Clara Burgo
Current approaches to orthography instruction for spanish heritage learners: an analysis of intermediate and advanced textbooks
As it is well known, heritage learners of Spanish have an advantage on oral production and aural comprehension over L2 learners. However, due to their lack of formal instruction in Spanish, their linguistic weaknesses lie on their literacy skills (reading and writing). In terms of writing skills, students mainly struggle with orthography issues (accentuation and spelling) and larger literacy skills (e.g. developing a thesis or organizing ideas). However, there is an important gap in the literature regarding orthographic acquisition since most of the research in the field on focus on form instruction has predominantly been on grammar acquisition (Anderson, 2008; Montrul and Bowles, 2008; Pot…
Cognitive Frailty: An Update
This review article provides an update of the empirical research on cognitive fragility conducted in the last four years. The studies retrieved were classified in four different categories. The first category includes articles relating cognitive frailty to cognitive reserve and which continue to highlight the importance of educational level. The second category includes recent research on cognitive fragility biomarkers, involving neuroimaging, metabolism and, in a novel way, microbiota. The third category includes research on how cognitive frailty is related to motor development and physical functioning, exploring e.g. the use of technology to study motor markers of cognitive frailty. Final…