German Rodrigo

Heavy quark impact factor and the single bottom production at the LHC

Grigorios Chachamis Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, Universitat de Valencia – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Parc Cientific, E-46980 Paterna (Valencia), Spain E-mail: grigorios.chachamis@ific.uv.es Michal Deak∗ Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, Universitat de Valencia – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Parc Cientific, E-46980 Paterna (Valencia), Spain E-mail: michal.deak@ific.uv.es

research product

Causal representation of multi-loop Feynman integrands within the loop-tree duality

The numerical evaluation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes in the Feynman representation usually requires to deal with both physical (causal) and unphysical (non-causal) singularities. The loop-tree duality (LTD) offers a powerful framework to easily characterise and distinguish these two types of singularities, and then simplify analytically the underling expressions. In this paper, we work explicitly on the dual representation of multi-loop Feynman integrals generated from three parent topologies, which we refer to as Maximal, Next-to-Maximal and Next-to-Next-to-Maximal loop topologies. In particular, we aim at expressing these dual contributions, independently of the number of loops an…

research product

Four-dimensional unsubtraction with massive particles

We extend the four-dimensional unsubtraction method, which is based on the loop-tree duality (LTD), to deal with processes involving heavy particles. The method allows to perform the summation over degenerate IR configurations directly at integrand level in such a way that NLO corrections can be implemented directly in four space-time dimensions. We define a general momentum mapping between the real and virtual kinematics that accounts properly for the quasi-collinear configurations, and leads to an smooth massless limit. We illustrate the method first with an scalar toy example, and then analyse the case of the decay of a scalar or vector boson into a pair of massive quarks. The results pr…

research product

Collinear splitting, parton evolution and the strange-quark asymmetry of the nucleon in NNLO QCD

We consider the collinear limit of QCD amplitudes at one-loop order, and their factorization properties directly in colour space. These results apply to the multiple collinear limit of an arbitrary number of QCD partons, and are a basic ingredient in many higher-order computations. In particular, we discuss the triple collinear limit and its relation to flavour asymmetries in the QCD evolution of parton densities at three loops. As a phenomenological consequence of this new effect, and of the fact that the nucleon has non-vanishing quark valence densities, we study the perturbative generation of a strange--antistrange asymmetry $s(x)-\bar{s}(x)$ in the nucleon's sea.

research product

Polarized triple-collinear splitting functions at NLO for processes with photons

We compute the polarized splitting functions in the triple collinear limit at next-to-leading order accuracy (NLO) in the strong coupling $\alpha_{\rm S}$, for the splitting processes $\gamma \to q \bar{q} \gamma$, $\gamma \to q \bar{q} g$ and $g \to q \bar{q} \gamma$. The divergent structure of each splitting function was compared to the predicted behaviour according to Catani's formula. The results obtained in this paper are compatible with the unpolarized splitting functions computed in a previous article. Explicit results for NLO corrections are presented in the context of conventional dimensional regularization (CDR).

research product

Dimensionally regularized box and phase-space integrals involving gluons and massive quarks

The basic box and phase space integrals needed to compute at second order the three-jet decay rate of the Z-boson into massive quarks are presented in this paper. Dimensional Regularization is used to regularize the infrared divergences that appear in intermediate steps. Finally, the cancellation of these divergences among the virtual and the real contributions is showed explicitly.

research product

Quark-mass effects for jet production in e+e- collisions at the next-to-leading order: results and applications

We present a detailed description of our calculation of next-to-leading order QCD corrections to heavy quark production in e^+ e^- collisions including mass effects. In particular, we study the observables $R_3^{b\ql}$ and $D_2^{b\ql}$ in the E, EM, JADE and DURHAM jet-clustering algorithms and show how one can use these observables to obtain $m_b(m_Z)$ from data at the $Z$ peak.

research product

Charge asymmetries of top quarks at hadron colliders revisited

A sizeable difference in the differential production cross section of top- compared to antitop-quark production, denoted charge asymmetry, has been observed at the Tevatron. The experimental results seem to exceed the theory predictions based on the Standard Model by a significant amount and have triggered a large number of suggestions for "new physics". In the present paper the Standard Model predictions for Tevatron and LHC experiments are revisited. This includes a reanalysis of electromagnetic as well as weak corrections, leading to a shift of the asymmetry by roughly a factor 1.1 when compared to the results of the first papers on this subject. The impact of cuts on the transverse mome…

research product

Heavy quark mass effects in e+e− into three jets

Next-to-leading order calculation for three jet heavy quark production in e^+e^- collisions, including complete quark mass effects, is reviewed. Its applications at LEP/SLC are also discussed.

