Mario Catalano

The forecasting of the roadside pollutant levels to evaluate traffic management measures in Palermo.

The road transport has become the major source of environmental degradation in urban centres. It produces negative externalities (i.e. pollution, delay, etc.) that are usually connected with the queues of traffic flows and the congestion of the road network. The quantitative estimation of roadside pollutant levels is very complex. Many variables are involved such as the type of vehicle (characterized by different antipollution devices, used fuels, engine temperatures, maintenance level of engines, etc.), the different cinematic conditions of the flows, the urban/road network structure, the weather conditions, etc. Therefore it is important to develop scientific tools able to predict roadsid…

research product

Previsione dell'inquinamento generato dalla mobilità veicolare e traffic management

Questo studio s'inserisce in una più ampia attività di ricerca sulle correlazioni tra le concentrazioni dei principali agenti inquinanti e variabili relative sia alle condizioni meteorologiche, che ne possono favorire o meno la dispersione, sia al deflusso veicolare quale fonte primaria d'inquinamento. L'idea è quella di sviluppare una metodologia per la previsione a breve termine delle densità di quegli elementi per i quali la normativa prevede delle soglie in termini di concentrazioni medie orarie. Tutto ciò al fine di potersi avvalere, in futuro, di modelli e tecnologie per sapere, con qualche ora di anticipo, se in una determinata zona di un centro urbano, un giorno, possa verificarsi q…

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A demand-based methodology for planning the bus network of a small-medium sized town

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Urban public transport optimization by bus ways: a neural network-based methodology

This paper describes an approach for planning the introduction of bus lanes into the urban road network, that has been applied to the urban area of Palermo. The proposed modelling tool adopts a multi-agent objective function expressing the trade-off between the interests of diverse stakeholders: the generalized transport cost for car drivers and the travel time for public transport users. The reaction of car traffic to a certain planning scenario has been simulated by the DUE assignment technique and the positive impact of the modal shift on the objective function has been tackled by attaching a suitable weight to the time saving for bus passengers. The rise in the bus travel speed, owing t…

research product

High Levels of Exogenous C2-Ceramide Promote Morphological and Biochemical Evidences of Necrotic Features in Thyroid Follicular Cells

CD95 and ceramide are known to be involved in the apoptotic mechanism. The triggering of CD95 induces a cascade of metabolic events that progressively and dramatically modifies the cell shape by intense membrane blebbing, leading to apoptotic bodies production. Although the CD95 pathway has been abundantly described in normal thyrocytes, the effects of cell permeable synthetic ceramide at morphological and biochemical levels are not fully known. In the present study, we show that thyroid follicular cells (TFC) exposed to 20 μM of C2-ceramide for 4 h are characterized by morphological features of necrosis, such as electron-lucent cytoplasm, mitochondrial swelling, and loss of plasma membrane…

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Definizione dell'assetto di infrastrutture puntuali al servizio dell'autotrasporto delle merci in un contesto regionale

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Short Sea Shipping in Sicily: a future scenario based on infomobility services.

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Il tram-treno per una mobilità sostenibile nelle città di medie dimensioni. Il caso studio di Trapani.

La presente memoria descrive le metodologie e i risultati degli studi condotti dagli autori per riqualificare le infrastrutture ferroviarie presenti nella città di Trapani, che attualmente rappresentano un elemento di separazione del territorio urbano, con grave pregiudizio per la mobilità interna. Il lavoro è approdato ad una proposta che prevede il mantenimento dell’attuale linea ferroviaria che attraversa la città, dedicandola all’esercizio di un collegamento tra una nuova stazione periferica ed il centro storico (il sito dell’attuale stazione) tramite tram-treno. Questa soluzione, grazie alla creazione di nuove fermate lungo l’attuale percorso ferroviario urbano e alla modalità della ma…

research product

A Stackelberg-game approach to support the design of logistic terminals

This paper deals with the design of logistic terminals taking Sicily, in the South of Italy, as a case study. It focuses on consolidation terminals for truckers and addresses the problem of optimising location pattern and public share in investments. This problem is solved through a Stackelberg game between the designer and the collective of road carriers. So a bilevel approach combines a system-optimum problem, at the upper level, with the carrier equilibrium problem, at the lower level. The choice behaviour of the lower-level player is simulated by a random utility model. The output of the game suggests that private companies and society should share the investments and the public contrib…

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Servizi innovativi per particolari esigenze di trasporto pubblico nelle aree a domanda debole

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Vertical take-off and landing air transport services for the touristic development of a territory.

