Manuel Martí-vilar

Una revisión crítica del debate sobre las necesidades humanas desde el enfoque centrado en la persona

El artículo presenta algunos de los diferentes modelos teórico-explicativos sobre las necesidades humanas; revisa el estado del arte en las publicaciones recientes, y evalúa críticamente las limitaciones y potenciales que ellas tienen, desde una mirada sistémica y fenoménica desde un enfoque centrado en la persona. L’article présente certains des différents modèles théorico-explicatifs sur les besoins humains; il expose un état des lieux de la bibliographie récente, et évalue de manière critique les limites et potentiels que celles-ci peuvent représenter, dans une perspective systémique et propre au phénomène centrée sur la personne. The article presents some of the different theoretical-ex…

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An investigation of Facebook users' implicit associations between Facebook, sexual and prosocial behavior.

Abstract Despite growing research on online social networking, implicit associations of Facebook users have been largely understudied. In Study 1, we used the Single-Target Implicit Association Test (ST-IAT; Karpinski and Steinman, 2006) in order to assess implicit associations between Facebook and two evolutionary relevant constructs: sexual and prosocial behavior. Additionally, we controlled for the role of participant's relationship status as a potential moderator of Facebook implicit associations. In Study 2, we extended these findings and explored the relationship between implicit and explicit associations towards Facebook. Across two studies, we found that Facebook is more strongly as…

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Emotional Intelligence Measures: A Systematic Review

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, express, understand, and manage emotions. Current research indicates that it may protect against the emotional burden experienced in certain professions. This article aims to provide an updated systematic review of existing instruments to assess EI in professionals, focusing on the description of their characteristics as well as their psychometric properties (reliability and validity). A literature search was conducted in Web of Science (WoS). A total of 2761 items met the eligibility criteria, from which a total of 40 different instruments were extracted and analysed. Most were based on three main models (i.e., skill-based, tra…

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Psychology and Aging (2003-2012): Productividad y rasgos desde los artículos originales.

El presente artículo realiza un análisis bibliométrico de la revista Psychology and Aging en el intervalo temporal 2003-2012. Esta revista es relevante en el área de la Gerontología y de la psicología del desarrollo. El objetivo de evaluar su productividad científica y principales características mediante indicadores generales. Para obtener los datos necesarios se ha empleado la plataforma WOK, SCImago Journal & Country Rank y Scopus, constituyendo un total de 887 trabajos. Los resultados señalan que es una revista trimestral con publicaciones en inglés dirigida a la divulgación de información original sobre desarrollo y envejecimiento. Destaca por su incremento en la producción y su gran n…

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Motives for gambling, cognitive distortions, and irresponsible gambling: Proposal for an explanatory model of gambling addiction in university students

There are many factors that appear to be directly related to the development of gambling addiction problems, and it is important to understand these relationships from a clinical perspective in order to develop prevention and intervention programs. This research seeks to analyze the relationships these problems have with gambling motives, cognitive distortions and irresponsible gambling behavior, and proposes an explanatory model of gambling addiction. The sample was made up of 258 adults residing in the province of Valencia (59.5% women), with a mean age of 20.95 years (SD = 2.19). A series of questionnaires were applied to measure the variables involved, and bivariate correlations, simple…

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Careless responses and construct validity of Wong-Law Emotional Intelligence Scale.

Careless response in the investigation of emotional intelligence has not been explicitly addressed. In a sample of 180 Spanish adults responding to the Wong-Law Emotional Intelligence Scale, a small prevalence (7.2%) was detected. The impact was small on the psychometric parameters, but they were less inflated, more realistic, and precise.

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Sense of Coherence and Work Stress or Well-Being in Care Professionals: A Systematic Review.

Job-related stress affects the physical and psychological health of professionals dedicated to care. This work is a systematic review that aims to determine the relationships between a sense of coherence (SOC) and work stress and well-being perceived by care professionals. The review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines, and the search was carried out using the Web of Science (WoS), PubMed, and Scopus databases, obtaining a final selection of 41 articles. The results indicate that stress, depression, burnout, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) negatively correlate with SOC; in contrast, job satisfaction, well-being, and quality of life positively correlate with SOC. It is c…

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Relationship between Prosocial Behaviours and Addiction Problems: A Systematic Review.

