R Grüssner
Die multiple endokrine Neoplasie Typ II
Relaparotomie im Kindesalter
An der Kinderchirurgischen Universitatsklinik Mainz wurden vom 1. 1. 1976 bis 31. 12. 1983 1793 Laparotomien an Kindern im Alter bis zu 15 Jahren vorgenommen. Eine akute, nicht geplante Relaparotomie lag in 4,6% der Falle vor. Die haufigste Indikation zur Relaparotomie war ein verwachsungsbedingter Ileus (53%); weniger haufige Ursachen waren Platzbauch, Peritonitis, Darmperforation, Anastomoseninsuffzienz und Sekundarblutung. 15% aller relaparotomierten Kinder musten sich mehr als einer Relaparotomie unterziehen. Uber 40% der akuten Relaparotomien wurden an Kindern innerhalb des ersten Lebensjahres vorgenommen. 56% aller Relaparotomien musten innerhalb der ersten vier postoperativen Wochen …
Neuronal intestinal dysplasia
Findings in 23 children with neuronal intestinal dysplasia (NID) are presented. Twelve children had Hirschsprung's disease that masked the existence of proximal NID. In all cases the diagnosis was established by histological-histochemical examination. Amelioration of symptoms by conservative treatment alone was achieved in 4 children; in 13 cases colostomy was necessary. In 6 patients colon resection was performed: 2 suffered from both colitis and obstruction; the other 4 were treated for obstruction, multiple perforations, persistant adynamia of the left colon, and fistulation. In 9 patients the colostomy was closed. Four of 6 children who did not have sonographic confirmation of motility …
Der Stellenwert der chirurgischen Behandlung des Neuroblastoms
Results of surgical treatment of 29 neuroblastoma patients between 1968 and 1980 are presented. 13 of these children have remained free from relapses and complaints for more than 2 years. Despite the progress in (immuno)chemotherapy and (immuno)radiotherapy the prognosis depends on the kind of surgery performed, also and especially in stages III and IV (after Evans). Among the author's own patients it became evident that both the survival rate and the survival period were increased in the prognostically unfavourable cases by subtotal resection. No representative collective statistics are known and it will probably take quite some time before these can be compiled, since it is extremely diff…