Ruedi Aebersold
An open-source computational and data resource to analyze digital maps of immunopeptidomes
We present a novel mass spectrometry-based high-throughput workflow and an open-source computational and data resource to reproducibly identify and quantify HLA-associated peptides. Collectively, the resources support the generation of HLA allele-specific peptide assay libraries consisting of consensus fragment ion spectra, and the analysis of quantitative digital maps of HLA peptidomes generated from a range of biological sources by SWATH mass spectrometry (MS). This study represents the first community-based effort to develop a robust platform for the reproducible and quantitative measurement of the entire repertoire of peptides presented by HLA molecules, an essential step towards the de…
A multicenter study benchmarks software tools for label-free proteome quantification
The consistent and accurate quantification of proteins by mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics depends on the performance of instruments, acquisition methods and data analysis software. In collaboration with the software developers, we evaluated OpenSWATH, SWATH2.0, Skyline, Spectronaut and DIA-Umpire, five of the most widely used software methods for processing data from SWATH-MS (sequential window acquisition of all theoretical fragment ion spectra), a method that uses data-independent acquisition (DIA) for label-free protein quantification. We analyzed high-complexity test datasets from hybrid proteome samples of defined quantitative composition acquired on two different MS instrument…
An essential switch in subunit composition of a chromatin remodeling complex during neural development.
Summary Mammalian neural stem cells (NSCs) have the capacity to both self-renew and to generate all the neuronal and glial cell-types of the adult nervous system. Global chromatin changes accompany the transition from proliferating NSCs to committed neuronal lineages, but the mechanisms involved have been unclear. Using a proteomics approach, we show that a switch in subunit composition of neural, ATP-dependent SWI/SNF-like chromatin remodeling complexes accompanies this developmental transition. Proliferating neural stem and progenitor cells express complexes in which BAF45a, a Kruppel/PHD domain protein and the actin-related protein BAF53a are quantitatively associated with the SWI2/SNF2-…
TBVAC2020: Advancing Tuberculosis Vaccines from Discovery to Clinical Development
International audience; TBVAC2020 is a research project supported by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission (EC). It aims at the discovery and development of novel tuberculosis (TB) vaccines from preclinical research projects to early clinical assessment. The project builds on previous collaborations from 1998 onwards funded through the EC framework programs FP5, FP6, and FP7. It has succeeded in attracting new partners from outstanding laboratories from all over the world, now totaling 40 institutions. Next to the development of novel vaccines, TB biomarker development is also considered an important asset to facilitate rational vaccine selection and development. In addition, …
TRIC: an automated alignment strategy for reproducible protein quantification in targeted proteomics
Nature Methods, 13 (9)
Reproducible and Consistent Quantification of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteome by SWATH-mass spectrometry *
Targeted mass spectrometry by selected reaction monitoring (S/MRM) has proven to be a suitable technique for the consistent and reproducible quantification of proteins across multiple biological samples and a wide dynamic range. This performance profile is an important prerequisite for systems biology and biomedical research. However, the method is limited to the measurements of a few hundred peptides per LC-MS analysis. Recently, we introduced SWATH-MS, a combination of data independent acquisition and targeted data analysis that vastly extends the number of peptides/proteins quantified per sample, while maintaining the favorable performance profile of S/MRM. Here we applied the SWATH-MS t…
Author response: An open-source computational and data resource to analyze digital maps of immunopeptidomes
Building high-quality assay libraries for targeted analysis of SWATH MS data
Targeted proteomics by selected/multiple reaction monitoring (S/MRM) or, on a larger scale, by SWATH (sequential window acquisition of all theoretical spectra) MS (mass spectrometry) typically relies on spectral reference libraries for peptide identification. Quality and coverage of these libraries are therefore of crucial importance for the performance of the methods. Here we present a detailed protocol that has been successfully used to build high-quality, extensive reference libraries supporting targeted proteomics by SWATH MS. We describe each step of the process, including data acquisition by discovery proteomics, assertion of peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs), generation of consensus sp…