Ksenija Dmitrijeva
Barriers to Integrated Marketing Communications: The Case of Latvia (small markets)
Abstract No promotional tool should be used in isolation or without regard to the others; hence there is a trend toward integrated marketing communications. Many conclusions of researchers and most of the studies justify the effectiveness of the IMC and point to multiple advantages in comparison to the classical MC. In comparison to the classical MC, the IMC also in small markets declare exigency and ensure higher effectiveness. But the development and application of the IMC also has several problems or barriers. The purpose of this study is to investigate barriers to Integrated Marketing Communications in Latvian market (small markets). According to accomplished interrogation, the most imp…
A major change is occurring in marketing in general and also marketing communication (MC) due to the digital revolution and increased sophistication of consumers. In the paper the authors state that because of the prevalence of this marketing trend the systematization aspects of marketing communication integration and new marketing communication methods/approaches in the theoretical level declare about their urgency for better interpretation of marketing communication structure in marketing practice. In the authors’ opinion it is important to respond to this paradigm shift with enhanced integration and correct use of MC in order to maximize marketing efficiency. Integrated marketing communi…
Patērētāju attieksmes novērtējums pret telemārketinga pakalpojumiem.
Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Patērētāju attieksmes novērtējums pret telemārketinga pakalpojumiem”. Darbā tiks apskatīti sekojošie jautājumi: attieksmes un telemārketinga jēdzienu teorētiskais skaidrojums, uzņēmuma SIA Transcom WorldWide Latvia telemārketinga pakalpojumu analīze, patērētāju attieksmes analīze pret telemārketinga pakalpojumiem Latvijas tirgū. Tiks izmantotas sekojošas pētījuma metodes: statiskās analīzes metode, salīdzināšana, respondentu aptauja, ekspertu intervija, matemātiski statistiskās tabulas, grafiskās un aprakstošās metodes. Darbā tiks pētīta patērētāju attieksmes ietekme uz pieprasījumu pēc telemārketinga pakalpojumiem. Bakalaura darba apjoms ir 90 lpp., ar 8 iekļautām …