Consistent measurements of alpha(s) from precise oriented event shape distributions
P. AbreuW. AdamT. AdyeP. AdzicZ. AlbrechtT. AlderweireldG.d. AlekseevR. AlemanyT. AllmendingerP.p. AllportS. AlmehedU. AmaldiN. AmapaneS. AmatoE.g. AnassontzisP. AnderssonA. AndreazzaS. AndringaP. AntilogusW.d. ApelY. ArnoudB. AsmanJ.e. AugustinA. AugustinusP. BaillonP. BambadeF. BaraoG. BarbielliniR. BarbierD.yu. BardinG.j. BarkerA. BaroncelliM. BattagliaM. BaubillierK.h. BecksM. BegalliA. BehrmannP. BeilliereYu. BelokopytovN.c. BenekosA.c. BenvenutiC. BeratM. BerggrenD. BertiniD. BertrandM. BesanconM. BigiMikhail S. BilenkyM.a. BizouardD. BlochH.m. BlomM. BonesiniW. BoniventoM. BoonekampP.s.l. BoothA.w. BorglandG. BorisovC. BosioO. BotnerE. BoudinovB. BouquetC. BourdariosT.j.v. BowcockI. BoykoI. BozovicM. BozzoP. BranchiniT. BrenkeR.a. BrennerP. BruckmanJ.m. BrunetL. BuggeT. BuranT. BurgsmullerB. BuschbeckP. BuschmannS. CabreraM. CacciaM. CalviT. CamporesiV. CanaleF. CarenaL. CarrollC. CasoM.v. Castillo GimenezA. CattaiF.r. CavalloV. ChabaudP. CharpentierL. ChaussardP. ChecchiaG.a. ChelkovR. ChiericiP. ChochulaV. ChorowiczJ. ChudobaK. CieslikP. CollinsR. ContriE. CortinaG. CosmeF. CossuttiJ.h. CowellH.b. CrawleyD. CrennellSabine Crepe-renaudinG. CrosettiJ. Cuevas MaestroS. CzellarM. DavenportW. Da SilvaA. DeghorainG. Della RiccaP. DelpierreN. DemariaA. De AngelisW. De BoerC. De ClercqB. De LottoA. De MinL. De PaulaH. DijkstraL. Di CiaccioJ. DolbeauK. DorobaM. DracosJ. DreesM. DrisA. DuperrinJ.d. DurandG. EigenT. EkelofG. EkspongM. EllertM. ElsingJ.p. EngelB. ErzenM.c. Espirito SantoG. FanourakisD. FassouliotisJ. FayotM. FeindtP. FerrariA. FerrerE. Ferrer-ribasF. FerroS. FichetA. FirestoneU. FlagmeyerH. FoethE. FokitisF. FontanelliB. FranekA.g. FrodesenR. FruhwirthF. Fulda-quenzerJ. FusterA. GalloniD. GambaS. GamblinM. GandelmanC. GarciaC. GasparM. GasparU. GaspariniP. GavilletEvangelos GazisD. GeleN. GhodbaneInes Gil BotellaF. GlegeR. GokieliB. GolobG. Gomez-ceballosP. GoncalvesI. Gonzalez CaballeroG. GopalL. GornV. GraccoJ. GrahlE. GrazianiC. GreenH.j. GrimmP. GrisG. GrosdidierK. GrzelakM. GuntherJ. GuyF. HahnS. HahnS. HaiderA. HallgrenK. HamacherJ. HansenF.j. HarrisV. HedbergS. HeisingJ.j. HernandezP. HerquetH. HerrT.l. HessingJ.m. HeuserE. HigonS.o. HolmgrenP.j. HoltS. HoorelbekeM. HouldenJ. HrubecK. HuetG.j. HughesK. HultqvistJohn Neil JacksonR. JacobssonP. JalochaR. JanikC. JarlskogG. JarlskogP. JarryB. Jean-marieErik Karl JohanssonP. JonssonC. JoramP. JuillotFrederic KapustaK. KarafasoulisS. KatsanevasE.c. KatsoufisR. KeranenB.p. KersevanB.a. KhomenkoN.n. KhovanskyA. KiiskinenB. KingA. KinvigN.j. KjaerO. KlappHansjorg KleinP. KluitP. KokkiniasM. KoratzinosC. KourkoumelisO. KuznetsovM. KrammerE. KriznicZ. KrumshteinP. KubinecJ. KurowskaK. KurvinenJ.w. LamsaD.w. LaneP. LangefeldJ.p. LaugierR. LauhakangasG. LederFabienne