R.c. Shellard
Improved measurements of cross sections and asymmetries at the Z0 resonance
During the 1992 running period of the LEP e+e- collider, the DELPHI experiment accumulated approximately 24 pb-1 of data at the Z0 peak. The decays into hadrons and charged leptons have been analysed to give values for the cross sections and leptonic forward-backward asymmetries which are significantly improved with respect to those previously published by the DELPHI collaboration. Incorporating these new data, more precise values for the Z0 resonance parameters are obtained from model-independent fits. The results are interpreted within the framework of the Standard Model, yielding for the top quark mass m(t) = 157(-48)+36(expt.)-20(+19)(Higgs) GeV, and for the effective mixing angle sin2 …
A search for point sources of EeV neutrons
A thorough search of the sky exposed at the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory reveals no statistically significant excess of events in any small solid angle that would be indicative of a flux of neutral particles from a discrete source. The search covers from −90◦ to +15◦ in declination using four different energy ranges above 1 EeV (1018 eV). The method used in this search is more sensitive to neutrons than to photons. The upper limit on a neutron flux is derived for a dense grid of directions for each of the four energy ranges. These results constrain scenarios for the production of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays in the Galaxy.
Search for neutralino pair production at root s = 189 GeV
A search for pair-production of neutralinos at a LEP centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV gave no evidence for a signal. This limits the neutralino production cross-section and excludes regions in the parameter space of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM).
Search for the t and b' quarks in hadronic decays of the Z0 boson
We present a search for the third generation up type quark t and a possible fourth down type quark b' in hadronic Z0 decays observed in DELPHI at the LEP collider. For any scenario with a decay through the charged current or into a charged Higgs with a mass at least 6 GeV/c2 below the t and 3 GeVc2 below the b' mass, we set a lower limit for the t quark mass at 44.0 GeV/c2 and for the b' mass at 44.5 GeV/c2. For specific scenarios the mass limits are slightly higher, e.g. for charged current decays the limits are 44.5 and 45.0 GeV/c2 respectively, where all limits are given at a 95% confidence level. © 1990.
Evidence for B$^{0}_{s}$ meson production in Z$^0$ decays
Seven unambiguous events out of a sample of 270 000 Z0 decays, contain in tile same jet a D(s) meson and a muon at large transverse momentum relative to the et axis. These events are direct evidence for B(s)0 meson production in hadronic Z0 decays. The production rate of these events, relative to all hadronic Z0 decays is ( 18 +/- 8) x 10(-5) this number including the relevant branching fractions of the B(s)0 and D(s). The value of the B(s)0 meson lifetime relative to the average B meson lifetime is measured to be 0.8 +/- 0.4.
Design, upgrade and characterization of the silicon photomultiplier front-end for the AMIGA detector at the Pierre Auger Observatory
The successful installation, commissioning, and operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory would not have been possible without the strong commitment and effort from the technical and administrative staff in Malargue. We are very grateful to the following agencies and organizations for financial support: Argentina -Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica; Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientifica y Tecnologica (ANPCyT); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza; Municipalidad de Malargue; NDM Holdings and Valle Las Lenas; in gratitude for their continuing cooperation over land access; Australia -the Australian Research Council; Braz…
A Measurement of the Bbbar Forward-backward Asymmetry Using the Semileptonic Decay Into Muons
A Precise Measurement of the $\tau$ Polarisation at LEP-1
The $\tau$ polarisation has been studied with the ${\rm e^+e^-}\to \tau^+\tau^-$ data collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP in 1993, 1994 and 1995 around the Z resonance firstly through the exclusive decay channels ${\rm e}\nu\bar{\nu}$ , $\mu\nu\bar{\nu}$ , $\pi\nu$ , $\rho\nu$ and ${\rm a}_1\nu$ and secondly with an inclusive hadronic analysis which benefits from a higher efficiency and a better systematic precision. The results have been combined with those previously published on 1990 to 1992 DELPHI data, to produce results which reflect the full LEP-1 statistics. The fit of the $\tau$ polarisation dependence on the production angle yielded the polarisation parameters ${\cal A}_{_{\sc…
Search for the sgoldstino at √s = 189 to 202 GeV.