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Tree-Loop Duality Relation beyond simple poles

We develop the Tree-Loop Duality Relation for two- and three-loop integrals with multiple identical propagators (multiple poles). This is the extension of the Duality Relation for single poles and multi-loop integrals derived in previous publications. We prove a generalization of the formula for single poles to multiple poles and we develop a strategy for dealing with higher-order pole integrals by reducing them to single pole integrals using Integration By Parts.

research product

The loop-tree duality at work

We review the recent developments of the loop-tree duality method, focussing our discussion on analysing the singular behaviour of the loop integrand of the dual representation of one-loop integrals and scattering amplitudes. We show that within the loop-tree duality method there is a partial cancellation of singularities at the integrand level among the different components of the corresponding dual representation. The remaining threshold and infrared singularities are restricted to a finite region of the loop momentum space, which is of the size of the external momenta and can be mapped to the phase-space of real corrections to cancel the soft and collinear divergences.

research product

Massive color-octet bosons and the charge asymmetries of top quarks at hadron colliders

Several models predict the existence of heavy colored resonances decaying to top quarks in the TeV energy range that might be discovered at the LHC. In some of those models, moreover, a sizable charge asymmetry of top versus antitop quarks might be generated. The detection of these exotic resonances, however, requires selecting data samples where the top and the antitop quarks are highly boosted, which is experimentally very challenging. We asses that the measurement of the top quark charge asymmetry at the LHC is very sensitive to the existence of excited states of the gluon with axial-vector couplings to quarks. We use a toy model with general flavour independent couplings, and show that …

research product

Three-jet production at LEP and the bottom quark mass

We consider the possibility of extracting the bottom quark mass from LEP data. The inclusive decay rate for $\zbb +\cdots$ is obtained at order $\as$ by summing up the one-loop two-parton decay rate to the tree-level three-parton rate. We calculate the decay width of the $Z$-boson into two and three jets containing the $b$-quark including complete quark mass effects. In particular, we give analytic results for a slight modification of the JADE clustering algorithm. We also study the angular distribution with respect to the angle formed between the gluon and the quark jets, which has a strong dependence on the quark mass. The impact of higher order QCD corrections on these observables is bri…

research product

Fermion masses and the UV cutoff of the minimal realistic SU(5)

We investigate the predictions for fermion masses in the minimal realistic non-supersymmetric SU(5) model with the Standard Model matter content. The possibility to achieve b-\tau unification is studied taking into account all relevant effects. In addition, we show how to establish an upper bound on the ultraviolet cutoff \Lambda of the theory which is compatible with the Yukawa couplings at the grand unified scale and proton decay. We find \Lambda \simeq 10^{17} GeV, to be considered a conservative upper bound on the cutoff. We also provide up-to-date values of all the fermions masses at the electroweak scale.

research product

Charge asymmetry in hadroproduction of heavy quarks

A sizeable difference in the differential production cross section of top and antitop quarks, respectively, is predicted for hadronically produced heavy quarks. It is of order $\alpha_s$ and arises from the interference between charge odd and even amplitudes respectively. For the TEVATRON it amounts to approximately 5-10% in the region where the cross section is large and could therefore be measured in the next round of experiments. At the LHC the asymmetry can be studied by selecting appropriately chosen kinematical regions.

research product

Resummed jet rates for $e^+e^-$ annihilation into massive quarks

Expressions for Sudakov form factors for heavy quarks are presented. They are used to construct resummed jet rates for up to four jets in $e^+e^-$ annihilation. The coefficients of leading and next-to-leading logarithmic corrections, mandatory for a combination with higher order matrix elements, are evaluated up to second order in $\alpha_s$.

research product

Space-like (vs. time-like) collinear limits in QCD: Is factorization violated?