The relationship of addiction problems with other pathologies or with different problematic factors has often been studied by psychology. Positive psychology is also currently approaching to these problems and their relationship with positive factors, such as prosocial behaviours. The purpose of this research is to carry out a systematic review of the scientific literature that has studied this relationship from 1900 to 2020. After the screening process with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 15 articles were selected. The main characteristics found in this relationship and the problems or limitations of investigations that have found relationships other than the mainstream, w…

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Emotional intelligence as a predictor of prosocial behaviors in spanish and colombian older adults based on path models

Emotional intelligence (EI), empathy, and prosocial behavior (PB) are widely studied in the early stages of life, up to adolescence. However, there have been few studies in older adults. Using a multivariate methodology, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were applied with structural equation models (SEM) in 271 older adults in Colombia, along with a Spanish sample made up of 139 adults over 60 years of age, for a total sample of 411 older adults. The results confirmed that EI, as measured with the WLEIS, scale is the best predictor of PB, with excellent adjustment criteria (GFI = 0.99; CFI = 0.98; RMSEA = 0.064; PCLOSE = 0.28; SRMR = 0.023; AIC = 57.30…

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Person-Centred Care approach by professional caregivers in the population with mental illness: systematic review

The model of Person-Centred Care has as fundamental principles the emphasis on the person within its context, individualized attention and empowerment. However, studies about this approach on mental illness are scarce. The aim of this work is to carry out a systematic review of articles studying the approach of Person-Centered Care provided by professional caregivers in people with mental illness. To this end, a systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines was carried out of articles found in the Web of Science (WoS), PubMed, ScienceDirect and Dialnet databases. Following the analysis of the 19 articles, the results show that both users and professionals perceive that Person-Centered Ca…

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Reliability Generalization Study of the Person-Centered Care Assessment Tool

The so-called Person-Centered Care (PCC) model identifies three fundamental principles: changing the focus of attention from the disease to the person, individualizing care, and promoting empowerment. The Person-Centered Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT) has gained wide acceptance as a measure of PCC in recent years due to its brevity and simplicity, as well as its ease of application and interpretation. The objective of this study is to carry out a reliability generalization meta-analysis to estimate the internal consistency of the P-CAT and analyze possible factors that may affect it, such as the year of publication, the care context, the application method, and certain sociodemographic proper…

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sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 – Supplemental material for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis by Laura Badenes-Ribera, Carmen Duro-García, Carmen López-Ibáñez, Manuel Martí-Vilar and Julio Sánchez-Meca in International Journal of Behavioral Development

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Autocitas de revistas incluidas en una misma categoría temática del Clarivate Journal Citation Reports (JCR): el caso de la revista Adicciones

El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar si el criterio impuesto por Clarivate Analytics de penalizar las revistas que tengan un elevado número de autocitas debería aplicarse a todas las revistas por igual, sin considerar indicadores bibliométricos diferenciales entre revistas. Se analizaron las características editoriales de la revista Adicciones, la cual fue excluida del JCR del 2019 por un exceso de autocitas, frente a las revistas de su misma categoría, y diferentes indicadores bibliométricos de la revista Adicciones. Los resultados indican características editoriales diferentes entre las publicaciones incluidas en la categoría Substance Abuse del JCR según país de edición, número…

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Empathy as a predictor of prosocial behavior and the perceived seriousness of delinquent acts: a cross-cultural comparison of Argentina and Spain

Fil: Rodríguez, Lucas Marcelo. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad Teresa de Ávila. Departamento de Humanidades. Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinar en Valores, Integración y Desarrollo Social; Argentina Fil: Martí-Villar, Manuel. Universitat de Valencia. Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Básica; España Fil: Esparza Reig, Javier. Universitat de Valencia. Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Básica; España Fil: Mesurado, Belén. Universidad Austral; Argentina Fil: Mesurado, Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental; Argentina Abstrac…

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This article presents an introduction to the study of the hierarchy of values that secondary students establish, and of the different variables that influence their preferences. For the development of the investigation the primary objectives are, on the one hand, to determine what values do adolescents prefer and, on the other hand, to establish in what measure the variables of gender and age influence the selection of specific values. This study was carried out with a sample of secondary students (n=114), of ages between 14 and 18. The results indicate that both variables (gender and age) have a significant effect on the preference of values. The girls show a preference towards ultimate va…

