Shrinkage Bubbles: The C–O–H–S Magmatic Fluid System at San Cristóbal Volcano
New analytical results for the composition of shrinkage bubbles (09-70 vol. %) in olivine-hosted (Fo <80%) primary melt inclusions (MIs) have been incorporated into a novel geochemical model for San Cristó bal volcano, Nicaragua. The vapour, liquid, and mineral components found inside shrinkage bubbles may represent relics of early C-O-H-S fluids exsolved from a magmatichydrothermal system. This conclusion is supported by high-resolution Raman microspectroscopy revealing: (1) gaseous CO2 (d=0·17-0·31 g/cm3 in 31 samples) coexisting with liquid H2O (in seven samples) at ambient temperature (<22°C) inside the shrinkage bubbles of naturally quenched inclusions; (2) several mineral phases (i.e.…