Adalberto Serrano
Consenso Delphi sobre el manejo de la dislipidemia en pacientes con alteración del metabolismo de la glucosa: estudio Diana
Objectives The aim of the present study was to develop a multidisciplinary consensus based on the Delphi system to establish clinical recommendations for the management of dyslipidaemia when hyperglycaemia is present, and the relevant factors that should be taken into consideration when prescribing and monitoring treatment with statins. Methods The questionnaire developed by the scientific committee included four blocks of questions about dyslipidaemia in patients with impaired glucose metabolism. The results of the first two blocks are presented here: a) management of dyslipidaemia; b) relevant factors that should be taken into consideration when prescribing and monitoring treatment with s…
Chronic kidney disease and dyslipidaemia
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has to be considered as a high, or even very high risk cardiovascular risk condition, since it leads to an increase in cardiovascular mortality that continues to increase as the disease progresses. An early diagnosis of CKD is required, together with an adequate identification of the risk factors, in order to slow down its progression to more severe states, prevent complications, and to delay, whenever possible, the need for renal replacement therapy. Dyslipidaemia is a factor of the progression of CKD that increases the risk in developing atherosclerosis and its complications. Its proper control contributes to reducing the elevated cardiovascular morbidity and …
Enfermedad renal crónica y dislipidemia
Resumen La enfermedad renal cronica (ERC) ha de ser considerada como una situacion de alto e incluso muy alto riesgo cardiovascular, ya que provoca un aumento de la mortalidad cardiovascular que va incrementandose a medida que progresa la enfermedad. Es preciso realizar un diagnostico precoz de la ERC junto con la adecuada identificacion de los factores de riesgo, al objeto de frenar su evolucion a estadios mas severos, evitar las complicaciones y retrasar, en lo posible, la necesidad de tratamiento sustitutivo renal. La dislipidemia es un factor de progresion de la ERC que aumenta el riesgo de desarrollo de aterosclerosis y sus complicaciones. Su adecuado control contribuye a reducir la el…