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La pianificazione territoriale strategica fra la pianificazione ordinaria, la programmazione complessa e concertata e la sostenibilità ambientale e socio-economica: Elementi di metodo, procedure e alcuni scenari di valutazione in Sicilia

La memoria che si presenta, di contenuto e finalità interdisciplinari, mette in evidenza la necessità di una riorganizzazione multilivello del sistema della pianificazione regionale e costituisce un lavoro in progress di cui si presentano alcune prime impostazioni. Occorrono competenze interdisciplinari con riferimento alle problematiche degli indicatori territoriali, ambientali e socio-economici per la costruzione del processo di conoscenza, interpretazione, valutazione delle condizioni esistenti per la costruzione degli scenari di sviluppo locale sostenibile e la loro verifica di compatibilità nel sistema di pianificazione e programmazione multilivello. E’ un sistema complesso, articolato…

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Sicilian ports for the development of intermodality and logistics

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In questo lavoro, si descrivono i risultati dell’analisi della domanda di trasporto per gli spostamenti lungo la direttrice Palermo-Catania, uno dei più importanti assi di collegamento del sistema di mobilità siciliano, su cui si è basato un successivo studio della fattibilità di nuovi corridoi ferroviari di connessione tra i due poli. Più in dettaglio, si è indagato sulla sensibilità degli utenti dell’area di studio rispetto all’attivazione di nuovi servizi ferroviari, migliori in termini di frequenza e tempi di viaggio, per le relazioni che coinvolgono i centri di Palermo, Enna e Catania. A tal fine, è stata condotta un’indagine sulle preferenze modali di un campione di viaggiatori dell’a…

research product

Il sistema dei trasporti per lo sviluppo del turismo in Sicilia

Il sistema dei trasporti può svolgere un ruolo strategico per lo sviluppo del turismo in quelle aree che possiedono un elevato livello di attrattività turistica, ma una scarsa accessibilità. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di formulare strategie e interventi di natura infrastrutturale e organizzativa per innalzare l’accessibilità di zone dotate di una spiccata attrattività turistica. Questo studio è stato sviluppato riguardo al territorio siciliano, caratterizzato da un prezioso patrimonio culturale e naturalistico. Tra gli interventi si è studiata l’ipotesi di proporre servizi elicotteristici di linea tra alcune località turistiche di particolare pregio come le isole minori. Il costo el…

research product

Modelling choice behaviour and taste heterogeneity of carriers trough stated preference survey: an application to Sicilian operators

research product


This research addresses the role of innovative forms of passenger air transport in favouring mobility of tourists visiting minor islands. In particular, we studied the feasibility of scheduled transport services using helicopter and seaplane for connecting Sicily in the south of Italy, to the near and very attractive Eolie Islands rapidly. In order to estimate the potential service demand, we allowed for the number of tourists arriving in the Eolie Archipelago during the period 1999-2008. In detail, we considered only the market of visitors with a high willingness-to-pay for time savings (individuals choosing superior hotels) coming from origins at least 300 km away from the Eolie Islands. …

research product

La standardizzazione dei segnali stradali di pericolo nell’unione Europea

The aim of this research is to find a solution for the standardization of road signs in the EU zone by a comparative analysis of different national sign systems to establish a common set from a single country. This work is based on the idea that road sign standardization might increase the safety level of transnational journeys and foster the relationships among the various members of the EU Community. This paper presents the outcome of the first step of the research, which focuses on the harmonization of danger signs. In more detail, a multicriteria approach is applied to rank 19 EU Member States on the basis of three main aspects: the installation cost of new signs, new sign learning issu…

research product

Eterogeneità delle preferenze e rilevanza degli indicatori psicometrici nelle decisioni di scelta modale: le prospettive per il trasporto delle merci. Un caso di studio.

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Standardization of Road Danger Signs in the European Union

The aim of this research is to find a solution for the standardization of road signs in the EU zone by a comparative analysis of different national sign systems to establish a common set from a single country. This work is based on the idea that road sign standardization might increase the safety level of transnational journeys and foster the relationships among the various members of the EU Community. This paper presents the outcome of the first step of the research, which focuses on the harmonization of danger signs. In more detail, a multicriteria approach is applied to rank 19 EU Member States on the basis of three main aspects: the installation cost of new signs, new sign learning issu…

research product

The urban transport demand modelling using the stated preference technique for estimating the economic feasibility of the car sharing service

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L’unificazione della segnaletica stradale verticale nell’ambito dell’Unione Europea: un’applicazione ai segnali di pericolo