A search for the supersymmetric partner of the goldstino, the sgoldstino S, at LEP2 is presented. The production Sgamma followed by S decay into two gluons or into two photons was studied at 189 - 202 GeV LEP centre-of-mass energies. No evidence for the S production was found and limits on the S mass corresponding to different theory parameters are given.
Measurement of trilinear gauge boson couplings WWV, (V Z,gamma) in e(+)e(-) collisions at 189 GeV
Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWgamma and WWZ are presented using the data taken by DELPHI in 1998 at a centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV and combined with DELPHI data at 183 GeV. Values are determined for Delta(g_1^Z) and Delta(kappa_gamma), the differences of the WWZ charge coupling and of the WWgamma dipole coupling from their Standard Model values, and for lambda_gamma, the WWgamma quadrupole coupling. A measurement of the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moment of the W is extracted from the results for Delta(kappa_gamma) and lambda_gamma. The study uses data from the final states jjlv, jjjj, lX, jjX and gammaX, where j represents a quark jet, l an identifie…
Search for pair production of neutral Higgs bosons in Z$^0$ decays
The pair production of the lightest scalar Higgs boson, h, and a pseudoscalar Higgs boson, A, was searched for in a data sample containing 10 000 hadronic Z0 decays. The search involved both leptonic and purely hadronic decay channels of each Higgs boson. No signal was found, and limits on the Higgs boson masses, in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model, ar reported up to 35 GeV/c2 at 95% CL, for both tan β > 1 and tan β < 1, where tan β is the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs doublets.
Determination of |Vub|/|Vcb| with DELPHI at LEP
The ratio of the CKM quark-mixing matrix elements |Vub|/|Vcb| has been measured using B hadron semileptonic decays. The analysis uses the reconstructed mass M_X of the secondary hadronic system produced in association with an identified lepton. Since B -> X_u lepton anti-nu transitions are characterised by hadronic masses below those of the D mesons produced in B -> X_c lepton anti-nu transitions, events with a reconstructed value of M_X significantly below the D mass are selected. Further signal enrichments are obtained using the topology of reconstructed decays and hadron identification. A fit to the numbers of decays in the b -> u enriched and depleted samples with M_X above and…
Consistent measurements of alpha(s) from precise oriented event shape distributions
An updated analysis using about 1.5 million events recorded at $\sqrt{s} = M_Z$ with the DELPHI detector in 1994 is presented. Eighteen infrared and collinear safe event shape observables are measured as a function of the polar angle of the thrust axis. The data are compared to theoretical calculations in ${\cal O} (\alpha_s^2)$ including the event orientation. A combined fit of $\alpha_s$ and of the renormalization scale $x_{\mu}$ in $\cal O(\alpha_s^2$) yields an excellent description of the high statistics data. The weighted average from 18 observables including quark mass effects and correlations is $\alpha_s(M_Z^2) = 0.1174 \pm 0.0026$. The final result, derived from the jet cone energ…
Studies on the response of a water-Cherenkov detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory to atmospheric muons using an RPC hodoscope
Extensive air showers, originating from ultra-high energy cosmic rays, have been successfully measured through the use of arrays of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCDs). Sophisticated analyses exploiting WCD data have made it possible to demonstrate that shower simulations, based on different hadronic-interaction models, cannot reproduce the observed number of muons at the ground. The accurate knowledge of the WCD response to muons is paramount in establishing the exact level of this discrepancy. In this work, we report on a study of the response of a WCD of the Pierre Auger Observatory to atmospheric muons performed with a hodoscope made of resistive plate chambers (RPCs), enabling us to selec…
Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWV (V = $\gamma$ Z) in e$^+$e$^-$ collisions at 183 GeV
Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWγ and WWZ are presented from data taken by DELPHI in 1997 at an energy of 183 GeV. From a study of the reactions e + e − → W + W − , e + e − → Weν and e + e − → ννγ , values are obtained for Δg 1 Z and Δκ γ , the differences of the WWZ charge coupling and of the WWγ dipole couplings from their Standard Model values, and for λ γ , the WWγ quadrupole coupling. The observations are consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model. (Elsevier)