Leonard Parker

Acceleration radiation and the Planck scale

A uniformly accelerating observer perceives the Minkowski vacuum state as a thermal bath of radiation. We point out that this field-theory effect can be derived, for any dimension higher than two, without actually invoking very high energy physics. This supports the view that this phenomenon is robust against Planck-scale physics and, therefore, should be compatible with any underlying microscopic theory.

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Hawking Radiation by Kerr Black Holes and Conformal Symmetry

The exponential blueshift associated with the event horizon of a black hole makes conformal symmetry play a fundamental role in accounting for its thermal properties. Using a derivation based on two-point functions, we show that the full spectrum of thermal radiation of scalar particles by Kerr black holes can be explicitly derived on the basis of a conformal symmetry arising in the wave equation near the horizon. The simplicity of our approach emphasizes the depth of the connection between conformal symmetry and black hole radiance.

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Revising the Predictions of Inflation for the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies

4 pages, 1 figure.-- PACS nrs.: 98.70.Vc; 11.10.Gh; 98.80.Cq.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0901.0439

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Remarks on the renormalization of primordial cosmological perturbations

We briefly review the need to perform renormalization of inflationary perturbations to properly work out the physical power spectra. We also summarize the basis of (momentum-space) renormalization in curved spacetime and address several misconceptions found in recent literature on this subject.

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The role of the Planck scale in black hole radiance

Lorentz invariance plays a pivotal role in the derivation of the Hawking effect, which crucially requires an integration in arbitrarily small distances or, equivalently, in unbounded energies. New physics at the Planck scale could, therefore, potentially modify the emission spectrum. We argue, however, that the kinematic invariance can be deformed in such a way that the thermal spectrum remains insensitive to trans-Planckian physics.

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Inflation, renormalization, and CMB anisotropies

5 páginas.-- Trabajo presentado al Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2009).-- El PDF es la versión pre-print (arXiv:1002.3914v1).

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Enhanced local-type inflationary trispectrum from a non-vacuum initial state

We compute the primordial trispectrum for curvature perturbations produced during cosmic inflation in models with standard kinetic terms, when the initial quantum state is not necessarily the vacuum state. The presence of initial perturbations enhances the trispectrum amplitude for configuration in which one of the momenta, say $k_3$, is much smaller than the others, $k_3 \ll k_{1,2,4}$. For those squeezed configurations the trispectrum acquires the so-called local form, with a scale dependent amplitude that can get values of order $ \epsilon ({k_1}/{k_3})^2$. This amplitude can be larger than the prediction of the so-called Maldacena consistency relation by a factor $10^6$, and can reach t…

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The Power Spectrum in de Sitter Inflation, Revisited

We find that the amplitude of quantum fluctuations of the invariant de Sitter vacuum coincides exactly with that of the vacuum of a comoving observer for a massless scalar (inflaton) field. We propose redefining the actual physical power spectrum as the difference between the amplitudes of the above vacua. An inertial particle detector continues to observe the Gibbons-Hawking temperature. However, although the resulting power spectrum is still scale-free, its amplitude can be drastically reduced since now, instead of the Hubble's scale at the inflationary period, it is determined by the square of the mass of the inflaton fluctuation field.

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Short-distance contribution to the spectrum of Hawking radiation

The Hawking effect can be rederived in terms of two-point functions and in such a way that it makes it possible to estimate, within the conventional semiclassical theory, the contribution of ultrashort distances to the Planckian spectrum. For Schwarzschild black holes of three solar masses the analysis shows that Hawking radiation is very robust up to frequencies of 96 T_H or 270 T_H for bosons and fermions, respectively. For primordial black holes (with masses around 10^{15} g) these frequencies turn out to be of order 52T_H and 142 T_H. Only at these frequencies and above do we find that the contribution of Planck distances is of order of the total spectrum itself. Below this scale, the c…

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Inflation, quantum fields, and CMB anisotropies

Revert field Inflationary cosmology has proved to be the most successful at predicting the properties of the anisotropies observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In this essay we show that quantum field renormalization significantly influences the generation of primordial perturbations and hence the expected measurable imprint of cosmological inflation on the CMB. However, the new predictions remain in agreement with observation, and in fact favor the simplest forms of inflation. In the near future, observations of the influence of gravitational waves from the early universe on the CMB will test our new predictions.

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Reply to "Comment on 'Insensitivity of Hawking radiation to an invariant Planck-scale cutoff' "

We clarify the relationship between the conclusions of the previous Comment of A. Helfer and that of our Brief Report.

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Reexamination of the Power Spectrum in De Sitter Inflation

4 pages, 1 table.-- PACS nrs.: 98.80.Cq, 04.62.+v.-- PMID: 18999735 [PubMed].

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Acceleration radiation, transition probabilities, and trans-Planckian physics

An important question in the derivation of the acceleration radiation, which also arises in Hawking's derivation of black hole radiance, is the need to invoke trans-Planckian physics in describing the creation of quanta. We point out that this issue can be further clarified by reconsidering the analysis in terms of particle detectors, transition probabilities and local two-point functions. By writing down separate expressions for the spontaneous-and induced-transition probabilities of a uniformly accelerated detector, we show that the bulk of the effect comes from the natural (non-trans-Planckian) scale of the problem, which largely diminishes the importance of the trans-Planckian sector. T…

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Revising the observable consequences of slow-roll inflation

We study the generation of primordial perturbations in a (single-field) slow-roll inflationary Universe. In momentum space, these (Gaussian) perturbations are characterized by a zero mean and a nonzero variance Delta(2) (k, t). However, in position space the variance diverges in the ultraviolet. The requirement of a finite variance in position space forces one to regularize Delta(2) (k, t). This can (and should) be achieved by proper renormalization in an expanding Universe in a unique way. This affects the predicted scalar and tensorial power spectra (evaluated when the modes acquire classical properties) for wavelengths that today are at observable scales. As a consequence, the imprint of…

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Insensitivity of Hawking radiation to an invariant Planck-scale cutoff

A disturbing aspect of Hawking's derivation of black hole radiance is the need to invoke extreme conditions for the quantum field that originates the emitted quanta. It is widely argued that the derivation requires the validity of the conventional relativistic field theory to arbitrarily high, trans-Planckian scales. We stress in this note that this is not necessarily the case if the question is presented in a covariant way. We point out that Hawking radiation is immediately robust against an invariant Planck-scale cutoff. This important feature of Hawking radiation is relevant for a quantum gravity theory that preserves, in some way, the Lorentz symmetry.

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Two-point functions with an invariant Planck scale and thermal effects

Nonlinear deformations of relativistic symmetries at the Planck scale are usually addressed in terms of modified dispersion relations. We explore here an alternative route by directly deforming the two-point functions of an underlying field theory. The proposed deformations depend on a length parameter (Planck length) and preserve the basic symmetries of the corresponding theory. We also study the physical consequences implied by these modifications at the Planck scale by analyzing the response function of an accelerated detector in Minkowski space, an inertial one in de Sitter space, and also in a black hole spacetime.

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Revising the predictions of inflation for the cosmic microwave background

We point out that, if quantum field renormalization is taken into account and the counterterms are evaluated at the Hubble-radius crossing time or few e-foldings after it, the predictions of slow-roll inflation for both the scalar and the tensorial power spectrum change significantly. This leads to a change in the consistency condition that relates the tensor-to-scalar amplitude ratio with spectral indices. A reexamination of the potentials ϕ2 and ϕ4 shows that both are compatible with five-year WMAP data. Only when the counterterms are evaluated at much larger times beyond the end of inflation does one recover the standard predictions. The alternative predictions presented here may soon co…

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