Ana Pablos

Perceptual-Cognitive Skills and Performance in Orienteering

The goal was analysis of the perceptual-cognitive skills associated with sport performance in orienteering in a sample of 22 elite and 17 nonelite runners. Variables considered were memory, basic orienteering techniques, map reading, symbol knowledge, map-terrain-map identification, and spatial organisation. A computerised questionnaire was developed to measure the variables. The reliability of the test (agreement between experts) was 90%. Findings suggested that competence in performing basic orienteering techniques efficiently was a key variable differentiating between the elite and the nonelite athletes. The results are discussed in comparison with previous studies.

research product

Frailty Status Improvement after 5-Month Multicomponent Program PROMUFRA in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial

A study was made of the effect of the PROMUFRA multicomponent frailty program upon physical frailty, kinanthropometry, pain and muscle function parameters in frail and pre-frail community-dwelling older people. Eighty-one participants were randomly allocated to the intervention group (IG) or control group (CG). The IG performed PROMUFRA for 20 weeks, using six strength exercises with three series of 8–12 repetitions until muscular failure, and seven myofascial exercises, with one set of 10 repetitions. The CG continued their routine. The frailty criteria number (FCN), kinanthropometric parameters and muscle function were measured at baseline and after the program. Between-group differences …

research product

Validation of eating habits subscale in children (SEHAN: spanish version) from 10 to 12 years

Introducción: La vulnerabilidad de los niños y la actual situación epidemiológica, hace necesario el uso de instrumentos validados para estudiar sus hábitos alimenticios tanto en contextos familiares como en escolares. Objetivo: Validar una Subescala de Hábitos Alimentarios en Niños (SEHAN), de 10 a 12 años. Método: Se validó el instrumento y sus ítems por cinco expertos y apartir de estas valoraciones se calculó el coeficiente de concordancia canónica (CCC). Para la fiabilidad y consistencia interna, 134 estudiantes completaron dos veces la subescala y se calculó el Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase (CCI), el Coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman (CCS) y el test Wilcoxon. Para la vali…

research product

Effectiveness of the PROMUFRA program in pre-frail, community-dwelling older people: A randomized controlled trial.

Abstract This study evaluated the effect of PROMUFRA program on physical frailty, kinanthropometric, muscle function and functional performance variables in pre-frail, community-dwelling older people. Participants (n = 50, 75 ± 7 years) were randomly assigned to two groups: intervention group (IG), and control group (CG). The IG performed multi-component exercise program, focused on high-intensity resistance training (HIRT) combined with self-massage for myofascial release (SMMR) for 12 weeks (2 d.wk−1). Two measurements were performed, at baseline and post-3 months. Participants (n = 43) were analyzed and significant differences were found in group-time interaction for muscle mass (p = 0.0…

research product

Protective Effects of Foam Rolling against Inflammation and Notexin Induced Muscle Damage in Rats

It is known that high-intensity exercise can cause inflammation and damage in muscle tissue, and in recent years, physical therapists and fitness professionals have begun to use foam rolling as a recovery method to improve performance. Despite the lack of basic science studies to support or refute the efficacy of foam rolling, the technique is very widely used in the sports world. In this respect, we investigated whether foam rolling could attenuate muscle damage and inflammation. Female Wistar rats were assigned to control (C), foam rolling (FR), notexin without foam rolling (N) and notexin with foam rolling (NFR) groups. A 4.5 x 2 cm foam roller was used to massage their hind legs (two 60…

research product

Improved Nutritional Knowledge in the Obese Adult Population Modifies Eating Habits and Serum and Anthropometric Markers

Multicomponent lifestyle interventions achieve good results in the management of obesity among the adult population. However, their implementation in certain populations poses difficulties. A good level of nutritional knowledge enables people to make changes in their diet that improve their health. This study aims to assess the relationship between nutritional knowledge and nutritional parameters such as dietary intake, anthropometric parameters and biomarkers. A before&ndash

research product

Benefits of a self-myofascial release program on health-related quality of life in people with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disease with symptoms that significantly limit the life of affected patients. Earlier studies have shown that the application of self-myofascial release provides benefits in variables such as fatigue, range of motion (ROM) or perceived muscle pain in a healthy population. Despite this, the self-myofascial release technique has not yet been used in people with FM. This study aimed to find out the benefits of applying a self-myofascial release program on health-related quality of life in people with FM. METHODS Sixty-six participants with FM were randomized into two groups, intervention (N.=33) and control (N.=33). The intervention group (IG) participated in …

research product

Validation of eating habits subscale in children (sehan: spanish version) from 10 to 12 years.

Introducción: Es necesario identificar hábitos alimentarios de riesgo para frenar el aumento de la prevalencia del sobrepeso infantil y garantizar el derecho a la salud del niño. Para ello, se requiere el uso de instrumentos validados en contextos escolares y familiares. Objetivo: Validar una Subescala de Hábitos Alimentarios en Niños (SEHAN), para su uso en escolares españoles entre 10 y 12 años. Método: Las propiedades psicométricas de la SEHAN se estudiaron en 3 apartados: Validez y lógica del instrumento, fiabilidad y consistencia interna, y validez criterial. En el primer apartado participó un grupo de 5 expertos, que valoró la suficiencia, claridad, coherencia y relevancia del instrum…

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