Robert P. Saltman
1H-nmr studies of polyoxyethylene-bound homo-oligo-L-methionines
The use of 1H-nmr spectroscopy is demonstrated to be a useful analytical method to characterize the structure of synthetic peptides attached to soluble, macromolecular polyoxyethylene (POE) supports in the liquid-phase method (LPM) of peptide synthesis. We report an extensive 360-MHz 1H-nmr study of POE-bound homo-oligo-L-methionine peptides. A combination of high field and selective saturation or Redfield pulse methods allows resolution of individual backbone NH and α-CH resonances of dilute peptides in the presence of strong resonances from macromolecular POE and/or protonated solvents. The nmr spectra for the POE-bound peptides in CDCl3 are qualitatively similar to those of the low-molec…
1H-NMR studies on poly(oxyethylene)-bound oligopeptides
Conformational studies on poly(oxyethylene)-bound homo-, oligo-, guest-host, and sequential peptides synthesized according to the liquid-phase method were carried out by means of 1H-nmr spectroscopy. The solubilizing effect of the C-terminal polymeric support allowed a thorough investigation of the secondary structure in solution.