazioni ematiche ed urinarie di cromo in una popolazione siciliana esposta e non per motivi professionali: valutazioni e considerazioni

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Releves hematiques de chrome sur la population habitant en zone urbaine ou extra-urbaine

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Biphasic pleural mesothelioma in a electrician working in a railway company: Case report and current trends in mesotheliomas in Italy

Background: Mesothelioma is an aggressive tumour that can involve the pleura, the peritoneum, and sometimes other mesothelia, such as the pericardium and the tunica vaginalis testis. Scientific communities have known for a long time the causal correlation between exposure to asbestos (work related or not) and the onset of the disease (in 75% - 90% of cases) and the increasing number of asbestos-correlated mesotheliomas expected in the next years. Case presentation: The authors present the case of an electrician, 66-year-old man, died for pleural mesothelioma, working in Palermo in the company of the Italian Railways for a period of about 20 years, exposed to asbestos. Frequently he disassem…

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Latent Tuberculosis Infection among Healthcare Students and Postgraduates in a Mediterranean Italian Area: What Correlation with Work Exposure?

Background: Tuberculosis screening is part of the standard protocol for evaluating the risk of infection in healthcare workers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) among students attending various healthcare profession degree courses and postgraduate medical courses at the School of Medicine of the University of Palermo, Italy, and assess the possible professional origin of infection. Methods: In total, 2946 students (2082 undergraduates and 864 postgraduates) took part in a screening program for LTBI between January 2014 to April 2019 using the tuberculin skin test (TST). Students with a positive TST result underwent a Quantiferon-TB…

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Cardiovascular effects of occupational exposure to urban airborne pollution on a group of newsagents in the city of Palermo

Aims: To verify the possible correlation between exposure to airborne particulate matter the average size less than 10 μm (PM 10) of a group of newsagents working in kiosks in Palermo and evidence of carotid intimal thickening. Materials and methods: data were collected relating to environmental monitoring of airborne pollutants. We have selected a sample of newsagents, who were submitted to some clinical investigations, including the carotid echo-color doppler examination. Results: The results show no correlation between the location of the kiosks, and the presence of intimal thickening. Conclusion: Exposition to urban pollutants in Palermo is likely homogenous in the different areas and c…

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La cute nella patologia vascolare su base funzionale

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Prevalenza dell'infezione tubercolare latente e fattori di rischio associati in studenti di area sanitaria. Risultati preliminari di uno studio multicentrico italiano

Vedasi file allegato

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Monitoraggio ambientale e biologico dei gas anestetici: studio condotto in 20 sale operatorie di ospedali palermitani

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The economic crisis that started in 2008 in many countries of the world, has resulted in the reduction of many jobs in all the regions of Italy, most especially in the Southern part of the Country. The employment difficulties experienced by both the unemployed and employed workers, experiencing increasingly precarious conditions, will inevitably result in a worsening of psycho-physical conditions of the population; especially as an increase in stress-related diseases. Aims: The aim of this study is to point-out the possible effects of the economic crisis on the health status of the population resident in Italy and Sicily, evaluating data from years preceding and following the year 2008. Met…

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Le alterazioni del senso cromatico: studio di prevalenza su lavoratori del settore terziario

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Cromemia e cromuria: valori a confronto tra soggetti professionalmente esposti al cromo e popolazione generale

Aim of present study is the valutation and quantification of chromium in blood and urine. We compared 3 groups of persons formed by building workers, in particular masons, because cement contains potassium chromate that is dangerous for health, and by common people: urban population and outside the town population. In fact, exposure to CrVI risk is high for people who live near chromate industries. We maked a medical examination, blood and instrumental tests, chromium measuring in blood (recent exposure indicator) and urine (recent and previous indicator). Then we used statistical methods to estimate obtained values of blood and urine chromium among professional exposed people and common pe…

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Immunization against Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) in a Cohort of Nursing Students Two Decades after Vaccination: Surprising Feedback

Health-care students can be exposed to biological risks during university training. The persistence of long-term immunogenicity against hepatitis B virus (HBV) was analyzed in a cohort of nursing students two decades after primary vaccination. A total of 520 students were enrolled at the University of Palermo and were evaluated for levels of anti-HBsAg antibodies. The students were examined during the first year of their Degree Course and were checked two years later. All students with anti-HBsAg &lt