LedroitV. LefebureL. LeinonenA. LeisosR. LeitnerJ. LemonneG. LenzenV. LepeltierT. LesiakM. LethuillierJ. LibbyD. LikoA. LipniackaI. LippiB. LorstadJ.g. LokenJ.h. LopesJ.m. LopezR. Lopez-fernandezD. LoukasP. LutzL. LyonsJ. MacnaughtonJ.r. MahonA. MaioA. MalekT.g.m. MalmgrenS. MaltezosV. MalychevF. MandlJ. MarcoR. MarcoB. MarechalM. MargoniJ.c. MarinC. MariottiA. MarkouC. Martinez-riveroF. Martinez-vidalS. Marti I GarciaJ. MasikN. MastroyiannopoulosF. MatorrasC. MatteuzziG. MatthiaeF. MazzucatoM. MazzucatoM. MccubbinR. MckayR. McnultyG. McphersonC. MeroniW.t. MeyerE. MiglioreL. MirabitoW.a. MitaroffU. MjornmarkT. MoaM. MochRasmus MollerKlaus MonigM.r. MongeX. MoreauP. MorettiniG. MortonU. MullerK. MunichM. MuldersC. Mulet-marquisR. MuresanW.j. MurrayB. MurynG. MyattT. MyklebustF. NaraghiM. NassiakouF.l. NavarriaSergio NavasK. NawrockiP. NegriS. NemecekN. NeufeldR. NicolaidouB.s. NielsenP. NiezurawskiM. NikolenkoV. NomokonovA. NormandA. NygrenA.g. OlshevskyA. OnofreR. OravaG. OraziK. OsterbergA. OuraouM. PaganoniS. PaianoR. PainR. PaivaJ. PalaciosH. PalkaT.d. PapadopoulouK. PapageorgiouL. PapeC. ParkesF. ParodiU. ParzefallA. PasseriO. PassonM. PegoraroL. PeraltaM. PernickaA. PerrottaC. PetridouA. PetroliniH.t. PhillipsF. PierreM. PimentaE. PiottoT. PodobnikM.e. PolG. PolokP. PoropatV. PozdnyakovP. PriviteraN. PukhaevaA. PulliaD. RadojicicS. RagazziH. RahmaniP.n. RatoffAlexander L. ReadP. RebecchiNicola Giuseppe RedaelliM. ReglerD. ReidR. ReinhardtP.b. RentonL.k. ResvanisF. RichardJ. RidkyG. RinaudoGerman RodrigoO. RohneA. RomeroP. RoncheseE.i. RosenbergP. RosinskyP. RoudeauT. RovelliC. RoyonV. Ruhlmann-kleiderA. RuizH. SaarikkoY. SacquinA. SadovskyG. SajotJ. SaltD. SampsonidisM. SanninoH. SchneiderP. SchwemlingB. SchweringU. SchwickerathM.a.e. SchynsFabrizio ScuriP. SeagerYu. SedykhA.m. SegarR. SekulinR.c. ShellardA. SheridanM. SiebelL. SimardF. SimonettoA.n. SisakianG. SmadjaO. SmirnovaG.r. SmithA. SopczakR. SosnowskiT. SpassoffE. SpiritiP. SponholzS. SquarciaC. StanescuS. StanicK. StevensonA. StocchiJ. StraussR. StrubB. StuguM. SzczekowskiM. SzeptyckaT. TabarelliF. TegenfeldtF. TerranovaJ. ThomasJan TimmermansN. TintiL.g. TkachevS. TodorovaA. TomaradzeB. TomeA. TonazzoL. TortoraG. TranstromerD. TreilleG. TristramM. TrochimczukC. TronconA. TsirouM.l. TurluerI.a. TyapkinS. TzamariasO. UllalandG. ValentiE. VallazzaC. Vander VeldeG.w. Van ApeldoornPiet Van DamWalter Van DoninckJ. Van EldikA. Van LysebettenN. Van RemortelI. Van VulpenN. VassilopoulosG. VegniL. VenturaW. VenusF. VerbeureM. VerlatoL.s. VertogradovV. VerziD. VilanovaL. VitaleA.s. VodopianovC. VollmerG. VoulgarisV. VrbaH. WahlenC. WalckC. WeiserD. WickeJ.h. WickensG.r. WilkinsonM. WinterM. WitekG. WolfJ. YiA. ZalewskaP. ZalewskiD. ZavrtanikE. ZevgolatakosN.i. ZimineG.c. ZucchelliG. Zumerlesubject