We consider the singular behaviour of QCD scattering amplitudes in kinematical configurations where two or more momenta of the external partons become collinear. At the tree level, this behaviour is known to be controlled by factorization formulae in which the singular collinear factor is universal (process independent). We show that this strict (process-independent) factorization is not valid at one-loop and higher-loop orders in the case of the collinear limit in space-like regions (e.g., collinear radiation from initial-state partons). We introduce a generalized version of all-order collinear factorization, in which the space-like singular factors retain some dependence on the momentum a…

research product

Resummed jet rates for heavy quark production in e+e– annihilation

Expressions for Sudakov form factors for heavy quarks are presented. They are used to construct resummed jet rates in electron-positron annihilation. Predictions are given for production of bottom quarks at LEP and top quarks at the Linear Collider.

research product

A tree-loop duality relation at two loops and beyond

The duality relation between one-loop integrals and phase-space integrals, developed in a previous work, is extended to higher-order loops. The duality relation is realized by a modification of the customary +i0 prescription of the Feynman propagators, which compensates for the absence of the multiple-cut contributions that appear in the Feynman tree theorem. We rederive the duality theorem at one-loop order in a form that is more suitable for its iterative extension to higher-loop orders. We explicitly show its application to two-and three-loop scalar master integrals, and we discuss the structure of the occurring cuts and the ensuing results in detail.

research product

The radiative return at small angles: virtual corrections

Virtual corrections for electron--positron annihilation into one real and one off-shell photon of invariant mass Q^2 are evaluated. Special attention is paid to those configurations where the real photon is collinear with the beam direction. This calculation is an important ingredient of a Monte Carlo program, which simulates events with tagged photons from initial-state radiation, including NLO corrections.

research product

From loops to trees by-passing Feynman's theorem

We derive a duality relation between one-loop integrals and phase-space integrals emerging from them through single cuts. The duality relation is realized by a modification of the customary +i0 prescription of the Feynman propagators. The new prescription regularizing the propagators, which we write in a Lorentz covariant form, compensates for the absence of multiple-cut contributions that appear in the Feynman Tree Theorem. The duality relation can be applied to generic one-loop quantities in any relativistic, local and unitary field theories. %It is suitable for applications to the analytical calculation of %one-loop scattering amplitudes, and to the numerical evaluation of %cross-section…

research product

Charge asymmetry of heavy quarks at hadron colliders

A sizeable difference in the differential production cross section of top and antitop quarks, respectively, is predicted for hadronically produced heavy quarks. It is of order $\alpha_s$ and arises from the interference between charge odd and even amplitudes respectively. For the TEVATRON it amounts up to 15\% for the differential distribution in suitable chosen kinematical regions. The resulting integrated forward-backward asymmetry of 4--5\% could be measured in the next round of experiments. At the LHC the asymmetry can be studied by selecting appropriately chosen kinematical regions. Furthermore, a slight preference at LHC for centrally produced antitop is predicted, with top quarks mor…

research product

On unification and nucleon decay in supersymmetric grand unified theories based on SU(5)

9 pages, 4 figures.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000247170700016.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0610034

research product

Electron-positron annihilation into three pions and the radiative return

The Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA, which simulates hadron and muon production at electron-positron colliders through radiative return, has been extended to final states with three pions. A model for the form factor based on generalized vector dominance has been employed, which is consistent with presently available experimental observations.

research product

Single bottom quark production in kT-factorisation

Journal of High Energy Physics 2015.9 (2015): 123 reproduced by permission of Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)

research product

QCD factorization with heavy quarks

We further analyze the definition and the calculation of the heavy quark impact factor at next-to-leading (NL) $\log s$ level, and we provide its analytical expression in a previously proposed k-factorization scheme. Our results indicate that k-factorization holds at NL level with a properly chosen energy scale, and with the same gluonic Green's function previously found in the massless probe case.

research product

Gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking via seesaw mechanisms

We present a simple scenario for gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (GMSB) where the messengers are also the fields that generate neutrino masses. We show that the simplest such scenario corresponds to the case where neutrino masses are generated through the type I and type III seesaw mechanisms. The entire supersymmetric spectrum and Higgs masses are calculable from only four input parameters. Since the electroweak symmetry is broken through a doubly radiative mechanism, meaning a nearly zero B term at the messenger scale which runs down to acceptable values, one obtains quite a constrained spectrum for the supersymmetric particles whose properties we describe. We refer to this mechanis…

research product

Two-loop QED corrections to the Altarelli-Parisi splitting functions

We compute the two-loop QED corrections to the Altarelli-Parisi (AP) splitting functions by using a deconstructive algorithmic Abelianization of the well-known NLO QCD corrections. We present explicit results for the full set of splitting kernels in a basis that includes the leptonic distribution functions that, starting from this order in the QED coupling, couple to the partonic densities. Finally, we perform a phenomenological analysis of the impact of these corrections in the splitting functions.