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Lavoro Domestico

Il lavoro domestico presenta numerose peculiarità che ne rendono complesso l’inquadramento dal punto di vista della salute e della sicurezza dei lavoratori. In primo luogo il soggetto casalingo trascorre molto tempo all’interno delle mura domestiche, con tempi di esposizione alle diverse noxae lesive lunghi e difficilmente quantificabili; in secondo luogo è estremamente difficile promuovere in modo capillare le attività tipicamente svolte negli altri ambiti lavorativi, quali l’attuazione delle misure di prevenzione e protezione del lavoratore, la valutazione dei rischi, l’informazione e la formazione o la sorveglianza sanitaria. I vari fattori di rischio, sia per la sicurezza sia per la sal…

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Prevalenza di anticorpi anti-HCV e anti-HBV nei lavoratori della sanità di un nosocomio palermitano

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Female age at first pregnancy and work task: finding correlation and evolution over the past two decades in a Sicilian province

Background: the entrance of women in the workforce, due to a their growing cultural and, accordingly, social commitment, changed many aspects of their lives; the research or the maintenance of a job, especially during periods of severe economic crisis, leads to a delay of many physiological stage, maternity at first. The aim of this study is to verify and, if it really happened, to quantify an increasing age of first-time mothers in a sample of mothers in the province of Agrigento in the last 20 years, correlating any positive response to the work task performed. Material and Methods: we have enrolled all primiparous women who gave birth in a hospital in the province of Agrigento, from Janu…

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Esposizione cronica a campi elettromagnetici ad alta frequenza ed alterazioni della funzione cardiaca.

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Esposizione professionale ad agenti inquinanti ambientali: studio osservazionale su un gruppo di edicolanti della città di Palermo.

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Valutazione del rischio infettivo occupazionale nell’A.O.U.P. di Palermo: dieci anni di sorveglianza

Nel presente lavoro sono stati esaminati gli eventi infortunistici occupazionali a rischio biologico avvenuti nell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico di Palermo nel decennio 2000-2011 al fine di rilevarne l’incidenza, anche in considerazione degli interventi di prevenzione adottati, le circostanze dell’evento, le categorie professionali maggiormente a rischio, le caratteristiche dell’operatore sanitario e, se noto, il quadro sierologico del paziente fonte. A tale scopo è stato esaminato un data-base dell’Azienda in cui vengono inseriti i suddetti dati al momento dell’incidente occupazionale a rischio infettivologico. Dall’elaborazione degli stessi è emerso che nell’anno 2000 l’in…

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Agenti biologici in ambienti di lavoro non sanitari.

Le Linee Guida su rischi specifici redatte dalla Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro offrono ai Medici Competenti di tutto il territorio nazionale la possibilità di orientarsi nell'approccio alla sorveglianza sanitaria rivolta a lavoratori esposti a rischi specifici. Il presente volume affronta la problematica del rischio biologico nei vari contesti lavorativi estranei al comparto della Sanità.

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Introduzione. La tubercolosi (TB) rappresenta ancora oggi un problema di salute pubblica a livello globale. Sebbene l’incidenza mostri ampie differenze geografiche, la TB rappresenta una delle più importanti cause di morte e quella principale da singolo agente infettivo (3). Si stima che un terzo della popolazione mondiale risulti infettata in forma latente da ceppi di Mycobacterium tuberculosis. L’infezione tubercolare latente (ITBL) e la TB costituiscono ancora oggi, un rischio professionale per gli operatori sanitari e soggetti a questi equiparati, quali studenti che svolgono attività formativa professionalizzante in ambito assistenziale. La maggior parte dei casi di malattia attiva di o…

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Prevalenza della positività della sierodiagnosi di Widal in una popolazione di operatori ecologici siciliana

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Esposizione a basse dosi di benzene: confronto di indicatori biologici tra soggetti professionalmente esposti e popolazione generale

Exposure to low doses of benzene: biological monitoring exposure in a group of occupational exposed workers and a group of general population. Even if exposure to benzene is considerably decreased in last years, the interest for this cercinogenic agent is still important. Benzene is used as additive in gasoline and it is present in cigarette smoke. Therefore benzene is considered an important toxic agent not only for occupational exposed people, but also for general population, in particular if living in high polluted areas. Aim of the present study is evaluation of trans, trans-muconic acid in urine of workers exposed to benzene and in the general population, making a distinction between s…

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Analisi del fenomeno infortunistico nei cantieri edili: correlazione tra rischi ed inadempienze normative riscontrate nei cantieri di Palermo

