Brynjar Landmark
Promoting coordination in Norwegian health care
This is the journal's version originally published in International Journal of Integrated Care. This article is designet as ”Open Access”. © International Journal of Integrated Care: http://www.ijic.org/index.php/ijic/index Introduction: The Norwegian health care system is well organized within its two main sectors - primary health and long term care on the one hand, and hospitals and specialist services on the other. However, the relation between them lacks mediating structures. Policy practice: Enhancing coordination between primary and secondary health care has been central in Norwegian health care policy the last decade. In 2003 a committee was appointed to identify coordination problem…
Promoting coordination in Norwegian health care1
Introduction The Norwegian health care system is well organized within its two main sectors—primary health and long-term care on the one hand, and hospitals and specialist services on the other. However, the relation between them lacks mediating structures. Policy practice Enhancing coordination between primary and secondary health care has been central in Norwegian health care policy in the last decade. In 2003 a committee was appointed to identify coordination problems and proposed a lot of practical and organisational recommendations. It relied on an approach challenging primary and secondary health care in shared geographical regions to take action. However, these proposals were not imp…
Non-pharmacological treatment of sexual problems – A review of research literature 1970–2008
Summary Based on a review covering 80 research papers selected from a larger material on effect of non-pharmacological treatment of sexual problems, treatment methods and techniques for common sexual problems are presented and the treatment effects are discussed in relation to the specific problem. Treatment methods are organised according to different groups: Psychodynamic, hypnosis, behavioural, cognitive, cognitive-behavioural, educational, marital, group therapy, sex therapy and bibliotherapy. Treatment methods and techniques within each group are described and studies within each group are presented. The results show positive effect for most approaches, but to varying degree. Therapy t…
Traitements non pharmacologiques des problèmes sexuels – Revue de la littérature de recherche (1970–2008)
Resume D’apres une synthese fondee sur 80 articles de recherche selectionnes a partir du plus grand nombre de documents consacres a l’effet des traitements non pharmacologiques des problemes sexuels, les methodes et techniques de traitement pour les problemes sexuels les plus courants sont decrits ainsi que les effet des traitements abordes en rapport avec le probleme specifique. Les methodes de traitement sont organisees selon differents groupes : therapie psychodynamique, comportementale, cognitive, cognitivo-comportementale, educative, de couple, de groupe, hypnose, sexotherapie et bibliotherapie. Les methodes et techniques de traitement au sein de chaque groupe sont decrites et les etud…