La presente memoria illustra la metodologia ed i risultati di un’attività di ricerca finalizzata a studiare il problema dell’unificazione europea dei sistemi di segnaletica stradale verticale, la quale rappresenta uno dei presupposti fondamentali per favorire la crescita dei livelli di efficienza e sicurezza della mobilità delle persone e delle merci in ambito UE. Nella prima fase di tale studio, i cui risultati sono riportati in questo articolo, l’attenzione è stata focalizzata sui cartelli stradali di pericolo, utilizzando una base dati relativa a 19 Stati membri dell’Unione Europea. I set di segnali di pericolo di questi Paesi sono stati confrontati tramite un’analisi a molti criteri, ba…

research product

The Latent Factors Behind the Urban Travel Behaviour

Abstract This research aims to explore the impact of latent variables, mirroring the users’ preferences, on the individual decision making process regarding the mode of transport. The paper describes the first results of an ongoing research activity, which derives from a pilot study carried out in Palermo. The authors have administered to a sample of travellers a questionnaire and they simulated the mode choice behaviour referring to the random utility theory. Then the transport demand over the entire area of Palermo has been studied in order to design the cordon pricing scenario with the application of an additional cost on private car dedicated to a selected area of the historic centre of…

research product

A hierarchical logit model to evaluate the potential demand for short sea shipping involving sicily

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Il trasporto elicotteristico per lo sviluppo turistico della Sicilia

Lo studio descritto in questa nota riguarda la fattibilità di servizi di trasporto passeggeri basati sull'utilizzo del mezzo elicotteristico, su scala regionale

research product


Il fenomeno del pendolarismo oggigiorno coinvolge ampie fasce della popolazione, manifestandosi attraverso spostamenti sistematici, spesso quotidiani, dal proprio luogo di residenza verso altra destinazione, per motivi di studio o di lavoro. La definizione di spostamento pendolare prescinde dalla distanza percorsa o dal tempo di viaggio. Tipicamente, i pendolari si spostano tra differenti aree di regioni metropolitane, seguendo percorsi multimodali, costituiti anche da itinerari di “mobilità dolce” (pedonale o ciclabile). La mancanza di una cultura della pianificazione urbanistica, la diffusione sul territorio delle funzioni residenziali e l’accentramento delle attività produttive e commerc…

research product

Taste heterogeneity and latent preferences in the choice behaviour of freight transport operators

In this paper we show that individual attitudes of road carriers and their latent preferences toward specific freight service attributes do play a role in determining their mode choices. Specifically, we contribute to the empirical literature on freight agents' mode choice by exploring the role of the "perceived importance" of the most relevant service dimensions in determining the attractiveness of two alternatives to "all-road" transport: logistics terminals and road-sea intermodal services. This is carried out through a revealed/stated preference experiment and a mixture of logit framework. Our results support the hypothesis that operators' attitudes towards time, punctuality and risk of…

research product

Car sharing demand estimation and urban transport demand modelling using stated preference techniques

The research deals with the use of the stated preference technique (SP) and transport demand modelling to analyse travel mode choice behaviour for commuting urban trips in Palermo, Italy. The principal aim of the study was the calibration of a demand model to forecast the modal split of the urban transport demand, allowing for the possibility of using innovative transport systems like car sharing and car pooling. In order to estimate the demand model parameters, a specific survey was carried out inside the urban area of Palermo. The survey focused on the morning rush hour and involved mainly employees, self-employed workers and students (about 500 respondents) whose final destination was lo…

research product

Enhanced transport-related air pollution prediction through a novel metamodel approach

Abstract This research proposes a novel approach to improve the ability to forecast low frequency extreme events of transport-related pollution in urban areas using a limited input data set. The approach is based on the idea of a self-managing model, able to adapt to unexpected changes in pollution level. In more detail, for a given combination of variables, it selects the most suitable prediction model within a set of alternative air quality models, estimated for a wider range of locations and conditions. In this study, the new approach is tested for the prediction of nitrogen dioxide concentration in the United Kingdom (UK), specifically in an air quality monitoring site of the Greater Ma…

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The Role of Logistics Terminals for an Optimal Freight Mobility System: a Stackelberg-Game Approach

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The interaction between rail stations and urban area in medium-sized towns. A case study for Trapani.

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Vertical take-off and landing air transport to provide tourist mobility.

