Giuseppina Rita Mangione
Innovazioni didattiche e ricadute sugli apprendimenti
L’obiettivo della presente ricerca era quello di valutare la ricaduta che l’innovazione in aula, derivante dalla sperimentazione dei modelli didattici innovativi (Spaced Learning, Contenuti Didattici Digitali, Coding, Aule Laboratori disciplinari), ha avuto sui processi di apprendimento declinati in conoscenza, comprensione, contestualizzazione e valutazione. Gli strumenti di raccolta dati sono stati prove di verifica dell’apprendimento costruite dai docenti, facendo riferimento a una Griglia di indicatori di apprendimento e un questionario di valutazione della consapevolezza metacognitiva degli studenti – Awareness Learning Metacognitive ALM2014 (La Marca, 2014).
Teaching Adaptively for Music - Smart Opportunities Emerging from the Representation of Score Notation
Many developmental approaches have been proposed in literature and are currently in use in order to define music education curricula for young students. In this context, our research aims at describing a computer-based framework for the adaptive teaching of music. A music learning environment can be considered as smart when adaptive technologies are employed in order to improve student performance. Research about effective teaching practice pointed out that adaptive instruction can provide school settings able to foster inclusion and differentiation. Adaptive instruction can be conceptually defined as a set of alternative didactic strategies – either formal or non-formal – within a curricul…
Spaced learning and innovative teaching: school time, pedagogy of attention and learning awareness.
AbstractCurrently, the ‘time’ variable has taken on the function of instructional and pedagogical innovation catalyst, after representing-over the years-a symbol of democratisation, learning opportunity and instruction quality, able to incorporate themes such as school dropout, personalisation and vocation into learning. Spaced Learning is a teaching methodology useful to quickly seize information in long-term memory based on a particular arrangement of the lesson time that comprises three input sessions and two intervals. Herein we refer to a teachers’ training initiative on Spaced Learning within the programme ‘DocentiInFormAzione’ in the EDOC@WORK3.0 Project in Apulia region in 2015. The…