Juha Kokkonen

Effectiveness of a creative physical education intervention on elementary school students’ leisure-time physical activity motivation and overall physical activity in Finland

This study investigated the effectiveness of a creative physical education (CPE) intervention on students’ perceptions of motivational climate in physical education (PE), leisure-time physical activity (PA) motivation, and overall PA. A sample of 382 fourth to sixth grade students ( Mage= 10.87[.93]) from two elementary schools were assigned to the CPE intervention ( n = 196; Mage= 10.84[.95]) and control ‘PE-as-usual’ ( n = 186; Mage= 10.90[.90]) groups. Students’ perceived task- and ego-supportive climate in PE, leisure-time PA motivation, and overall PA were measured before and after the one-year intervention. Analyses of covariance and path analyses were implemented to test the effectiv…

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Contribution of Motivational Climates and Social Competence in Physical Education on Overall Physical Activity: A Self-Determination Theory Approach with a Creative Physical Education Twist

Using a cross-sectional study design, we tested a structural equation model of hypothesized relationships among a group of variables: motivational climate in physical education (PE), students&rsquo

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Vertaileva tutkimus suomalaisten ja venäläisten oppilaiden tavoiteorientaation ja motivaatioilmaston yhteyksistä sisäiseen motivaatioon koululiikunnassa

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Social Competence and Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity of School-Aged Children through a Creative Physical Education Intervention

Traditional school physical education focuses on physical skills or strategies with an expectation that learning these skills lead to healthier lifestyle outside physical education classes, while children’s overall moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is widely decreasing. Creative Physical Education (CPE) understands physical education more holistically, as the central pedagogical element of movement is social learning. The current study examined the development of social competence in school physical education (PE) and total moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) participation through a CPE-based intervention. Participants were 363 (177 intervention, 186 control) children …

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Teachers' Behavior and Pupils' Achievement Motivation as Determinants of Intended Helping Behavior in Physical Education

The present two-wave longitudinal study examined the extent to which physical education (PE) teachers' democratic and socially supportive behavior, pupils' goal orientations, and the perceived motivational climate in PE explained differences in pupils' intended helping behavior by gender in PE classes. The results of 105 boys and 109 girls based on structural equation modeling revealed at both time points that the PE teachers' democratic and socially supportive behavior was positively related to pupils' concurrent perceptions of the motivational climate as task-involving as well as their higher concurrent intended helping behavior in PE. Pupils' prior perceptions of the motivational climate…

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Suomen CDG-malli : oppilaiden kokemukset oppijakeskeisestä liikunnanopetusinterventiosta

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkoituksenamme oli selvittää, eroavatko oppilaslähtöiseen liikunnanopetusinterventioon osallistuneiden alakoululaisten kokemukset koetusta autonomiasta sekä liikuntaa opettavan luokanopettajan demokraattisesta käyttäytymisestä ja hänen tarjoamastaan sosiaalisesta tuesta verrattuna kontrollikoulun oppilaiden kokemuksiin. Halusimme myös selvittää, erosivatko interventioon osallistuneiden tyttöjen ja poikien kokemukset toisistaan. Tutkimuksemme oli Jyväskylän yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen ja liikuntakasvatuksen laitoksen yhteistyönä toteuttaman Liikuntatunnit kaikille aktiiviseksi – CDG-malli opetuksen tukena -hankkeen osatutkimus, joka toteutettiin marraskuun 201…

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Finnish interpretations of Creative Physical Education

ABSTRACTWhen physical education (PE) teachers change their programs to incorporate something new, the process always involves some effort at interpretation and adaptation. The perceived benefits must outweigh the labour required to think through the possibilities and to then manage the political and logistical challenges that go hand in hand with achieving change of this magnitude. This paper tells the story of one such change process, which involved the interpretation by a small group of teachers in Finland of a set of pedagogical ideas and practices developed in Australia known as Creative Physical Education. The story involves a range of characters (including the authors) and conveys the…

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Examination of Goal Orientation, Sense of Coherence, and Motivational Climate as predictors of Perceived Physical Competence

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the extent to which children's goal orientation, sense of coherence (SOC), and perceptions of the motivational climate in PE accounted for their perceived physical competence. The variable measures were conducted with the participants (382 boys, 389 girls), aged 15-16, who completed a set of self-reported questionnaires. The hierarchical multiple-regression results showed that all steps lead to significant change in the models and accounted for 20.2 % of the variance in perceived physical competence. More specifically, the inclusion of task and ego orientation resulted in an additional 11.4 % of explained variance and the inclusion of SOC …

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