research product

The radiative return at $\phi$ - and B-factories: small-angle photon emission at next-to-leading order

The radiative return offers the unique possibility for a measurement of the cross section of electron--positron annihilation into hadrons over a wide range of energies. The large luminosity of present phi- and B-factories easily compensates for the additional factor of alpha due to the emission of a hard photon. Final states with photons at large angles can be easily identified. The rate for events with collinear photons, however, is enhanced by a large logarithm and allows, in particular at lower energies, for a complementary measurement. The Monte Carlo generator PHOKHARA, which includes next to leading order corrections from virtual and real photon emission, has been extended from large …

research product

Radiative return at NLO and the measurement of the hadronic cross-section in electron–positron annihilation

Electron-positron annihilation into hadrons plus an energetic photon from initial state radiation allows the hadronic cross-section to be measured over a wide range of energies. The full next-to-leading order QED corrections for the cross-section for e^+ e^- annihilation into a real tagged photon and a virtual photon converting into hadrons are calculated where the tagged photon is radiated off the initial electron or positron. This includes virtual and soft photon corrections to the process e^+ e^- \to \gamma +\gamma^* and the emission of two real hard photons: e^+ e^- \to \gamma + \gamma + \gamma^*. A Monte Carlo generator has been constructed, which incorporates these corrections and sim…

research product

m(b)(m(z)) from jet production at the Z peak in the Cambridge algorithm

We consider the production of heavy quark jets at the $Z$-pole at the next-to-leading order (NLO) using the {\it Cambridge jet-algorithm}. We study the effects of the quark mass in two- and three-jet observables and the uncertainty due to unknown higher order corrections as well as due to fragmentation. We found that the three-jet observable has remarkably small NLO corrections, which are stable with respect to the change of the renormalization scale, when expressed in terms of the {\it running quark mass} at the $m_Z$-scale. The size of the hadronization uncertainty for this observable remains reasonably small and is very stable with respect to changes in the jet resolution parameter $y_c$.

research product

The radiative return at phi- and B-factories: FSR at next-to-leading order

The measurement of the pion form factor and, more generally, of the cross section for electron--positron annihilation into hadrons through the radiative return has become an important task for high luminosity colliders such as the $\Phi$- or $B$-meson factories. For detailed understanding and analysis of this reaction, the construction of a Monte Carlo program, PHOKHARA, has been undertaken. Version 2.0 was based on a next-to-leading order (NLO) treatment of the corrections from initial-state radiation (ISR). In the present paper a further extension of PHOKHARA (version 3.0) is described, which incorporates NLO corrections to final-state radiation (FSR). The impact of combined ISR and FSR o…

research product

Charge asymmetry of top quarks

The LHC is a promising machine to discover new physics in the top sector. There are several models that predict the existence of heavy colored resonances decaying to top quarks in the TeV energy range. The production of such resonances might generate a sizable charge asymmetry of top versus antitop quarks. At the Tevatron, a 2 sigma discrepancy with the SM prediction for the forward--backward asymmetry has been found, boosting a renewed interest for this kind of models. We consider a toy model with general flavour dependent couplings of the resonance to quarks, of both vector and axial-vector kind and investigate the possible constraints on the coupling space from the measurement of the asy…

research product

Heavy quark impact factor in kT-factorization

We present the calculation of the finite part of the heavy quark impact factor at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy in a form suitable for phenomenological studies such as the calculation of the cross-section for single bottom quark production at the LHC within the kT-factorization scheme.

research product

Double collinear splitting amplitudes at next-to-leading order

We compute the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections to the $1 \to 2$ splitting amplitudes in different dimensional regularization (DREG) schemes. Besides recovering previously known results, we explore new DREG schemes and analyze their consistency by comparing the divergent structure with the expected behavior predicted by Catani's formula. Through the introduction of scalar-gluons, we show the relation among splittings matrices computed using different schemes. Also, we extended this analysis to cover the double collinear limit of scattering amplitudes in the context of QCD+QED.