QuarkParticle physicsPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)OPTIMIZED PERTURBATION-THEORY; JET CROSS-SECTIONS; E+ E ANNIHILATION; QUANTUM CHROMODYNAMICS; E(+)E(-) ANNIHILATION; QCD CALCULATIONS; Z0 RESONANCE; MONTE-CARLO; DECAYS; ALPHA(S)(M(Z)(2))QCD CALCULATIONSFOS: Physical sciencesScale (descriptive set theory)01 natural sciences7. Clean energyDECAYSPartícules (Física nuclear)High Energy Physics - ExperimentRenormalizationHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)MONTE-CARLO0103 physical sciences[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]Engineering (miscellaneous); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)010306 general physicsEngineering (miscellaneous)ALPHA(S)(M(Z)(2))DELPHIPhysicsQUANTUM CHROMODYNAMICS010308 nuclear & particles physicsHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyOrder (ring theory)ObservableFunction (mathematics)E(+)E(-) ANNIHILATIONLARGE ELECTRON POSITRON COLLIDEROrientation (vector space)Experimental uncertainty analysisOPTIMIZED PERTURBATION-THEORYPARTICLE PHYSICS; LARGE ELECTRON POSITRON COLLIDER; DELPHIPARTICLE PHYSICSJET CROSS-SECTIONSFísica nuclearHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentE+ E ANNIHILATIONZ0 RESONANCEParticle Physics - Experimentdescription
An updated analysis using about 1.5 million events recorded at $\sqrt{s} = M_Z$ with the DELPHI detector in 1994 is presented. Eighteen infrared and collinear safe event shape observables are measured as a function of the polar angle of the thrust axis. The data are compared to theoretical calculations in ${\cal O} (\alpha_s^2)$ including the event orientation. A combined fit of $\alpha_s$ and of the renormalization scale $x_{\mu}$ in $\cal O(\alpha_s^2$) yields an excellent description of the high statistics data. The weighted average from 18 observables including quark mass effects and correlations is $\alpha_s(M_Z^2) = 0.1174 \pm 0.0026$. The final result, derived from the jet cone energy fraction, the observable with the smallest theoretical and experimental uncertainty, is $\alpha_s(M_Z^2) = 0.1180 \pm 0.0006 (exp.) \pm 0.0013 (hadr.) \pm 0.0008 (scale) \pm 0.0007 (mass)$. Further studies include an $\alpha_s$ determination using theoretical predictions in the next-to-leading log approximation (NLLA), matched NLLA and $\cal O(\alpha_s^2$) predictions as well as theoretically motivated optimized scale setting methods. The influence of higher order contributions was also investigated by using the method of Pad\'{e} approximants. Average $\alpha_s$ values derived from the different approaches are in good agreement.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2000-06-01 |