J.l. Puech
Stereoisomers of beta-methyl-gamma-octalactone. I. Quantification in brandies as a function of wood origin and treatment of the barrels
International audience
Evaluation of oak wood toasting level by headspace. Comparison with HSSE and SPME
International audience
Teneurs en stéréo-isomères de la beta-méthyl-gamma-octalactone des bois de chêne européens et américains. Application aux vins et aux eaux-de-vie
National audience
Stereoisomers of beta-methyl-gamma-octalactone quantification in wood different oak species and in brandies
National audience
The beta-methyl-gamma-octalactone stereoisomer contents of European and American oak. Applicable to wines and spirits
International audience
Variation in the concentration of ellagitannins and cis- and trans-beta-methyl--octalactone extracted from oak wood (Quercus robur L., Quercus petraea Liebl.) under model wine cask condition
International audience
Stereoisomers of beta-methyl-gamma-octalactone. II. Contents in the wood of french (Quercus robur and Quercus petraea) and american (Quercus alba)oaks
International audience
Dosage des stéréo-isomères de la beta-methyl-gamma-octalactone dans le bois des chênes européens et américains ; application aux vins élevés en fûts
National audience