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Basic Empathy Scale: A Systematic Review and Reliability Generalization Meta-Analysis

The Basic Empathy Scale (BES) has been internationally used to measure empathy. A systematic review including 74 articles that implement the instrument since its development in 2006 was carried out. Moreover, an evidence validity analysis and a reliability generalization meta-analysis were performed to examine if the scale presented the appropriate values to justify its application. Results from the systematic review showed that the use of the BES is increasing, although the research areas in which it is being implemented are currently being broadened. The validity analyses indicated that both the type of factor analysis and reliability are reported in validation studies much more than the …

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Prosociality and life satisfaction: A daily-diary investigation among Spanish university students

Abstract With a diary study, we tested the positive effect of prosociality on life satisfaction. Fifty-six Spanish undergraduate students (45 females; Mage = 21.08 years) rated their life satisfaction, prosociality, self-esteem, and physical appearance for 5 consecutive days. Multilevel results indicated that within-individual positive deviations in prosociality (i.e., behaving more prosocial than usual) were uniquely and significantly associated with higher life satisfaction on that specific day. Students' self-esteem, physical appearance, and positive daily events were also predictive of life satisfaction. Exploratory analyses revealed that the positive effect of prosociality on life sati…

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Review of methodologies for evaluating university social responsability

The article presents a review of methodologies for the assessment of the so-called University Social Responsibility from the analysis of indicator systems in the area of higher education in Ibero-America. A publication-based research was conducted, compiling progress made between the years 2006-2013. A total of two doctoral theses that presented evaluation systems in students; two models proposed by universities in Peru and Spain; and the papers of two university networks that designed a University Social Responsibility conceptual development and indicator systems for its assessment were identified. The article points out that despite the spectrum of conceptual proposals produced during the…

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Effects of Suboptimally Presented Erotic Pictures on Moral Judgments: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.

Previous research has identified a set of core factors that influence moral judgments. The present study addresses the interplay between moral judgments and four factors: (a) incidental affects, (b) sociocultural context, (c) type of dilemma, and (d) participant’s sex. We asked participants in two different countries (Colombia and Spain) to judge the acceptability of actions in response to personal and impersonal moral dilemmas. Before each dilemma an affective prime (erotic, pleasant or neutral pictures) was presented suboptimally. Our results show that: a) relative to neutral priming, erotic primes increase the acceptance of harm for a greater good (i.e., more utilitarian judgments), b) r…

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Recensión: Ovejero, A. Autogestión en tiempos de crisis. Utilidad de las colectividades libertarias

El libro propone desde la Psicología un aumento de las conductas prosociales enfocadas hacía la justicia, dignidad equidad y bien común y así superar la crisis económica actual. El autor muestra las colectividades españolas como referente para la situación actual. Los recensores conectan esta propuesta con la de Kohlberg para favorecer la construcción de una comunidad moral y una ciudadanía con autonomía moral.

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Responsabilidad social universitaria: influencia de valores y empatía en la autoatribución de comportamientos socialmente responsables

ResumenLa formación de profesionales socialmente responsables en la universidad se ha convertido en una misión reconocida por la UNESCO. El artículo realiza una revisión del estudio de la responsabilidad social universitaria desde la psicología, y desarrolla una propuesta novedosa de análisis para evaluar la incidencia de la educación superior en adquirir comportamientos de responsabilidad social, basada en un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales de múltiples indicadores y múltiples causas. Con base en un muestreo no probabilístico accidental y un diseño de investigación de encuesta de carácter transversal, se administraron tres escalas: de valores humanos, de empatía multidimensional y de …

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Caregiving Role and Psychosocial and Individual Factors: A Systematic Review

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, express, understand, and manage emotions. Current research indicates that it may protect against the emotional burden experienced in certain professions. This article aims to provide an updated systematic review of existing instruments to assess EI in professionals, focusing on the description of their characteristics as well as their psychometric properties (reliability and validity). A literature search was conducted in Web of Science (WoS). A total of 2761 items met the eligibility criteria, from which a total of 40 different instruments were extracted and analysed. Most were based on three main models (i.e., skill-based, tra…

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From Emotional (Dys)Regulation to Internet Addiction: A Mediation Model of Problematic Social Media Use among Italian Young Adults

