R. Lopez-fernandez

Search for neutralino pair production at root s = 189 GeV

A search for pair-production of neutralinos at a LEP centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV gave no evidence for a signal. This limits the neutralino production cross-section and excludes regions in the parameter space of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM).

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A measurement of the Tau topological branching ratios

Using data collected in the DELPHI detector at LEP-1, measurements of the inclusive tau branching ratios for decay modes containing one, three, or five charged particles have been performed, giving the following results: B_1 = B(\tau^- -> (particle)^- \geq 0pi^0 \geq 0K^0 \nu_\tau(\bar{\nu})) = (85.316 +/- 0.093 +/- 0.049)%; B_3 = B(\tau^- -> 2h^-h^+ \geq 0pi^0 \geq 0K^0 \nu_\tau) = (14.569 +/- 0.093 +/- 0.048)%; B_5 = B(\tau^- -> 3h^-2h^+ \geq 0pi^0 \geq 0K^0 \nu_\tau) = (0.115 +/- 0.013 +/- 0.006)%, where h is either a charged pi or K meson. The first quoted uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic.

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A Precise Measurement of the $\tau$ Polarisation at LEP-1

The $\tau$ polarisation has been studied with the ${\rm e^+e^-}\to \tau^+\tau^-$ data collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP in 1993, 1994 and 1995 around the Z resonance firstly through the exclusive decay channels ${\rm e}\nu\bar{\nu}$ , $\mu\nu\bar{\nu}$ , $\pi\nu$ , $\rho\nu$ and ${\rm a}_1\nu$ and secondly with an inclusive hadronic analysis which benefits from a higher efficiency and a better systematic precision. The results have been combined with those previously published on 1990 to 1992 DELPHI data, to produce results which reflect the full LEP-1 statistics. The fit of the $\tau$ polarisation dependence on the production angle yielded the polarisation parameters ${\cal A}_{_{\sc…

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Identified charged particles in quark and gluon jets

A sample of 2.2 million hadronic Z decays, selected from the data recorded by the Delphi detector at LEP during 1994-1995 was used for an improved measurement of inclusive distributions of pi+, K+ and p and their antiparticles in gluon and quark jets. The production spectra of the individual identified particles were found to be softer in gluon jets compared to quark jets, with a higher multiplicity in gluon jets as observed for inclusive charged particles. A significant proton enhancement in gluon jets is observed indicating that baryon production proceeds directly from colour objects. The maxima, xi^*, of the xi-distributions for kaons in gluon and quark jets are observed to be different.

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Energy dependence of inclusive spectra in e+ e- annihilation

Inclusive charged hadron distributions as obtained from the DELPHI measurements at 130, 136, 161, 172 and 183 GeV are presented as a function of the variables rapidity, xi(p), p and transversal momenta. Data are compared with event generators and with MLLA calculations, in order to examine the hypothesis of local parton hadron duality. The differential momentum spectra show an indication for coherence effects in the production of soft particles. The relation between the energy dependence of the charged multiplicity and the rapidity distribution is examined. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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Search for the sgoldstino at √s = 189 to 202 GeV.

A search for the supersymmetric partner of the goldstino, the sgoldstino S, at LEP2 is presented. The production Sgamma followed by S decay into two gluons or into two photons was studied at 189 - 202 GeV LEP centre-of-mass energies. No evidence for the S production was found and limits on the S mass corresponding to different theory parameters are given.

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Measurement of trilinear gauge boson couplings WWV, (V Z,gamma) in e(+)e(-) collisions at 189 GeV

Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWgamma and WWZ are presented using the data taken by DELPHI in 1998 at a centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV and combined with DELPHI data at 183 GeV. Values are determined for Delta(g_1^Z) and Delta(kappa_gamma), the differences of the WWZ charge coupling and of the WWgamma dipole coupling from their Standard Model values, and for lambda_gamma, the WWgamma quadrupole coupling. A measurement of the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moment of the W is extracted from the results for Delta(kappa_gamma) and lambda_gamma. The study uses data from the final states jjlv, jjjj, lX, jjX and gammaX, where j represents a quark jet, l an identifie…

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A search for invisible Higgs bosons produced in e+e- interactions at LEP 2 energies

