S. Caddemi

The global cracking laws for a finite-element model of no-tension material

Abstract For perfect no-tension materials (NRT) the validity of the local stability postulate of Drucker, well known in plasticity, has been assumed so far and utilized to derive the local cracking laws, which relate cracking strain states and stress states to each other. On this base a finite-element (FE) model with suitable constitutive behaviour for the single FE is presented. Classical FE approaches enforce the cracking laws at the Gauss points of the FEs. In this work it is shown that taking into account cracking strains, suitably modelled, over the whole domain of the FE and making use of an energy approach lead to general cracking laws describing the constitutive behaviour of the who…

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Un approccio innovativo per la modellazione degli edifici in muratura intelaiata. Applicazione ad un caso di studio

Le strutture in muratura intelaiata rappresentano una parte rilevante delle strutture esistenti e sono ancora largamente adottate come sistema strutturale per la costruzione di edifici residenziali, soprattutto in aree del mondo a forte sismicità non fortemente industrializzate e nelle quali la muratura rappresenta ancora un materiale tradizionale e a basso costo. In questo lavoro viene presentato un approccio per macro-elementi per la valutazione della risposta sismica di strutture in muratura confinata. La complessa interazione tra il telaio e la muratura è simulata mediante un approccio originale in cui il telaio è modellato con aste a plasticità concentrata mentre il contributo della mu…

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Nonlinear System Response for Impulsive Parametric Input

In engineering applications when the intensity of external forces depends on the response of the system, the input is called parametric. In this paper dynamical systems subjected to a parametric deterministic impulse are dealt with. Particular attention has been devoted to the evaluation of the discontinuity of the response when the parametric impulse occurs. The usual forward difference and trapezoidal integration schemes have been shown to provide only approximated solutions of the jump of the response; hence, the exact solution has been pursued and presented under the form of a numerical series. The impulse is represented throughout the paper by means of a classical Dirac’s delta functio…

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Extension of The Stochastic Differential Calculus To Complex Processes

In structural engineering complex processes arise to predict the first excursion failure, fatigue failure, etc. Indeed to solve these problems the envelope function, which is the modulus of a complex process, is usually introduced. In this paper the statistics of the complex response process related to the envelope statistics of linear systems subjected to parametric stationary normal white noise input are evaluated by using extensively the properties of stochastic differential calculus.

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Shakedown Problems for Material Models with Internal Variables

The classical shakedown theory is reconsidered with the objective of extending it to a quite general constitutive law for rate-insensitive elastic-plastic material models endowed with dual internal variables and thermodynamic potential. The statical and kinematical shakedown theorems, the corresponding approaches to the shakedown load multiplier problem and a deformation bounding theorem are presented and discussed with a view of further developments.

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The Hu-Washizu variational principle for the identification of imperfections in beams

This paper presents a procedure for the identification of imperfections of structural parameters based on displacement measurements by static tests. The proposed procedure is based on the well-known Hu–Washizu variational principle, suitably modified to account for the response measurements, which is able to provide closed-form solutions to some inverse problems for the identification of structural parameter imperfections in beams. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Mathematical Programming Methods for the Evaluation of Dynamic Plastic Deformations

Dynamic plastic deformation can be evaluated with two accuracy levels, nemely either by a full analysis making use of a step-by-step procedure, or by a simplified analysis making use of a bounding technique. Both procedures can be achieved by means a unified mathematical programming approach here presented. It is shown that for a full analysis both the direct and indirect methods of linear dynamics coupled with mathematical programming methods can be successfully applied, whereas for a simplified analysis a convergent bounding principle, holding both below and above the shakedown limit, can be utilized to produce an efficient linear programming-based algorithm.

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Ideal Elastic-Plastic Oscillators Subjected to Stochastic Input

Abstract The paper deals with the evaluation of the probabilistic response of an ideal elastic-plastic single degree of freedom oscillator subjected to a normal white noise. The analysis has been conducted on the hypothesis that accumulated plastic displacements are a compound homogeneous Poisson process independent of the external excitation. In this case plastic displacements can be treated as an additional external noise, to be identified, acting on a linear system. In the paper a time domain approach to obtain the two variable non stationary correlation function is proposed. Hence the evolutionary power spectral density function is also obtained. A numerical example is presented in orde…

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Hysteretic Systems Subjected to Delta Correlated Input

The paper deals with the evaluation of the probabilistic response of a single degree of freedom elastic-perfectly plastic system subjected to a delta correlated input process. The probabilistic characterisation of the response is here obtained by considering the accumulated plastic deformations as a compound homogeneous Poisson process independent of the external input. In this case the former can be considered as an external noise acting on the linear system. A closed form solution is also obtained and the analytic expression is compared with the customary Monte-Carlo method.

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A Linear Programming Method for Bounding Plastic Deformations

A method for providing upper and lower bounds to plastic deformations is presented, which has the feature of being applicable both below and above the structure shakedown limit. The bounds provided are expressed in terms of some fictitious plastic strains obeying relaxed yielding laws, whose evaluation is made by means of a suitable LP-based algorithm.

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Gaussian and non-Gaussian stochastic sensitivity analysis of discrete structural systems

Abstract The derivatives of the response of a structural system with respect to the system parameters are termed sensitivities. They play an important role in assessing the effect of uncertainties in the mathematical model of the system and in predicting changes of the response due to changes of the design parameters. In this paper, a time domain approach for evaluating the sensitivity of discrete structural systems to deterministic, as well as to Gaussian or non-Gaussian stochastic input is presented. In particular, in the latter case, the stochastic input has been assumed to be a delta-correlated process and, by using Kronecker algebra extensively, cumulant sensitivities of order higher t…

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A simplified analysis for the evaluation of stochastic response of elasto-plastic oscillators

Abstract The paper deals with dynamic hysteretic oscillators without post-yielding hardening, called ideal elasto-plastic oscillators, subjected to white noise. They are characterized by the fact that they do not reach stationarity even though excited by stationary stochastic processes. A simplified solution procedure to capture this behaviour is presented in this paper. It is based on modelling the accumulated plastic deformations as a homogeneous compound Poisson process. In particular, two aspects are addressed in the paper: (1) evaluation of the probabilistic parameters of the accumulated plastic deformation process; and (2) evaluation of the second-order cumulants of the response by me…

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Theorems of restricted dynamic shakedown

Abstract Dynamic shakedown for a rate-independent material with internal variables is addressed in the hypothesis that the load values are restricted to those of a specified load history of finite or even infinite duration, thus ruling out the possibility—typical of classical shakedown theory—of indefinite load repetitions. Instead of the usual approach to dynamic shakedown, based on the bounded plastic work criterion, another approach is adopted here, based on the adaptation time criterion. Static, kinematic and mixed-form theorems are presented, which characterize the minimum adaptation time (MAT), a feature of the structure-load system, but which are also able to assess whether plastic w…

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