Internet addiction (IA) has mostly been investigated with the fear of missing out and difficulties in emotional regulation. The present study examined the link between IA and variables related to problematic social media use (i.e., fear of missing out, social media addiction), together with emotional (dys)regulation and personality traits, providing new insights and an integrated assessment of IA. In total, 397 participants, aged 18–35 years (M = 22.00; SD = 3.83), were administered a set of questionnaires pertaining to IA, problematic social media use, emotional (dys)regulation, and personality traits. Pearson’s correlations showed significant associations between IA and the investigated v…

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Systematic review of prosocial behavior measures

Measuring prosocial conduct, just as other constructs which are relevant for psychological adjustment, requires a base of knowledge which is orderly and up-to-date, which helps to identify and methodological aspects for its construction. The objective of this study is to identify the instruments for measuring prosocial behavior which are available today in the empirical literature, as well as to analyze their characteristics and psychometric properties.In this study, the bibliographic search was carried out on the databases of web of science (WOS) and Dialnet from 1900 to 2017 with special emphasis on the last decade. Sixteen instruments relevant to prosocial behavior were chosen describing…

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sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 – Supplemental material for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis by Laura Badenes-Ribera, Carmen Duro-García, Carmen López-Ibáñez, Manuel Martí-Vilar and Julio Sánchez-Meca in International Journal of Behavioral Development

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Reliability Generalization Meta-Analysis of Internet Gaming Disorder Scale

The objective of this study was to carry out a reliability generalization meta-analysis of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (IGDS) to find out if it presents adequate values that justify its application in its four versions: original and abbreviated with dichotomous or ordinal response. A systematic review including 26 studies that apply this instrument from 2015 to June 2022 was conducted. For each version, a reliability generalization meta-analysis was performed with the random coefficients (RC) and varying coefficients (VC) model. Results showed reliability levels > 0.80 in the ordinal versions (IGDS9P and IGDS27P) and in the dichotomous 27-item version (IGDS27D), while the dichotom…

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Actitudes religiosas, Valores y Razonamiento Moral Prosocial en una muestra adolescente

Objetivo: estudiar la relación existente entre la religiosidad, los valores y el razonamiento moral prosocial de estudiantes de secundaria. La primera hipótesis que se pretende comprobar es si la religiosidad es capaz de predecir algún tipo específico de razonamiento moral prosocial (RMP). La segunda hipótesis trata de investigar si la religiosidad está relacionada con los valores de la escala de Rockeach. Metodología: la muestra utilizada está compuesta por 421 adolescentes de entre 13 y 18 años. Se han llevado a cabo modelos de regresión múltiple y pruebas MANOVA. Resultados: según los modelos de regresión múltiple, se concluyó que los estudiantes que dan menos importancia a Dios en sus v…

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Prospect Theory: A Bibliometric and Systematic Review in the Categories of Psychology in Web of Science

Prospect Theory (PT) is an alternative, dynamic explanation of the phenomenon of risky decision making. This research presents an overview of PT’s history in health fields, including advancements, limitations, and bibliometric data. A systematic and bibliometric review of the scientific literature included in the psychological categories of Web of Science (WoS) was performed following the PRISMA 2020 statement for systematic reviews. A total of 37 studies (10 non-empirical and 27 empirical) were included in the sample. Bibliometric results showed thematic variability and heterogeneity regarding the production, researchers, and methodologies that are used to study PT. The systematic results …

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The adult Prosocialness behavior scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis

The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale (APBS) is most often used to measure adult prosociality. We conducted a reliability generalization meta-analysis to compute the average APBS reliability and examine the heterogeneity among reliability estimations and the influence of moderator variables. An exhaustive search identified 74 articles that applied the APBS with 16 items assessed on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Of these, 58 had reliability coefficients with the current data, and 76 reliability estimates were provided. Random- and mixed-effects models were used. The average reliability coefficient was .903 for Cronbach’s alpha, .896 for McDonald’s omega, and .674 for test–retest. Moderator …

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Responsabilidad social en la educación básica y superior: Una perspectiva desde el espacio iberoamericano.

