Bhavesh Sarna

Työntekijät vastuullisuuden sidosryhmänä : monimerkityksellisyys ja vastuullisuusviestinnän haasteet

research product

Voluntary CSR vs. mandatory CSR : the sound of employees

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) laws are an area of exploration and there is debate over preference to voluntary CSR laws or to mandatory CSR laws. The objective is to con-duct a micro-level study to explore the employee’s preferences for mandatory CSR laws or voluntary CSR laws. There is some existing literature on this topic at the macro-level and goal is to extend and contribute to the literature about this topic by studying the pref-erence at the micro-level. A qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews was conducted with 15 employees in India and Finland. The study contributes by identifying two different kinds of typologies of employees based on their experiences with…

research product

A systematic literature review on employee relations with CSR: State of art and future research agenda

research product

A systematic literature review on employee relations with CSR : State of art and future research agenda

Within recent years, the literature on employee–CSR relations has grown significantly. However, the research is fragmented throughout various journals and disciplines, and we still lack a comprehensive literature review on the topic to show what we currently know about the employee relationship with CSR, and what we do not know. In this study, we conduct a systematic literature review on employee relations with CSR, based 331 journal articles. We analyze their methodological and theoretical approaches. Based on their key findings, we build a categorization of dominant research findings and their connections. Building on our review, we show how the research has been dominated by a focus on t…

research product

Rationality, experiences or identity work? Sensemaking of emotionally tense experiences of organizational sustainability

Purpose Although emotional tensions related to organizational sustainability have been identified, little is known about how employees aim to resolve such situations. This study aims to explore how employees use sensemaking to resolve emotionally tense situations concerning organizational sustainability. Design/methodology/approach The authors studied a case in which, while employees attached positive emotions to organizational sustainability, external stakeholders viewed it negatively. Specifically, the study analyzed how employees used sensemaking to resolve such tense experiences and how this sensemaking eventually influenced their actions. To this end, the authors interviewed 25 employ…

research product

Planetary well-being and sustainable business : A work in progress

Businesses have a significant impact on global environmental and social sustainability. To address the related issues, the concept of sustainable business has been introduced, which refers to the practices that businesses can adopt to minimize their negative economic, environmental, and social impacts. This chapter presents a critical analysis of selected sustainable business concepts and practices using planetary well-being as a conceptual framework. In terms of conceptual approaches, the chapter discusses circular economy (circulation of resources without creating waste), degrowth (shrinking of production and consumption to respect planetary boundaries), and sustainability transition (rad…

research product

Influencing factors on growth modes change : systematic literature review and future research agenda

Objectives. Inevitable condition of entrepreneurship, firm growth (Gundry & Welsch, 2001), can be understood better if more attention is paid to how companies grow instead of how much they grow (McKelvie & Wiklund, 2010). Research about small firm growth is fragmented. One reason is that the phenomenon has been treated over-simplistically by lacking separation among growth modes (Davidsson & Wiklund, 2000; Gilbert et al., 2006a; Wiklund et al., 2009) and subsequently missing understanding why firms growth and how (Benning & Flatten, 2020; Geuvers, 2016). This led to a predisposition of SMEs growing mainly organically, when in fact empirical studies have shown contradictions (Alemayehu & Van…

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