Antonio Chaves

Satisfacción y usabilidad de una app para luchar contra el estigma asociado al TOC y aumentar los conocimientos del mismo

Introducción: El Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo es un trastorno incapacitante en el que existe una elevada demora en la búsqueda de ayuda profesional. Se ha desarrollado una aplicación móvil (app) llamada esTOCma con el objetivo de aumentar el conocimiento sobre el TOC y dónde buscar ayuda y reducir el estigma asociado. Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de satisfacción y usabilidad asociados a la app esTOCma. Método: 36 personas (Edad M=32,67; DT=12,26; 54,8% mujeres) usaron la aplicación durante una media 10,36 días (DT=10,22). Tras su uso completaron el cuestionario de usabilidad SUS (System Usability Scale) y una escala de opinión sobre la app. Un 39% de la muestra indicó tener formación en salu…

research product

Efficacy of a mental health app intervention on family members of OCD patients

INTRODUCION. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has a high cost for families, who frequently take part in compulsions, reassure patients, assume part of their responsibilities, try to conceal the disorder, and show stigmatizing attitudes (Ociskova et al., 2013; Stengler-Wenzke et al., 2004). esTOCma is a gamified mental health mobile application (app) that offers information about OCD, suggests where to find help, and helps fight stigmatizing attitudes. The objective of this study is to test esTOCma efficacy in a sample of OCD family members. Specifically, we will analyze if, after using the app, there is a change in the following variables: mental health literacy about OCD, stigma and soc…

research product

Mental health literacy and stigma associated with obsessive-compulsive content dimensions: effectiveness of an intervention via smartphone.

Introduction. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a serious and disabling mental illness that presents a high delay in help seeking. Various studies suggest that stigma and mental health literacy (MHL) are two very important factors that favour this delay and that they vary depending on OCD symptoms. Considering that, the aim of this study is to, firstly, analyze the stigma and OCD literacy in relation to the different obsessive-compulsive symptom contents in the general population and, secondly, assess the impact of an intervention carried out through a mobile application (esTOCma) that has been gamified to decrease stigma and increase OCD literacy. Method. A group of 357 people (39.66 …

research product

Usability and feasibility of esTOCma, a gamified mobile application to reduce stigma and increase mental health literacy associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Introduction. Stigma is one of the main reasons why patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) delay seeking help and treatment. The esTOCma e-health app is a serious game that has been developed to overcome this stigma and lack of knowledge about OCD by providing tools for seeking professional help. The objective of this study is to analyze the usability, satisfaction and dropouts reason associated with the use of the esTOCma app. Method. 555 participants with an average age 39.24 years (SD= 15.78) (64.3% women) assessed the usability of the app after using it until the game was over (days of use Mean (SD) = 17.78 (15.58); range: 0 to 95 days). Participants assessed the usability th…

research product

¿Puede una aplicación móvil disminuir el estigma asociado al Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo y aumentar la intención de búsqueda de ayuda?

Introducción: El Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo (TOC) causa gran malestar e interferencia en la vida de las personas, sin embargo, existe una elevada demora en la búsqueda de ayuda profesional. Entre las principales causas de dicha demora destacan la falta de conocimientos sobre el trastorno (Mental Health Literacy) y el estigma asociado al mismo. Objetivo: Explorar si tras el uso de una aplicación móvil (app) de e-salud llamada esTOCma se modifican los niveles de estigma asociados al TOC, la distancia social, e intención de búsqueda de ayuda profesional. Método: 36 personas (Edad M=32,67; DT=12,26; 54,8% mujeres) completaron los siguientes instrumentos de evaluación antes y después del uso …

research product

Enhancing mental health literacy in obsessive-compulsive disorder and reducing stigma via smartphone: A randomized controlled trial protocol.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling disorder that can be successfully treated. However, individuals with OCD do not seek or delay seeking treatment. This delay may be explained by poor mental health literacy and stigmatizing attitudes toward OCD in community. In order to work on these variables, a gamified mental health mobile application (app) called esTOCma has been developed. The purpose of this study is to describe the protocol for a study to test the efficacy of esTOCma, increasing mental health literacy and help-seeking intention, reducing the stigmatizing attitudes and social distance suffered by people with OCD, as well as the distress associated with obsessive-compul…

research product

Nano-structured myelin: new nanovesicles for targeted delivery to white matter and microglia, from brain-to-brain

Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide and the presence of various physiological barriers limits the accessibility to the brain and reduces the efficacy of various therapies. Moreover, new carriers having targeting properties to specific brain regions and cells are needed in order to improve therapies for the brain disorder treatment. In this study, for the first time, Myelin nanoVesicles (hereafter defined MyVes) from brain-extracted myelin were produced. The MyVes have an average diameter of 100–150 ​nm, negative zeta potential, spheroidal morphology, and contain lipids and the key proteins of the myelin sheath. Furthermore, they exhibit good cytocompatibility. The…

research product

EsTOCma: An App to fight against stigma associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Introduction: Stigmatizing attitudes is a problem associated to mental disorders. In obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) stigma has been associated to shame, guilty and delay asking for help. Objective: To present the design of a mobile health application (app), named EsTOCma, with the objective to increase OCD mental health literacy, help seeking attitudes, and reduce stigmatizing/ self-stigmatizing attitudes and social distance associated with OCD in adult population (non-clinical and OCD population and their relatives). Method: Method: The requirements have been developed based on a literature review on mental health antistigma interventions, OCD stigma research, and serious games resear…

research product

Teachers' Knowledge and Stigmatizing Attitudes Associated With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Effectiveness of a Brief Educational Intervention

Because children and adolescents are vulnerable to developing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), classroom teachers play an important role in the early identification and intervention in students with OCD. The present study aims to explore the recognition of OCD, general knowledge about this disorder, implications in the classroom, and stigmatizing attitudes among teachers, as well as the effectiveness of a brief educational intervention about OCD. Participants (n = 95; mean age = 43. 29 years old; 64.3% female) were primary and secondary school teachers who were randomly assigned to an experimental group or a control group. All of them completed a set of self-report questionnaires, read …

research product

esTOCma, an app developed to dismiss self-stigma and increase mental health literacy about obsessive-compulsive disorder: how does it perform in a clinical sample?

Introduction. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling condition that can be treated successfully. However, individuals with OCD often fail to seek or delay seeking treatment. In order to overcome this gap and increase the intention to seek for help, a gamified mental health mobile application (app) called esTOCma has been developed with a focus on offering information about OCD and on discussing stigmatizing attitudes toward the disease. The general aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the intervention through esTOCma in a clinical OCD sample. The objective of the study was two-fold. First, to analyze if the intervention changes the following variables in a clinical OCD …

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A pesar de la elevada interferencia y malestar producido por el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) se observa una demora en la solicitud de asistencia. Esta demora se asocia principalmente a la falta de conocimiento sobre el trastorno y dónde acudir a a solicitar ayuda (mental health literacy; MHL). Otro factor relevante asociado a la demora es el estigma. El objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar el conocimiento, nivel de estigma y distancia social de la población general sobre los subtipos de TOC. MÉTODO: Participaron 52 personas (55,8% mujeres) que leyeron una viñeta (entre 6 opciones) que describía un paciente con TOC. A continuación completaron un cuestionario sobre MHL, el Attrib…

research product

EsTOCma: A Mental Health Application for Enhancing Mental Health Literacy About Obsessive-compulsive Disorder and Reduce Stigma: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a debilitating heterogeneous condition and one of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide, affecting approximately 2%-2.3% of the population. However, there is a long delay in seeking treatment, and between 38% and 89.8% of OCD sufferers neither ask for nor receive treatment for their symptoms. Studies on OCD report that insufficient mental health literacy about OCD and the associated stigma would explain the delayed treatment-seeking behavior of OCD patients. With the aim of increasing OCD mental health literacy and reducing the associated stigma, a gamified mental health mobile application (app) called esTOCma was developed. The o…

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