research product

The radiative return at phi- and B-factories: FSR for muon pair production at next-to-leading order

Muon pair production through the radiative return is of importance for a measurement of the hadronic production cross section in two ways: it provides an independent calibration and it may give rise to an important background for a measurement of the pion form factor. With this motivation the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA is extended to include next-to-leading order radiative corrections to the reaction $e^+e^-\to \mu^+\mu^-\gamma$. Furthermore, virtual ISR corrections to FSR from pions are introduced, which extends the applicability of the generator into a new kinematical regime. Finally, the effect of photon vacuum polarization is introduced into this new version of the generator.

research product

Radiative return at e+e- factories

The energy dependence of the electron - positron hadronic cross section can be measured not only by a straightforward energy scan, but also by means of the radiative return method. To provide extensive comparisons between theory and experiment a Monte Carlo event generator is an indispensable tool. We have developed such a generator called PHOKHARA, which simulates e+e- -> mesons + photon(s) processes. In this paper we present its latest tests and upgrades.

research product

Triple collinear splitting functions at NLO for scattering processes with photons

We present splitting functions in the triple collinear limit at next-to-leading order. The computation was performed in the context of massless QCD+QED, considering only processes which include at least one photon. Through the comparison of the IR divergent structure of splitting amplitudes with the expected known behavior, we were able to check our results. Besides that we implemented some consistency checks based on symmetry arguments and cross-checked the results among them. Studying photon-started processes, we obtained very compact results.

research product

From multileg loops to trees (by-passing Feynman's Tree Theorem)

We illustrate a duality relation between one-loop integrals and single-cut phase-space integrals. The duality relation is realised by a modification of the customary +i0 prescription of the Feynman propagators. The new prescription regularizing the propagators, which we write in a Lorentz covariant form, compensates for the absence of multiple-cut contributions that appear in the Feynman Tree Theorem. The duality relation can be extended to generic one-loop quantities, such as Green's functions, in any relativistic, local and unitary field theories.

research product

Precision measurement of the hadronic cross-section through the radiative return method

Electron--positron annihilation into hadrons plus an energetic photon from initial-state radiation allows the hadronic cross-section to be measured over a wide range of energies at high luminosity meson factories. Weighted integrals over this cross-section are a decisive input for electroweak precision tests. A Monte Carlo event generator called PHOKHARA has been developed, which simulates $e^+ e^- \to$ hadrons + photon(s) at the NLO accuracy. The latest tests and upgrades are presented in this paper.

research product

Heavy quark impact factor at next-to-leading order

We further analyze the definition and the calculation of the heavy quark impact factor at next-to-leading (NL) log(s) level, and we provide its analytical expression in a previously proposed k-factorization scheme. Our results indicate that k-factorization holds at NL level with a properly chosen energy scale, and with the same gluonic Green's function previously found in the massless probe case.

research product

Numerical implementation of the Loop-Tree Duality method

We present a first numerical implementation of the Loop-Tree Duality (LTD) method for the direct numerical computation of multi-leg one-loop Feynman integrals. We discuss in detail the singular structure of the dual integrands and define a suitable contour deformation in the loop three-momentum space to carry out the numerical integration. Then, we apply the LTD method to the computation of ultraviolet and infrared finite integrals, and present explicit results for scalar integrals with up to five external legs (pentagons) and tensor integrals with up to six legs (hexagons). The LTD method features an excellent performance independently of the number of external legs.

research product

The triple collinear limit of one-loop QCD amplitudes

We consider the singular behaviour of one-loop QCD matrix elements when several external partons become simultaneously parallel. We present a new factorization formula that describes the singular collinear behaviour directly in colour space. The collinear singularities are embodied in process-independent splitting matrices that depend on the momenta, flavours, spins and colours of the collinear partons. We give the general structure of the infrared and ultraviolet divergences of the one-loop splitting matrices. We also present explicit one-loop results for the triple collinear splitting, $q \to q {\bar Q} Q$, of a quark and a quark--antiquark pair of different flavours. The one-loop triple …

research product

Complete QED NLO contributions to the reaction $e^+e^- \to \mu^+\mu^-\gamma$ and their implementation in the event generator PHOKHARA

