Tomi Oinas
Sosiaalinen pääoma ja yksilötason tulokehitys Suomessa
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelemme yksilön sosiaalisista verkostoista muodostuvan sosiaalisen pääoman yhteyttä yksilötason tulokehitykseen. Analyysimme perustuvat vuoden 1986 elinolotutkimukseen osallistuneisiin 20–44 vuotiaisiin työllisiin ja rekisteritietoihin heidän palkkatuloistaan vuosilta 1987–1997. Tutkimuksessa erottelemme toisistaan sitovan ja silloittavan sosiaalisen pääoman muodot. Sitovan sosiaalisen pääoman mittarimme perustuu yksilön mahdollisuuteen saada apua verkostoistaan erilaisissa arkielämän tilanteissa. Silloittavaa sosiaalista pääomaa mittasimme yksilöiden yhdistysjäsenyyksien monipuolisuuden kautta. Analyysit suoritettiin paloittain jatkuvalla linea…
Palveluohjaus määrittää muistisairaan läheisten palvelujen saamista - aikuiset lapset puolisoita heikommassa asemassa
Läheisten rooli muistisairaiden hoivaajina on jo nyt merkittävä, ja se tulee kasvamaan. Muistisairaudet yleistyvät pitkäikäisyyden lisääntyessä, ja vanhushoivapolitiikassa painotetaan kotona asumista. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään muistisairaan puolisoille ja aikuisille lapsille tarjottua tiedollista tukea, palveluohjausta ja palveluja. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, millainen yhteys eri taustatekijöillä on palvelujen tarjontaan, ja miten saatu tieto ja palveluohjaus vaikuttavat tarjottuihin palveluihin. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin muistisairaiden puolisoilta ja aikuisilta lapsilta sähköisellä Carer’s survey -kyselyllä. Aineiston analyysi osoittaa, että tietoa oli saatu rajallisesti ja puoliso…
Abating inequalities? : Job quality at the intersection of class and gender in Finland 1977–2013
Globalization with its many side-effects on working life is seen to pose accentuated risks especially for women and low skilled workers – resulting in increasing polarization of job quality. In contrast to “universal theories”, institutional theories claim changes in work life might vary according to the institutional and cultural frameworks which mediate the global pressures of change. This study analyses job quality trends in Finland at the intersection of class and gender. The results, based on the Finnish Quality of Work Life survey (1977–2013), find no clear evidence of polarization. In line with the institutional theory’s prediction of a low risk of polarization in coordinated and in…
Night Work and Mortality: Prospective Study Among Finnish Employees Over the Time Span 1984 to 2008
There is considerable evidence showing that night work is associated with increased morbidity, but only a few studies have focused on its relation to mortality. This study investigates the relationship between the type of working-time arrangement (weekly night work/daytime work) and total and cause-specific mortality among men and women. The data consist of a representative working conditions survey of Finnish employees conducted in 1984 (2286 men/2216 women), which has been combined with register-based follow-up data from Statistics Finland covering the years 1985-2008. In the 1984 survey, the employees were asked if they worked during the night (23:00-06:00 h) and if so, how often. In thi…
Working-Time Regimes and Work-Life Balance in Europe
The organization of times and places of work are key elements of working conditions, and define employees’ possibilities for balancing work and other life spheres. This study analyses several aspects of temporal and spatial flexibility, and their associations with employees’ work-life balance. This study separates four dimensions of temporal flexibility and one indicator of spatial flexibility. The dimensions of temporal flexibility are the number of hours worked, when the hours are worked, work-time intensity, and the degree of working-time autonomy. The workplace flexibility indicator is an index of work locations. Work-life balance is analysed with work-hour fit. The analyses were based …
24/7 Society—The New Timing of Work?