Resumen El artículo presenta una revisión acerca de la educación básica y superior en materia de responsabilidad social en los países iberoamericanos, con el fin de obtener una aproximación al estado del arte. Teniendo en cuenta este objetivo se realiza un breve estudio exploratorio sobre los documentos de política de educación de organismos multilaterales como la UNESCO y la Organización de los países iberoamericanos. El documento destaca que después de los discursos, la educación debe aterrizar las habilidades, entre otras, las relacionadas con ejercer una ciudadanía responsable, y se ofrece una fundamentación desde la psicología. En el documento se hace referencia a algunas experiencias …

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Social support and resilience to foster prosocial behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic confinement: an explanatory model (Apoyo social y resiliencia para fomentar las conductas prosociales durante el confinamiento por la COVID-19: un modelo explicativo)

The containment measures taken because of the COVID-19 pandemic have had consequences on human thought and behaviour. The purpose of this study is to contrast an explanatory model of prosocial behaviours during confinement by analysing different variables involved. The study sample was made up of 946 participants (70.9% female) and had an average age of 35.25 (SD = 13.98). Participants completed a series of online questionnaires. The results show that social support is a predictor of prosocial behaviours and resilience is a mediator in this relationship;living with others is a protective factor for social support;not working during confinement is a predictor for prosocial behaviours;and bei…

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Problematic Internet Use and Resilience: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Problematic Internet use has become a major problem worldwide due to its numerous negative correlates in the field of health, both mental and physical, and its increasing prevalence, making it necessary to study both its risk and protective factors. Several studies have found a negative relationship between resilience and problematic Internet use, although the results are inconsistent. This meta-analysis assesses the relationship between problematic Internet use and resilience, and analyses its possible moderating variables. A systematic search was conducted in PsycInfo, Web of Science and Scopus. A total of 93,859 subjects from 19 studies were included in the analyses. The results show tha…

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Social Support and Resilience as Predictors of Prosocial Behaviors before and during COVID-19

The objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between social support and resilience with prosocial behavior before and during the confinement caused by COVID-19. Materials and Methods: The participants were divided into a confined group (228 women and 84 men) and an unconfined group (153 women and 105 men), all of whom were university students. Instruments were applied to measure the variables proposed. Results: Social support predicted 24.4% of the variance in prosocial behavior among women and 12% among men in the confined group; no evidence of this relationship was found in the unconfined groups. Resilience predicted 7% of the variance in prosocial behavior among confine…

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Measurement invariance of the Prosocial Behavior Scale in three hispanic countries (Argentina, Spain, and Peru)

Fil: Martí-Vilar, Manuel. Universitat de Valéncia. Facultat de Psicología. Departament de Psicología Básica; España Fil: Merino-Soto, César. Universidad de San Martín de Porres. Instituto de Investigación de Psicología; Perú Fil: Rodríguez, Lucas Marcelo. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad Teresa de Ávila. Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinar en Valores, Integración y Desarrollo Social; Argentina Abstract: In a growing context of multiculturalism, prosocial behavior is important to build effective social exchange and service orientation among university students. The present study investigates prosocial behavior from a psychometric approach, to obtain evidence of the in…

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Hacia un modelo de neuro-responsabilidad: una perspectiva de la responsabilidad social desde el desarrollo humano

ABSTRACT The increase of studies arising from neuroscience, based on the technological developments that permit the investigation of cerebral patterns through neuro-imaging, has created a new area of study involving all those fields of study which use the prefix neuro, such as neuro-economy, neuro-marketing, and neuro- social science. This article conducts a revision based on various investigations with the object of presenting social responsibility, conceptually associated with organizational paradigms, in order to suggest an evolutionary tendency typical of human development, called Neuro-responsibility. Key words: Neuro-responsibility, social responsibility, values, evolution, empathy. R…

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Hacia un modelo de neuro-responsabilidad: una perspectiva de la responsabilidad social desde el desarrollo humano

The rise of neuroscience's study, based on the technological development that allows to investigate brain processes by neuroimaging, has led to a new research area which after the neuro prefix covers studies such as neuroeconomics, neuromarketing and social neuroscience . This paper provides a review based on different research projects with the aim of presenting social responsibility, often conceptually linked to organizational paradigms, as an evolutionary trend of neurological human development, which could be called Neuro-responsibility El auge del estudio desde la neurociencia, con base en el desarrollo tecnológico que permite investigar los procesos cerebrales mediante la neuro-imágen…

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