Francesco Antonini-canterin
Independent Impact of RV Involvement on In-Hospital Outcome of Patients With Takotsubo Syndrome
Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is an acute clinical condition characterized by transient left ventricular dysfunction and reversible heart failure, the pathogenetic mechanism of which remains unclear. Although left ventricular apical ballooning is the most frequent morphological pattern, other variant forms have been described (1). In addition, right ventricular involvement (RVi), characterized by the presence of right ventricular (RV) apical dysfunction (biventricular ballooning), has been documented using echocardiography or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. However, the prevalence, clinical profile, and in-hospital course of TTS patients with RVi are still not well defined. To date, although…
Long-term outcome in patients with Takotsubo syndrome presenting with severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Aim: To evaluate the long-term outcome of patients with Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) and severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF ≤ 35%) at presentation. Methods and results: The study population included 326 patients (mean age 69.5 ± 10.7 years, 28 male) with TTS enrolled in the Takotsubo Italian Network, divided into two groups according to LVEF (≤ 35%, n = 131; > 35%, n = 195), as assessed by transthoracic echocardiography at hospital admission. In-hospital events were recorded in both groups. At long-term follow-up (median 26.5 months, interquartile range 18–33), composite major adverse cardiac events (MACE: cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and …
5037Drug treatment with beta-blockers and long-term outcome in patients with takotsubo syndrome: results from the takotsubo Italian network
Abstract Background Although generally considered a benign disease, Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) has recently been associated to a substantially comparable long-term outcome than acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The use of beta-blockers (BB) has been advocated in these patients for secondary prevention after the index event, considering the presumed role of catecholamine in TTS pathophysiology. However, the effect of BB on long-term outcome remains controversial due to the paucity of data and the lack of evidence from randomized studies. Purpose To investigate the impact of BB therapy on long-term outcome in patients with TTS. Methods The study included all TTS patients enrolled in the Takotsubo …
How to Write a Research Protocol: Tips and Tricks
There is a need to reassess the most appropriate indications for stress echocardiography in the current era, in patients with suspect or known coronary artery disease (CAD), and also the most helpful additional parameters that can be easily calculated in clinical practice to increase the known suboptimal sensitivity for obstructive CAD of this test. The current review tries to clarify what is and what should be the proper role for functional testing in general, but specifically regarding modern stress echocardiography in the current practice, for suspected CAD and/or atypical chest pain. Few candidate additional parameters beyond wall motion assessment are here suggested to improve diagnost…
Association Between Carotid Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Syndrome: Results From the ISMIR Study
The metabolic syndrome (MetS) has previously been associated with an early marker of atherosclerosis, the carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). From the ISMIR (Ispessimento Medio Intimale e Rischio cardiovascolare [media-intima thickness and cardiovascular risk]) study population of 479 asymptomatic participants, we identified 80 participants with MetS. Carotid IMT and plaques were evaluated by ultrasonography. Blood samples were obtained from all participants. Participants with MetS had a significantly higher prevalence of a carotid IMT > 0.80 mm (P = .004) and of carotid plaques (P < .001) as compared with participants without MetS. Carotid IMT was significantly correlated with fas…