Riela Serena
A study on the essential oil Ferulago campestris. How much does exstraction method influence the oil composition?
The essential oil of different parts of Ferulago campestris (Bess.) collected in Sicily has been extracted by microwave-assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD) and by classic hydrodistillation (HD). A comparative qualitative- quantitative study on the composition of the oils was carried out. A total of 100 compounds were identified in the oils obtained by MAHD, whereas 88 compounds characterized the HD oils. The most prominent components were, in all different parts of F. campestris and in both extraction methods, 2,4,5- trimethylbenzaldehyde and 2,4,6-trimethylbenzaldehyde isomers; the latter was not previously found. The attempt to evaluate where the oil components are located in all parts of t…
Metodo per la preparazione di nanocompositi antibatterici
La presente invenzione riguarda un materiale polimerico con proprietà antibatteriche e antifungine, detto materiale polimerico avente adeso sulla sua superficie un nanomateriale costituito da nanotubi di allosite (HNTs) antimicrobici. Un tale materiale polimerico antimicrobico/antifungino viene preparato attraverso l’applicazione di un metodo procedurale semplice ed economico. Oltre che l’evidente applicazione in campo biomedicale, le caratteristiche metodologiche di questa invenzione ne consentono la diffusione in vari ambiti applicativi comuni, come ad esempio l’active food packaging. Il trattamento proposto prevede 10 l’introduzione di una modifica solo superficiale del PVC e può quindi …