Abstract This paper examines helicopter transfer services to reach attractive and not very accessible tourist areas, taking Sicily and its minor islands, in the South of Italy, as a case study. We investigate the viability of helicopter scheduled services for tourists moving from/to airports or doing one day tours to visit far away places. The mode choice of tourists is simulated using random utility models employing stated preference data. Heli-shuttle service is planned in terms of fleet size, frequency, fare and location pattern of heliports. The paper also analyses how a public subsidy reducing fares might change the set of feasible connections.

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Logistic terminal planning on a regional scale

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A freight transport demand model to evaluate policy actions for short sea shipping in Sicily

This research aims at developing a modelling tool to predict the impact of different policies on the modal split of the freight transport demand in Sicily (in particular, road versus short sea shipping). To gain this objective, a random utility model, precisely a nested logit one, has been formulated and estimated trough a stated preference (SP) survey which has involved about 40 road-based freight transport Sicilian firms. The resulting demand model has been applied to forecast the modal split scenarios deriving from several projects regarding the Sicilian freight mobility system (some projects are public plans and other ones are proposed by the authors).

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Improving the prediction of air pollution peak episodes generated by urban transport networks

Abstract This paper illustrates the early results of ongoing research developing novel methods to analyse and simulate the relationship between trasport-related air pollutant concentrations and easily accessible explanatory variables. The final scope is to integrate the new models in traditional traffic management support systems for a sustainable mobility of road vehicles in urban areas. This first stage concerns the relationship between the hourly mean concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and explanatory factors reflecting the NO2 mean level one hour back, along with traffic and weather conditions. Particular attention is given to the prediction of pollution peaks, defined as exceedanc…

research product

High levels of exogenous C2-ceramide promote morphological and biochemical evidences of necrotic features in thyroid follicular cells

CD95 and ceramide are known to be involved in the apoptotic mechanism. The triggering of CD95 induces a cascade of metabolic events that progressively and dramatically modifies the cell shape by intense membrane blebbing, leading to apoptotic bodies production. Although the CD95 pathway has been abundantly described in normal thyrocytes, the effects of cell permeable synthetic ceramide at morphological and biochemical levels are not fully known. In the present study, we show that thyroid follicular cells (TFC) exposed to 20 microM of C(2)-ceramide for 4 h are characterized by morphological features of necrosis, such as electron-lucent cytoplasm, mitochondrial swelling, and loss of plasma me…

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The analysis of urban travellers’ latent preferences to explain their mode choice behaviour

Our research aims to explore the impact of latent variables, mirroring urban travellers’ attitudes and perceptions, on the individual decision making process regarding the mode of transport. The paper describes the first results of an ongoing research activity, which derive from a pilot study conducted in Palermo, the capital of the Sicilian Region (in the south of Italy), and demonstrate that policy makers, in designing a socially desirable and environmentally sustainable urban mobility system, should take into account how travellers perceive the qualitative dimensions of transport.

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The Contribution of Air Logistics to the Development of Sicilian Economy

The role, played by globalization and the “just in time” supplying logic in present world economic scenario, implies that the opportunity of frequent, quick, safe and low-priced freight deliveries can be considered a key element for competitiveness. For these reasons, transportation systems, in the last years, have been characterized by the diffusion of intermodality and the “hub and spoke” distribution pattern. The phenomenon of organizing freight transport services according to a network and modal integration logic, has involved also the air transport field: to meet the new requirements of freight transportation market, in many cases, airline companies have become “global players”, expand…

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The hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory system in developing rats

Studies concerning the development of the magnocellular system are scarce and discordant in literature. We carried out an immunohistochemical study on supraotic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei using antivasopressin and antioxytocin antibodies in developing rats between the 15th day of intrauterine life and the 6th day of postnatal life. In addition, we performed RT-PCR experiments to establish the stage at which these hormones appear and neurosecretory activity commences. The results showed that supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei appear, respectively, on the 16th and the 18th day of intrauterine life and both immediately synthetize vasopressin neurohormone. By contrast, synthesis…

research product

More Severe COVID-19 in Patients With Active Cancer: Results of a Multicenter Cohort Study

BackgroundThe aim of the study was to compare coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity presentation between oncologic and non-oncologic patients and to evaluate the impact of cancer type and stage on COVID-19 course.MethodsWe performed a multicentre, retrospective study involving 13 COVID-19 Units in Campania region from February to May 2020. We defined as severe COVID-19 presentation the cases that required mechanical ventilation and/or admission to Intensive Care Units (ICU) and/or in case of death.ResultsWe enrolled 371 COVID-19 patients, of whom 34 (9.2%) had a history or a diagnosis of cancer (24 solid, 6 onco-hematological). Oncologic patients were older (p<0.001), had more…

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