Hanna Parkkola

Possibilities of telework as an organisational tool for the flexible arrangement of teachers' work from the teacher's viewpoint

research product

User Psychology in Interaction Design: The Role of Design Ontologies

In the various forms of interaction design, it is essential to analyze, understand, and predict human behavior. This is equally true with devices such as information systems that are meant to interact with people. The importance of these problems has inspired scientists to develop numerous approaches to investigate and explicate human actions. However, they have mainly been characterized by intuitive and folk psychological approaches to the human mentality in interaction. To improve the scientific foundations of design, we present here a psychology-based approach to collecting user knowledge, as well as a related design practice. The former can be called user psychology and the latter the a…

research product

Action-oriented classification of families' information and communication actions: exploring mothers' viewpoints

Action-oriented service and technology development begins with the idea that people use technologies to reach their action goals. Consequently, we should investigate user needs and how they can be satisfied, and adapt services and technologies to the natural course of actions. Here, we focus on family communication and investigate mobile communication service types for families. For this study 10 mothers were interviewed; we investigated the nature of their everyday information and communication needs and the different knowledge and information transfer actions that were discovered in their families. Qualitative analysis of these interviews was used to generate a taxonomy, which, in turn, c…

research product

Designing ICT for mothers : user psychological approach

Parkkola luokitteli perheen tieto- ja viestintätoimintoja äitien näkökulmasta. Hän listasi lukuisia viestinnän tyyppitilanteita, joita teknologian pitäisi tukea. Viestintään (Communication) liittyvät toiminnot nousivat suureksi ryhmäksi. Se sisälsi henkilöltä henkilölle viestinnän, henkilöltä organisaatiolle viestinnän, ryhmäviestinnän, muistuttamisen, paikallistamisen. Toiseksi muodostuu tiedon säilytyksen tilanteet (Information storing); ajankohtaiset asiat, viralliset asiakirjat, tuotokset sekä muistot. Parkkolan viestintäluokitteluun kuuluvat myös talouden ja ajankäytön suunnitteluun (Resource management, Controlling) sekä julkisiin palveluihin (Public services) ja julkaisuun (Publishin…

research product