Searches for HZ production with the Higgs boson decaying into an invisible final state have been performed with the data collected by the DELPHI experiment up to the centre-of-mass energy of 183 GeV. The hadronic and muon pair final states of the Z boson were analysed. From the absence of signal, upper limits on the cross-section and the corresponding Higgs boson mass limits were set at 95% confidence level. The results are interpreted as excluded parameter regions in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model and in the simplest Majoron model with one Higgs doublet and one Higgs singlet field. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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Search for chargino pair production in scenarios with gravitino LSP and stau NLSP at GeV at LEP

Promptly decaying lightest charginos were searched for in the context of scenarios with gravitino LSP. It was assumed that the stau is the next to lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP). Data collected with the DELPHI detector at a centre-of-mass energy near 183~{~mbox{${mathrm{GeV}}$}}\nwere analysed combining the methods developed in previous searches. No evidence for the production of these particles was found. Hence, limits were derived at 95% confidence level. The mass of charginos was found to be greater than 85.5~GeV/$c^2$ for $m_{ ilde{chi}^+_1}-m_{ ilde{ au}_1}geq 0.3 {mathrm{GeV}}/c^2$, independently of the mass of the gravitino.

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Energy dependence of event shapes and of $\alpha_s$ at LEP 2

Infrared and collinear safe event shape distributions and their mean values are determined using the data taken at five different centre of mass energies above M-Z with the DELPHI detector at LEP. From the event shapes, the strong coupling alpha(s) is extracted in O(alpha(s)(2)), NLLA and a combined scheme using hadronisation corrections evaluated with fragmentation model generators as well as using an analytical power ansatz. Comparing these measurements to those obtained at M-Z, the energy dependence (running) of alpha(s) is accessible. The logarithmic energy slope of the inverse strong coupling is measured to be d alpha(s)(-1)/d log(E-cm) = 1.39 +/- 0.34 (stat) +/- 0.17(syst), in good ag…

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Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing soft electronb-tagging

The authors present a measurement of the t{bar t} production cross section using events with one charged lepton and jets from p{bar p} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. A b-tagging algorithm based on the probability of displaced tracks coming from the event interaction vertex is applied to identify b quarks from top decay. Using 318 pb{sup -1} of data collected with the CDF II detector, they measure the t{bar t} production cross section in events with at least one restrictive (tight) b-tagged jet and obtain 8.9{sub -1.0}{sup +1.0}(stat.){sub -1.0}{sup +1.1}(syst.) pb. The cross section value assumes a top quark mass of m{sub t} is presented in the paper. This result is cons…

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Study of dimuon production in photon-photon collisions and measurement of QED photon structure functions at LEP

Muon pair production in the process e+e- -> e+e-mu+mu- is studied using the data taken at LEP1 (sqrt(s) \simeq m_Z) with the DELPHI detector during the years 1992-1995. The corresponding integrated luminosity is 138.5 pb^{-1}. The QED predictions have been tested over the whole Q^2 range accessible at LEP1 (from several GeV^2/c^4 to several hundred GeV^2/c^4) by comparing experimental distributions with distributions resulting from Monte Carlo simulations using various generators. Selected events are used to extract the leptonic photon structure function F_2^\gamma. Azimuthal correlations are used to obtain information on additional structure functions, F_A^\gamma and F_B^\gamma, which orig…

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Two-particle angular correlations in e(+)e(-) interactions compared with QCD predictions

Two-particle angular correlations in jet cones have been measured in e(+)e(-) annihilation into hadrons at LEP energies (root s = 91 and 183 GeV) and are compared with QCD predictions using the LPHD hypothesis. Two different functions have been tested. While the differentially normalized correlation function shows substantial deviations from the predictions, a globally normalized correlation function agrees well. The size of alpha(s)(eff) land other QCD parameters) and its running with the relevant angular scale, the validity of LPHD, and problems due to non-perturbative effects are discussed critically. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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Determination of |Vub|/|Vcb| with DELPHI at LEP