Public debate on societal rhythms, in particular working hours, has been dominated by a (fear) scenario about a shift towards a 24/7 society. Factors such as the services- and information-driven economy, deregulation of opening hours, changes in the rhythms of consumer culture have been expected to disrupt “normal” working time. The term ‘24/7 society’ is part of the popular discussion and occasionally encountered in academic writing as well. 24/7-society is expected to create both new opportunities and new risks. In this chapter, we produce up-to-date literature review to examine how the post-industrial, services-dominated economy changes work and leisure time practices. This chapter also …
Sukupuolten välinen kotityönjako kahden ansaitsijan perheissä
The effect of early career social capital on long-term income development in Finland
PurposeIn this study, the authors examine whether social capital embedded in individuals' social networks is connected to employees' long-term income development in Finland.Design/methodology/approachAnalyses are based on 25–35-year-old employees from the Finnish Living Conditions Survey of 1994 combined with register data on earned incomes from 1995 to 2016. The authors used questions addressing the frequency of meeting parents or siblings, spending free time with co-workers and participation in associational, civic or other societal activities as measures of the extent of network capital. Ordered logistic model was used to examine whether the size and composition of social networks differ…
Internet use and informal help for surrounding communities in Finland
This chapter investigates whether Internet use and involvement in social networking sites are related to the unpaid help that is provided to members of the surrounding communities. Three different forms of unpaid help are studied: assistance in care, housework and technology use. Previous literature dealing with the impacts of ICT use on the social cohesion of communities and the sense of togetherness is discussed to provide a solid basis for the research. As for the empirical part of the study, the chapter analyses the Finnish Time Use Survey collected between 2009 and 2010. The results show that it is not Internet use per se that is associated with the provision of informal help to the ot…
Is Finland Different? Quality of Work Among Finnish and European Employees
The issue of the quality of work-life has risen in popularity due to concerns about the economic and social sustainability of European societies. Throughout the continent, global competition, technological change and the intensification of work are common developments which are seen to affect the well-being of the workforce. Nevertheless, European countries differ substantially in terms of job quality. According to earlier research, employees in Sweden and Denmark (and to lesser extent in Finland) report a higher quality of work tasks than elsewhere in Europe. The aim of this paper was to investigate, in a cross-national context using multivariate techniques, whether job quality in Finland …
Time pressure, working time control and long-term sickness absence
Objectives Perceived time pressure at work has increased in most European countries during recent decades. Time pressure may be harmful for employees’ health and well-being. The aim of this register-based follow-up study is to investigate whether the effects of time pressure on long sickness absence vary by the level of working time control. Methods The data are taken from the Finnish Quality of Work Life Survey 2003 (n=3400), a representative sample of Finnish employees, combined with a register-based follow-up from Statistics Finland covering the years 2002–2006. In the 2003 survey, employees were asked about their perceived time pressure and to what extent they had control over working t…
Digital skills and application use among Finnish home care workers in the eldercare sector
This chapter explores the role digital skills, interest in technology, and social support have in home care workers’ use of digital applications at work. The empirical research is based on the 2019 University of Jyväskylä survey study on eldercare work (N = 6,903), drawn from the members of four majors trade unions in Finland. In this chapter, a sub-sample of home care workers (n = 1,398) is used in the analyses. Structural equation models are used to estimate the direct and indirect effects of available technology support, digital skills, and interest in technology on the actual use of various digital applications at work. According to the results, technology support has no direct effect o…
24/7 society : the new timing of work?
