Christian Chauvin
Lack of correlation between apoptosis and DNA single-strand breaks in X-irradiated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the course of ageing
The dependence on age of both the basal and the X-radiation-induced levels of apoptosis was examined in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). In the same samples, the base value and the extent of induced DNA single-strand breaks were determined, using a sensitive and fast microplate assay. PBMC were isolated from blood of donors of various age groups (20-30, 40-60 and > 70 years of age) and X-irradiated ex vivo using a 6 MV linear accelerator to give a total exposure of 4 Gy. The mean basal levels of apoptosis in PBMC from donors in the 40-60 year age group and the > 70 year age group were found to be only slightly higher (by 20-10%) compared to that of the 20-30 year age group, …
Les macrophytes pour estimer l'état écologique des cours d'eau : l'Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Rivière et la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau
Les macrophytes sont explicitement désignés par la Directive européenne et les textes français de son application comme éléments biologiques à considérer pour évaluer l`état écologique des cours d`eau dans le cadre de la DCE. A l`issu de tests comparatifs d`indices pré-existants et de différents travaux et tests nationaux, le premier protocole formalisé (indices GIS, Haury et al., 1996) a évolué vers l`Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Rivière (IBMR), normalisé par l`AFNOR en 2003. Quelles réponses ce protocole d`évaluation de l`état écologique des cours d`eau peut-il apporter aux besoins liés à l`application de la DCE en France, et comment complète-t-il les outils développés actuellement …
A Microplate Assay for DNA Damage Determination (Fast Micromethod)in Cell Suspensions and Solid Tissues
Abstract A rapid and convenient procedure for DNA damage determination in cell suspensions and solid tissues on single microplates was developed. The procedure is based on the ability of commercially available fluorochromes to interact preferentially with dsDNA in the presence of ssDNA, RNA, and proteins at high pH (>12.0), thus allowing direct measurements of DNA denaturation without sample handling or stepwise DNA separations. The method includes a simple and rapid 40-min sample lysis in the presence of EDTA, SDS, and high urea concentration at pH 10, followed by time-dependent DNA denaturation at pH 12.4 after NaOH addition. The time course and the extent of DNA denaturation is followed …
Comparaison des réponses de l'Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Rivière et d'autres indices hydrobiologiques.
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