Barbara Schmelzle
Effectiveness of theophylline to increase cyclic AMP levels and force of contraction in electrically paced guinea-pig auricles. Comparison with isoprenaline, calcium and ouabain
The effects of theophylline (3×10−5 M–5×10−3 M), isoprenaline (10−6 M), excess calcium (7.2 mM) and ouabain (3×10−7 M) on force of contraction and c-AMP content were studied in electrically driven (frequency 3 Hz) left auricles isolated from guinea pigs pretreated with reserpine.
The positive inotropic effect of phenylephrine in the presence of propranolol. Increase in time to peak force and in relaxation time without increase in c-AMP.
The effects of phenylephrine on the shape of the contraction curve and on the cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (c-AMP) content were studied in electrically driven (frequency 0.2 Hz) cat papillary muscles. All experiments were done in the presence of 1 micron propranolol in order to minimize interference from beta-adrenoceptors. 1. Phenylephrine increased the force of contraction in a concentration-dependent manner. Maximal effects (about 200% of control) occurred at 30 micron phenylephrine. 2. The positive inotropic effect (PIE) of phenylephrine was antagonized by phentolamine. Phentolamine, 5 micron, produced a parallel shift of the concentration-response curve for the PIE of phenyleph…