Chedly Abdelly
Vineyard Compost Supplemented with Trichoderma Harzianum T78 Improve Saline Soil Quality
Anthocyanins of Coloured Wheat Genotypes in Specific Response to SalStress
The present study investigated the effect of salt stress on the development of adaptive responses and growth parameters of different coloured wheat genotypes. The different coloured wheat genotypes have revealed variation in the anthocyanin content, which may affect the development of adaptive responses under increasing salinity stress. In the early stage of treatment with salt at a lower NaCl concentration (100 mM), anthocyanins and proline accumulate, which shows rapid development of the stress reaction. A dose-dependent increase in flavonol content was observed for wheat genotypes with more intense purple-blue pigmentation after treatment with 150 mM and 200 mM NaCl. The content of Na⁺ a…
Strategies to Mitigate the Salt Stress Effects on Photosynthetic Apparatus and Productivity of Crop Plants
Soil salinization represents one of the major limiting factors of future increase in crop production through the expansion or maintaining of cultivation area in the future. High salt levels in soils or irrigation water represent major environmental concerns for agriculture in semiarid and arid zones. Recent advances in research provide great opportunities to develop effective strategies to improve crop salt tolerance and yield in different environments affected by the soil salinity. It was clearly demonstrated that plants employ both the common adaptative responses and the specific reactions to salt stress. The review of research results presented here may be helpful to understand the physi…
Alfalfa crops amended with MSW compost can compensate the effect of salty water irrigation depending on the soil texture
The availability of water resources of marginal quality such as drainage water or high-saltcontaining groundwater is turning into an important issue in Tunisia and other countrieswith scarce water resources. A pot experiment was carried out to evaluate plant produc-tion, nutrient content and heavy metal bioaccumulation in agricultural soils amended withMSW compost and irrigated with salty water, by using two different soil textures (clay andsandy). Salt water supply decreased plant dry yield in both soils. Salt stress had signifi-cantly reduction in plant biomass in sandy soil compared to those in clay soil (biomass ofdry weight is significantly higher in clay soil than those in sandy soil …