KLOE and Babar have an observed discrepancy of 2% to 5% in the invariant pion pair production cross section. These measurements are based on approximate NLO $ \mu^+ \mu^- \gamma $ cross section predictions of the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA7.0. In this article, the complete NLO radiative corrections to $ \mu^+ \mu^- \gamma $ production are calculated and implemented in the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA9.0. Numerical reliability is guaranteed by two independent approaches to the real and the virtual corrections. The novel features include the contribution of pentagon diagrams in the virtual corrections, which form a gauge-invariant set when combined with their box diagram par…

research product

Charge asymmetries of top quarks: a window to new physics at hadron colliders

With the next start of LHC, a huge production of top quarks is expected. There are several models that predict the existence of heavy colored resonances decaying to top quarks in the TeV energy range. A peak in the differential cross section could reveal the existence of such a resonance, but this is experimentally challenging, because it requires selecting data samples where top and antitop quarks are highly boosted. Nonetheless, the production of such resonances might generate a sizable charge asymmetry of top versus antitop quarks. We consider a toy model with general flavour independent couplings of the resonance to quarks, of both vector and axial-vector kind. The charge asymmetry turn…

research product

Quark mass effects in QCD jets

The effects induced by the quark masses in three-jet observables have been studied in this thesis. In particular, we have explored a new method: the study of three-jet observables at LEP, different from QCD Sum Rules and Lattice calculations, for determining the b-quark mass. Among other advantages, it would allow to extract the b quark mass far from threshold, in contrast to the other methods described above and it would provide a test of the QCD Renormalization Group predictions. From our NLO calculation, we have estimated, by exploring the $\mu$-dependence of our prediction at m_Z, a theoretical b-quark mass uncertainty of at most 250(MeV) in the DURHAM algorithm, 300(MeV) for JADE and E…

research product

Compact Multigluonic Scattering Amplitudes with Heavy Scalars and Fermions

Combining the Berends-Giele and on-shell recursion relations we obtain an extremely compact expression for the scattering amplitude of a complex scalar-antiscalar pair and an arbitrary number of positive helicity gluons. This is one of the basic building blocks for constructing other helicity configurations from recursion relations. We also show explicity that the all positive helicity gluons amplitude for heavy fermions is proportional to the scalar one, confirming in this way the recently advocated SUSY-like Ward identities relating both amplitudes.

research product

Multigluonic scattering amplitudes of heavy quarks

We consider heavy quark and antiquark off-shell spinorial currents with emission of an arbitrary number of gluons of positive helicity. From this results we calculate the corresponding on-shell scattering amplitude and the quark-antiquark vector current. Then, we show that in the heavy top quark effective theory the holomorfic component of the Higgs $\to q \bar{q} + n$-gluon amplitude vanish for helicity conserving configurations.

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Top quarks, axigluons and charge asymmetries at hadron colliders

Final full-text version available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.77.014003

research product

Do the Quark Masses Run? Extractingm¯b(mZ)from CERN LEP Data

We present the first results of next-to-leading order QCD corrections to three-jet heavy quark production at the CERN ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ collider LEP including mass effects. Among other applications, this calculation can be used to extract the bottom-quark mass from LEP data and, therefore, to test the running of masses as predicted by QCD.

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Mathematical properties of nested residues and their application to multi-loop scattering amplitudes

Journal of high energy physics 02(2), 112 (2021). doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2021)112

research product

Nucleon form factors, B-meson factories and the radiative return

The feasibility of a measurement of the electric and magnetic nucleon form factors at $B$-meson factories through the radiative return is studied. Angular distributions allow a separation of the contributions from the two form factors. The distributions are presented for the laboratory and the hadronic rest frame, and the advantages of different coordinate systems are investigated. It is demonstrated that $Q^2$ values up to 8 or even 9 GeV$^2$ are within reach. The Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA is extended to nucleon final states, and results are presented which include Next-to-Leading Order radiative corrections from initial-state radiation. The impact of angular cuts on rates and d…

research product

Consistent measurements of alpha(s) from precise oriented event shape distributions