The Nordic difference: Job quality in Europe 1995–2010
Previous empirical research has pointed out that Nordic countries are distinguished from the rest of Europe in terms of job quality. On the other hand, it has been debated whether, in the longer run, the Nordic welfare state is able to insulate workers from globalization effects. This article investigates whether Nordic countries have retained their advantageous position concerning job quality compared with other EU countries. Empirical analyses are based on the European Working Conditions Survey collected in 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010. We use data on employees in the 15 member states of the EU prior to enlargement in 2004 (n = 61,457). The results partly confirm previous findings of high j…
Tyytyväisyys työaikapankkiin
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin työaikapankkiin tyytyväisyyttä ennustavia tekijöitä. Tutkimus perustuu yhdeksässä työorganisaatiossa tehdyn kyselyn aineistoon (N = 268). Analyysit suoritettiin polkuanalyysina, jolloin selittäjien kausaalinen järjestys ja keskinäinen riippuvuus pystyttiin ottamaan huomioon. Selvä enemmistö vastaajista oli tyytyväisiä työaikapankkiin. Tyytyväisyyttä lisäsivät mahdollisuus kokonaisen vapaa-päivän viettämiseen säästetyistä tunneista, korkea asema organisaatiossa sekä työntekijöiden organisaation johdolta saama tuki. Tyytyväisyyttä heikensivät ongelmat säästettyjen vapaiden käytössä sekä työaikatilin saldorajojen huono mitoitus suhteessa työtehtävien vaativuuteen. K…
Heterogeneity of traditional and digital media use among older adults : A six-country comparison
The concept of aged heterogeneity has been associated with older adults' ability to adapt to the digital age without a systematic empirical analysis. We analyse retired adults' (aged 62 or more) use of traditional media and their digital equivalents in six countries. First, we ask whether heterogeneity in traditional and digital media use increases with age. Second, we study to what extent gender is related to this heterogeneity, and third, the country differences in the heterogeneity of media use in later life. We analyse the 2018 data (N = 5865) of the ‘Older audiences in the digital media environment’ survey using zero-inflated negative binomial models. The results provide partial suppor…
Predictors of time famine among Finnish employees - Work, family or leisure?
The recent survey data indicates that the time famine is a common experience among employees, while the data of time use indicates increased leisure time. Similarly, there are different views on the causes of time famine. Firstly, in working life research time famine is usually explained by increasing requirements of work life. Secondly, in gender studies time famine is considered to be a product of family obligations. Thirdly, some authors interpret time famine as a phenomenon relating to the intensification of leisure. The aim of the study was to examine the extent and causes of time famine among Finnish employees. The analysis was based on the Finnish Use of Time data (1999–2000) and foc…
Positive Turn in Elder-Care Workers' Views Toward Telecare Robots.
AbstractRobots have been slowly but steadily introduced to welfare sectors. Our previous observations based on a large-scale survey study on Finnish elder-care workers in 2016 showed that while robots were perceived to be useful in certain telecare tasks, using robots may also prove to be incompatible with the care workers’ personal values. The current study presents the second wave of the survey data from 2020, with the same respondents (N = 190), and shows how these views have changed for the positive, including higher expectations of telecare robotization and decreased concerns over care robots’ compatibility with personal values. In a longitudinal analysis (Phase 1), the positive change…
Suomalainen businesseliitti : suuryritysjohdon asenteet ja asenteellinen yhtenäisyys tulkittuna eliittiteoreettisesta näkökulmasta
The rise of lean organisations in Nordic countries : How recent changes in public sector management are shaping working life
Patterns of Working Time and Work Hour Fit in Europe
The requirements for more flexible and lean forms of production that are able to adapt to demand cycles, both quantitatively and functionally, are common in all advanced economies. At the same time, the flexibilization of working times and work places has become an increasing focus for the analysis of quality of work and life (i.e. work-life balance). This chapter approaches flexibilization as a transition from an industrial to a post-industrial working time regime. The new post-industrial working time regime is usually characterized by deregulation of collective norms, diversification of the length (short and long hours) and pattern of working time (unsocial hours), increasing work intensi…
Työelämän laatu ja laadun arviointi : tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti 10.11.2010
Implementing sentiment analysis to an open-ended questionnaire: Case study of digitalization in elderly care during COVID-19
[EN] The rise of digital technology has enabled us to utilize even more integrated systems for social and health care, but these systems are often complex and time-consuming to learn for the end users without relevant training or experience. We aim to perform Named Entity Recognition based sentiment analysis using the answers of eldercare workers that have taken a survey about the effects of digitalization on their work. The collection of the panel survey data was carried out in two waves: in 2019 and 2021. For the sentiment analysis we compare these two waves to determine the effects of COVID-19 on the work of eldercare workers. The research questions we ask are the following: “Has technol…
