Vitale F

Le strategie comunicative ed informative sulla vaccinazione antinfluenzale possono modificare le attitudini degli operatori sanitari (OS)? Risultati di otto anni di attività di promozione vaccinale nel principale Ospedale Universitario Siciliano

INTRODUZIONE Circa il 20% degli Operatori Sanitari (OS) contrae annualmente una patologia da virus influenzale e la vaccinazione stagionale è fortemente raccomandata quale migliore strategia di prevenzione tra gli OS. Diverse iniziative sono state messe in atto a livello nazionale per incrementare le scarse coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali evidenziate tra gli OS. In questo studio viene analizzato il trend di adesione vaccinale degli OS operanti presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria (AOU) Policlinico di Palermo nelle ultime otto stagioni vaccinali, valutando l’impatto di differenti strategie comunicative ed informative messe in atto nel corso delle ultime tre stagioni vaccinali (2015/…

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Devepment and evaluation of a new, simple and cheap method to detect Cryptosporidium and Giardia from lettuce. Preliminary results

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Initial allele frequencies for the prp gene of Valle del Belice pilot farms

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Cinematic And Dynamic Analysis And Structural Verify Of An Innovative Motorcycle Suspension

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Salvaguardia e valorizzazione di razze ovine autoctone siciliane

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Sviluppo e valutazione di una metodica economica idonea a svelare la presenza di Cryptosporidium e Giardia nella lattuga

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Isolation of HTLV III/LAV from drug addicts in Palermo.

The new human retroviruses HTLV III/LAV, implicated as the causative agent of AIDS, have been isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes of 5 of 13 drugs abusers with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related complex (ARC). In one patient the virus was also found in cell-free plasma. No HTLV III/LAV was detected in or isolated from 5 clinically healthy drug abusers. The lymphocytes were cultured with interleukin 2 and expressed either a transcriptase reverse activity or HTLV III/LAV antigens within 2-3 weeks of cultivation. The viruses were also transmitted into normal lymphocytes from cord blood of human newborns. At the present state of development, virological investigation, other than …

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Identification of microbial taxa involved in cultural heritage deterioration and able to produce health hazardous substances by molecular techniques.

Fungi and bacterial, wide-spread in biosphere environments, are the main microorganisms related to the deterioration of cultural assets but, moreover, complex microbial communities may emit mixed aerosol into indoor air. In this study the microbial colonization is investigated from to point of view, conservation of cultural heritage and related potential illness to visitors or professionals. The sampling was performed by non-destructive procedures on works of art surfaces, and by the gelatin membrane filter method (Sartorius) for aerosol. The identification of microbial taxa was performed by molecular analyses based on PCR, sequencing, sequence comparison techniques and, particularly for fu…

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Reliability of breast cancer incidence estimates in the province of Palermo (Sicily): a comparison between two case ascertainment systems.

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A full economic evaluation of extensive vaccination against rotavirus with RIX4414 vaccine at National and Regional level in Italy

Vaccination of all healthy children against rotavirus (RV) has been recommended, since the availability of vaccines, both in Europe (PIDJ) and Italy (pediatricians). The aims of universal vaccination against RV include the protection of children against moderate/severe gastroenteritis forms by RV (GARV), prevent hospitalizations, reduce the severity and duration of the disease, and reduce morbidity and socioeconomic costs. Payers need to informed regarding the efficacy and the healthcare utilization related to RV vaccination in order to decide in favour of its extensive implementation. The aim of this paper is to assess the clinical and financial impact of the extensive vaccination aganist …

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INTRODUZIONE: La diffusione su larga scala del consumo di pesce crudo ha contribuito all’incremento di manifestazioni allergiche conseguenti al contatto col parassita del pesce Anisakis. Obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di stimare il rischio di contrarre allergie Anisakis-correlate in lavoratori del comparto ittico e della ristorazione. MATERIALI E METODI: È stato realizzato uno studio cross-sectional per stimare la prevalenza della sensibilizzazione ad Anisakis simplex (As) su un campione di 46 cuochi e/o addetti alla preparazione degli alimenti reclutati nella provincia di Palermo. A tutti i soggetti è stato somministrato un questionario clinico-anamnestico ed è stato effettuato un p…

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Genomic analysis and lineage identification of SARS-CoV-2 strains isolated from migrants travelling through the Libyan route

Many African countries, representing the origin of the majority of refugees, asylum-seekers, and other migrants, toward regions bordering on the Mediterranean area, are experiencing sustained local transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Sicily is one of the main entry gates of migrants crossing into Europe. We conducted a pilot study, based on the full-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 strains isolated from migrants coming to Sicily by crossing the Mediterranean Sea, with the aim to investigate the viral genome polymorphism and to describe their genetic variations and the phylogenetic relationships. On June 21, a nongovernmental organization vessel rescu…

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A cross-sectional study on smartphone uses among pregnant women attending childbirth classes in the Metropolitan Area of Palermo, Italy: The Stop-Phone study

Background: Prevalence of mobile device addiction has increased over the years; both women and men have assimilated the mobile phone as a central component of their personal existence: integrating it into their lifestyle or becoming so dependent on it that life without it has become unimaginable. Smartphones generate radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. While short-term exposure in adults was considered quite safe, effects of long-term exposure or exposure during pregnancy on fetuses or during breastfeeding on newborns are not well studied yet. The objective of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and usage characteristics of smartphones among a sample of pregnant women, a…

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Effect of the PRP gene on milk production in Valle del belice sheep

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[The key role of public health medical resident education for future public health challenges].

The Italian Committee of medical residents in Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health is a member of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health with the aim of developing a network among Italian resident in public health and promoting the educational path improvement through comparisons and debates between postgraduate medical schools. In this perspective, during last years account has been taken of some essential topics concerning education of public health medical residents, which represent future health-care and public health experts.Cross-sectional researches were conducted among Italian public health medical residents (PHMRs) through self-administered …

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Comparison of PrP allele frequencies of non-infected Valle del Belice and infected cross-breed dairy sheep flocks

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COVID-19 emergency in Sicily and intersection with the 2019-2020 influenza epidemic.


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INTRODUZIONE: Nonostante i progressi nelle strategie terapeutiche e il conseguente miglioramento della sopravvivenza, i tumori infantili rappresentano un importante problema di salute pubblica. È stato effettuato un confronto tra l’incidenza dei tumori infantili (0-14 anni) e degli adolescenti (15-19 anni) nelle province di Palermo e di Caltanissetta, nel periodo 2007-2012. MATERIALI E METODI: Sono stati analizzati 453 nuovi casi di tumore maligno e i non maligni del SNC in soggetti <20 anni, registrati dal Registro Tumori di Palermo Provincia (RTPP) e dal Registro Tumori di Ragusa e Caltanissetta (RTRC) tra il 2007 e il 2012. Variazioni delle medie annue percentuali sono state calcolate…

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Apis mellifera sicula Montagano Polymorphismby molecular and biochemical methods

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Trattamento di artropatie e tecnopatie di origine traumatica o degenerativa mediante somministrazione di polidesossiribonucleotide (PDRN)

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Indagine sulla presenza di Giardia e Cryptosporidium in campioni di reflui civili, di acque superficiali e sotterranee della provincia di Palermo.

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