An updated analysis using about 1.5 million events recorded at $\sqrt{s} = M_Z$ with the DELPHI detector in 1994 is presented. Eighteen infrared and collinear safe event shape observables are measured as a function of the polar angle of the thrust axis. The data are compared to theoretical calculations in ${\cal O} (\alpha_s^2)$ including the event orientation. A combined fit of $\alpha_s$ and of the renormalization scale $x_{\mu}$ in $\cal O(\alpha_s^2$) yields an excellent description of the high statistics data. The weighted average from 18 observables including quark mass effects and correlations is $\alpha_s(M_Z^2) = 0.1174 \pm 0.0026$. The final result, derived from the jet cone energ…

research product

Quest for precision in hadronic cross sections at low energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. experimental data

We present the achievements of the last years of the experimental and theoretical groups working on hadronic cross section measurements at the low-energy e (+) e (-) colliders in Beijing, Frascati, Ithaca, Novosibirsk, Stanford and Tsukuba and on tau decays. We sketch the prospects in these fields for the years to come. We emphasise the status and the precision of the Monte Carlo generators used to analyse the hadronic cross section measurements obtained as well with energy scans as with radiative return, to determine luminosities and tau decays. The radiative corrections fully or approximately implemented in the various codes and the contribution of the vacuum polarisation are discussed.

research product

The running of the b-quark mass from LEP data

Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to three jet heavy quark production in $e^+ e^-$ collisions, including quark mass effects, are presented. The extraction of the b-quark mass form LEP data is considered and the first experimental evidence for the running of a quark mass is discussed.

research product

On the singular behaviour of scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory

We analyse the singular behaviour of one-loop integrals and scattering amplitudes in the framework of the loop--tree duality approach. We show that there is a partial cancellation of singularities at the loop integrand level among the different components of the corresponding dual representation that can be interpreted in terms of causality. The remaining threshold and infrared singularities are restricted to a finite region of the loop momentum space, which is of the size of the external momenta and can be mapped to the phase-space of real corrections to cancel the soft and collinear divergences.

research product

alpha(s)(m(Z)) from tau decays with matching conditions at three loops

Using the recent four-loop calculations of the QCD beta-function and the three-loop matching coefficients we study the induced error in $\alpha_s(m_Z)$ obtained from $\alpha_s(m_tau)$ due to the evolution procedure. We show that, when consistent matching and running is used at this order, these errors are pushed below 0.0005 in $\alpha_s(m_Z)$.

research product

Perturbative generation of a strange-quark asymmetry in the nucleon

We point out that perturbative evolution in QCD at three loops generates a strange-antistrange asymmetry s(x)-sbar(x) in the nucleon's sea just from the fact that the nucleon has non-vanishing up and down quark valence densities. The recently computed three-loop splitting functions allow for an estimate of this effect. We find that a fairly sizable asymmetry may be generated. Results for analogous asymmetries in the heavy-quark sector are also presented.

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Constraining heavy colored resonances from top-antitop quark events

Recent measurements of the top quark charge asymmetry at Tevatron disfavor the existence of flavor universal axigluons and colorons at 2 sigma. In this letter, we explore the possibility of reconciling the data with these models and use the charge asymmetry and the invariant mass distribution of top-antitop quark pair events to constrain the mass and couplings of massive color-octet gauge bosons decaying to top quarks.

research product

QCD matching conditions at thresholds

The use of MS-like renormalization schemes in QCD requires an implementation of nontrivial matching conditions across thresholds, a fact often overlooked in the literature. We shortly review the use of these matching conditions in QCD and check explicitly that the prediction for $\alpha_s(M_Z)$, obtained by running the strong coupling constant from the $M_\tau$ scale, does not substantially depend on the exact value of the matching point chosen in crossing the $b$-quark threshold when the appropriate matching conditions are taken into account.

research product

Report of the QCD Working Group

The activities of the QCD working group concentrated on improving the understanding and Monte Carlo simulation of multi-jet final states due to hard QCD processes at LEP, i.e. quark-antiquark plus multi-gluon and/or secondary quark production, with particular emphasis on four-jet final states and b-quark mass effects. Specific topics covered are: relevant developments in the main event generators PYTHIA, HERWIG and ARIADNE; the new multi-jet generator APACIC++; description and tuning of inclusive (all-flavour) jet rates; quark mass effects in the three- and four-jet rates; mass, higher-order and hadronization effects in four-jet angular and shape distributions; b-quark fragmentation and glu…

research product