J.m. Heuser

A Precise Measurement of the $\tau$ Polarisation at LEP-1

The $\tau$ polarisation has been studied with the ${\rm e^+e^-}\to \tau^+\tau^-$ data collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP in 1993, 1994 and 1995 around the Z resonance firstly through the exclusive decay channels ${\rm e}\nu\bar{\nu}$ , $\mu\nu\bar{\nu}$ , $\pi\nu$ , $\rho\nu$ and ${\rm a}_1\nu$ and secondly with an inclusive hadronic analysis which benefits from a higher efficiency and a better systematic precision. The results have been combined with those previously published on 1990 to 1992 DELPHI data, to produce results which reflect the full LEP-1 statistics. The fit of the $\tau$ polarisation dependence on the production angle yielded the polarisation parameters ${\cal A}_{_{\sc…

research product

Measurement of trilinear gauge boson couplings WWV, (V Z,gamma) in e(+)e(-) collisions at 189 GeV

Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWgamma and WWZ are presented using the data taken by DELPHI in 1998 at a centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV and combined with DELPHI data at 183 GeV. Values are determined for Delta(g_1^Z) and Delta(kappa_gamma), the differences of the WWZ charge coupling and of the WWgamma dipole coupling from their Standard Model values, and for lambda_gamma, the WWgamma quadrupole coupling. A measurement of the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moment of the W is extracted from the results for Delta(kappa_gamma) and lambda_gamma. The study uses data from the final states jjlv, jjjj, lX, jjX and gammaX, where j represents a quark jet, l an identifie…

research product

Consistent measurements of alpha(s) from precise oriented event shape distributions

An updated analysis using about 1.5 million events recorded at $\sqrt{s} = M_Z$ with the DELPHI detector in 1994 is presented. Eighteen infrared and collinear safe event shape observables are measured as a function of the polar angle of the thrust axis. The data are compared to theoretical calculations in ${\cal O} (\alpha_s^2)$ including the event orientation. A combined fit of $\alpha_s$ and of the renormalization scale $x_{\mu}$ in $\cal O(\alpha_s^2$) yields an excellent description of the high statistics data. The weighted average from 18 observables including quark mass effects and correlations is $\alpha_s(M_Z^2) = 0.1174 \pm 0.0026$. The final result, derived from the jet cone energ…

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