The ratio of the CKM quark-mixing matrix elements |Vub|/|Vcb| has been measured using B hadron semileptonic decays. The analysis uses the reconstructed mass M_X of the secondary hadronic system produced in association with an identified lepton. Since B -> X_u lepton anti-nu transitions are characterised by hadronic masses below those of the D mesons produced in B -> X_c lepton anti-nu transitions, events with a reconstructed value of M_X significantly below the D mass are selected. Further signal enrichments are obtained using the topology of reconstructed decays and hadron identification. A fit to the numbers of decays in the b -> u enriched and depleted samples with M_X above and…

research product

A Search for Heavy Stable and Long-Lived Squarks and Sleptons in $e^+ e^-$ Collisions at Energies from 130 to 183 GeV

A search for stable and long-lived heavy charged particles used the data taken by the DELPHI experiment at energies from 130 to 183 GeV. The Cherenkov light detected in the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector and the ionization loss measured in the Time Projection Chamber identify heavy particles from masses of 2 to nearly 89 GeV/c$^2$. Upper limits are given on the production cross-section and masses of sleptons, free squarks with a charge of $q = \pm 2/3e$ and hadronizing squarks. A search for stable and long-lived heavy charged particles used the data taken by the DELPHI experiment at energies from 130 to 183 GeV. The Cherenkov light detected in the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector and the io…

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Study of the four-jet anomaly observed at LEP centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

The four-jet events collected by DELPHI during the special LEP run at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV in 1997 with an integrated luminosity of 5.9 pb(-1) are analysed. Their rate and the distributions of their di-jet masses, their smallest jet charges, and their di-jet charge separations all agree well with Standard Model predictions. Thus the hypothesis of pair production of a new particle with a sum of di-jet masses around 105 GeV/c(2) is not supported. The combined result of the four LEP collaborations refuting this hypothesis at over 99% confidence level is also given. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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Consistent measurements of alpha(s) from precise oriented event shape distributions

An updated analysis using about 1.5 million events recorded at $\sqrt{s} = M_Z$ with the DELPHI detector in 1994 is presented. Eighteen infrared and collinear safe event shape observables are measured as a function of the polar angle of the thrust axis. The data are compared to theoretical calculations in ${\cal O} (\alpha_s^2)$ including the event orientation. A combined fit of $\alpha_s$ and of the renormalization scale $x_{\mu}$ in $\cal O(\alpha_s^2$) yields an excellent description of the high statistics data. The weighted average from 18 observables including quark mass effects and correlations is $\alpha_s(M_Z^2) = 0.1174 \pm 0.0026$. The final result, derived from the jet cone energ…

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Cross-sections and leptonic forward-backward asymmetries from the Z(0) running of LEP

During 1993 and 1995 LEP was run at 3 energies near the Z $^0$ peak in order to give improved measurements of the mass and width of the resonance. During 1994, LEP operated only at the Z $^0$ peak. In total DELPHI accumulated data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 116 pb $^{-1}$ . Analyses of the hadronic cross-sections and of the cross-sections and forward-backward asymmetries in the leptonic channels used the most precise evaluations of the LEP energies. In the dimuon channel, events with a photon radiated from the initial state have been used to probe the cross-sections and asymmetries down to PETRA energies. Model independent fits to all DELPHI lineshape and asy…

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Measurement of inclusive ρ0, f0(980), f2(1270), K and f′2(1525) production in Z0 decays

DELPHI results are presented on the inclusive production of the neutral mesons ρ0, f0(980), f2(1270), KView the MathML source and f′2(1525) in hadronic Z0 decays. They are based on about 2 million multihadronic events collected in 1994 and 1995, using the particle identification capabilities of the DELPHI Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors and measured ionization losses in the Time Projection Chamber. The total production rates per hadronic Z0 decay have been determined to be: 1.19±0.10 for ρ0; 0.164±0.021 for f0(980); 0.214±0.038 for f2(1270); 0.073±0.023 for KView the MathML source; and 0.012±0.006 for f′2(1525). The total production rates for all mesons and differential cross-sections for …

research product

Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWV (V = $\gamma$ Z) in e$^+$e$^-$ collisions at 183 GeV

Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWγ and WWZ are presented from data taken by DELPHI in 1997 at an energy of 183 GeV. From a study of the reactions e + e − → W + W − , e + e − → Weν and e + e − → ννγ , values are obtained for Δg 1 Z and Δκ γ , the differences of the WWZ charge coupling and of the WWγ dipole couplings from their Standard Model values, and for λ γ , the WWγ quadrupole coupling. The observations are consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model. (Elsevier)

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