Stefania Maria Buccellato
On a stochastic SIR model
We consider a stochastic SIR system and we prove the existence, uniqueness and positivity of solution. Moreover the existence of an invariant measure under a suitable condition on the coefficients is studied.
On a mixed boundary value problem involving the p-Laplacian
In this paper we prove the existence of infinitely many solutions for a mixed boundary value problem involving the one dimensional p-Laplacian. A result on the existence of three solutions is also established. The approach is based on multiple critical points theorems.
Stability of the equilibrium state of the equation system of a viscous barotropic gas in the model of atmosphere
We consider the system of equations of viscous gas motion whose pressure is related to the density by the law $p = h \varrho^\gamma$ with 1<γ <2, in a domain defined by two levels of geopotential. Under the force due to geopotential and the Coriolis force, we prove the stability of the equilibrium state in a suitable Sobolev space. Keywords: Viscous barotropic gas, Equilibrium state, Coriolis force Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 35Q35, 76N15
Approximation of fixed points of asymptotically g-nonexpansive mapping
SIVS epidemic model with stochastic perturbation
Multi-Phase epidemic model by a Markov chain
Abstract In this paper we propose a continuous-time Markov chain to describe the spread of an infective and non-mortal disease into a community numerically limited and subjected to an external infection. We make a numerical simulation that shows tendencies for recurring epidemic outbreaks and for fade-out or extinction of the infection.
Multi-phase epidemic model by a Markov chain
Parasite population delay model of malaria type with stochastic perturbation and environmental criterion for limitation of disease
AbstractWe present a stochastic delay model of an infectious disease (malaria) transmitted by a vectors (mosquitoes) after an incubation time. A criterion for limitation of disease is found.
Stability of a stochastic SIR system
Stability of a stochastic SIR system
Abstract We propose a stochastic SIR model with or without distributed time delay and we study the stability of disease-free equilibrium. The numerical simulation of the stochastic SIR model shows that the introduction of noise modifies the threshold of system for an epidemic to occur and the threshold stochastic value is found.
On a stochastic SIR model.
On a stochastic disease model with vaccination
We propose a stochastic disease model where vaccination is included and such that the immunity isn’t permanent. The existence, uniqueness and positivity of the solution and the stability of disease free equilibrium is studied. The numerical simulation is done.
Sistema di equazioni per un gas viscose barotropico per il moto dell’atmosfera con la forza di Coriolis.
Système d'équations d'un gaz visqueux modélisant l'atmosphère avec la force de Coriolis et la stabilité de l'état d'équilibre
SUNTO - Per un fluido isotermo, compressibile soggetto a forze gravitazionali in un riferimento ruotante, e provata esistenza ed unicita di soluzioni locali nel tempo. Inoltre, per piccoli dati iniziali tale soluzione esiste globalmente nel tempo e converge verso uno stato di equilibrio. Questo problema simula il problema del moto dell’atmosfera terrestre.