In the last years the building firm underwent real boom for investiments and workers but not for safety measures. In the building sector there is a great accidents risks for falls from the top. The aim of present study is to analyze trend of accidents at work in building yards according to INAIL DATA and we will identify causes and risks then we will correlate these risks with frequent law defaults that we noticed in the province of Palermo. At the end we will value possible preventive measures to avoid this phenomenon. DATA INAIL of period 2001-2005 about building sector show us a reduction of denounced accidents at work but this phenomenon is changeable. Palermo is the first Sicilian prov…

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SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Healthcare Professionals and General Population During “First Wave” of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in Sicily, Italy

On December 31, 2019, an outbreak of lower respiratory infections was documented in Wuhan caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Since the beginning, SARS-CoV-2 has caused many infections among healthcare workers (HCWs) worldwide. Aims of this study were: a. to compare the distribution among the HCWs and the general population of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Western Sicily and Italy; b. to describe the characteristics of HCWs infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the western Sicilian healthcare context during the first wave of the epidemic diffusion in Italy. Incidence and mean age of HCWs infected with SARS-CoV-2 were comparable in Western Sicily and in the whole Ita…

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Determinazione tramite GC/MS di etilentiourea (ETU) in urine di lavoratori di una azienda vitivinicola siciliana esposti a mancozeb

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Kinetics of Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Titers in Nurse Students after a Two-Year Follow-Up

Infection caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be prevented through a safe and effective vaccine. This study analysed the kinetics of serum antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) (anti-HBs) titers in relation to previous vaccine boosters in Italian nursing students who were followed up for two years. Serum anti-HBs titers were evaluated at the first visit, after vaccine booster (if required) and at visit after two years. Overall, 483 students (mean age = 21.7 years

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Occupational exposure to home risk factors: analysis of physical and mental health condition of a group of Sicilian housewives

INTRODUCTION: The work of housewives, in many ways, still lacks professional respect; particularly with respect to the neglect of exposure to risk factors such as: chemical, physical, biological, psychological and accidents. The purpose of this study is to analyze the possible impact of environmental risk factors on the physical and mental health of a group of Sicilian housewives. METHODS: We enrolled housewives living in Palermo and Catania and administered an anonymous questionnaire to obtain knowledge of three factors: (1) the habits of the respondents, (2) the type of house in which they lived and worked, (3) the diseases they suffered. We also administered them a hospital anxiety and d…

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Suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis in a sample of Western Sicily residents: what correlation with occupation?

Background: Leishmaniasis is a widespread infectious disease, but there is not much information about its prevalence in high risk occupational categories. Objectives: Te aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of Leishmania immunological positivity in human skin tissues collected from subjects living in Western Sicily, with suspected cutaneous Leishmania infection, in order to explore the risk possibly related to occupation. Methods: 318 consecutive subjects (M/F ratio=1.0, mean age=40±25.4 years), attending the Dermatology Department of the University of Palermo Hospital from 2013 to 2015, without any previous history of Leishmania infection and performing various occupations, were i…

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Rilievi diagnostico-differenziali nell'eczema da contatto

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Obesità e lavoro: misure di prevenzione ed ipotesi di intervento

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La brucellosi in ambito professionale: studio condotto su un gruppo di allevatori del territorio delle Madonie

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La cute nella patologia vascolare su base organica

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Occupational exposure to environmental pollutants: evaluation of long-term effects on a group of newsagents in the city of Palermo

Environmental pollution constantly threatens the health of urban populations. This problem of environmental hygiene takes a particular interest in Occupational Medicine, whereas some tasks take place mostly outdoors, so the airborne pollutants and noise can be considered as occupational hazards. The subject of this study is to evaluate the health of a group of newsagents in the city of Palermo, in relation to the level of urban pollution and noise monitored in ten years (2000-2010). It was assessed lung function, hearing, kidney, liver and cardiovascular systems, with particular reference to endothelial structures. Analysis of the results show the high prevalence of damage to the carotid di…

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Circolazione cutanea

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Monitoraggio ambientale dei gas anestetici: studio condotto in 20 sale operatorie di Ospedali palermitani

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Rilievi ematici di piombo inorganico nella popolazione residente in territorio urbano ed extraurbano: risultati preliminari

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Esostosi del cue: studio sulla prevalenza di “surfer’s ear” in un campione di operatori subacquei della Sicilia occidentale

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Sulla propedeutica dermatologica nella Medicina del Lavoro

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Sulla predisposizione individuale e prevenzione in dermatologia professionale

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Linee Guida della Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro: “Ruolo del medico del lavoro nella gestione e prevenzione della tubercolosi in ambito occupazionale"

Linee Guida della Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro sul ruolo del professionista Medico del lavoro nella gestione e prevenzione della tubercolosi nei vari ambiti lavorativi

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