Child and adolescent time use : a cross-national study
Objective.- This study examined the differences in child and adolescent time use across the following three countries with distinct policy and cultural regimes: Finland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Background.- Studying children's time use cross-nationally is urgent to better understand how societal contexts influence children's daily lives in ways that affect their future lifestyles, development, and identity formation. Yet previous studies have largely omitted this important question. Method.- The study used 2009 to 015 time-diary data on children aged 10 to 17 from Finland, Spain, and the United Kingdom (N = 3,491). Multivariate linear regression models examined (a) between-country an…
Mobile phone use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic : a panel study of older adults in seven countries
The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in older adults’ mobile phone use from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic. The media displacement and digital divide approaches served as the theoretical frameworks of the study. The data were drawn from the 2018 and 2020 waves of the Aging + Communication + Technology cross-national longitudinal panel study. The sample consisted of older Internet users, aged 62 to 96 (in 2018), from Austria, Canada, Finland, Israel, the Netherlands, Romania, and Spain, who participated in both waves (N = 4,398). Latent class analysis and latent transition analysis with multinomial regression models were the main methods applied to the data. With rega…
Luottamus teknologiaan on koetuksella
Laitteiden ja sovellusten toimimattomuus vaikeuttaa vanhustyön tekemistä enemmän kuin palkansaajilla keskimäärin. Luottamuksen rakentaminen teknologiaan vaatii aikaa, kärsivällisyyttä ja kehitystyötä. nonPeerReviewed
Combined effects of shiftwork and individual working time control on long-term sickness absence: a prospective study of finnish employees
Objective To investigate whether the effects of shiftwork on long-term sickness absence vary according to the level of individual working time control (WTC). Methods A representative sample of Finnish employees (1447 men and 1624 women) was combined with a register-based follow-up. A negative binomial model was used in the analysis of long-term sickness absence days. The results were adjusted for various background and work-related factors. Results Individual WTC decreased long-term sickness absence. The higher rate of sickness absences in shiftwork was mainly due to the lower level of WTC. Working time control decreased sickness absence equally in day work and shiftwork. Conclusions The ne…
The division of domestic work among dual-career and other dual-earner couples in Finland
This study compares the division of domestic work among dual-career and other dual-earner couples. We examine whether gender attitudes, relative resources and working time explain the differences between dual-career and other dual-earner couples. We define dual-career couples as those in which both spouses are professionals and/or managers. The division of housework is important for these couples because of the intense pressures of work. We hypothesise that domestic work is more equally shared among dual-career couples than among other dual-earner couples. The quantitative analyses are based on the Finnish data from the 2010 European Social Survey (N = 493). The qualitative data consist of …
The Division of Labour Within Households: Men’s Increased Participation?
Unequal division of domestic labor has been seen as a one of the most commonly documented feature on gender inequality in the western countries. The relevance of studying the division of labour in the household has actualized as female participation rates in paid labour have increased and changes in employment systems have taken place. Division of labor refers to the amount and share of time men and women spend in paid and unpaid work. Unpaid work includes domestic chores such as cleaning, repairs, preparing meals, but also caring for children. Unpaid work is usually divided in three subgroups: core household tasks i.e. housework, repairs and household upkeep and child care. Paid and unpaid…
Adoption of a COVID-19 Contact Tracing App Among Older Internet Users in Finland
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic created an unequal need for limiting physical contacts and tracing possible exposures to a novel coronavirus. Smartphone-based contact tracing applications (CTAs) were presented as a vehicle for stopping virus transmission chains and supporting the work of contact tracing teams. In this study, older adults’ adoption of a CTA was studied using socioeconomic background factors, satisfaction with health, and the measure of digital activity as predictors. The data were drawn from a larger questionnaire survey targeted at older internet users. A subsample of older Finnish internet users (N = 723) was analyzed using a logistic regression model. Results showed…
Epätyypilliset työajat ja työntekijöiden hyvinvointi: Tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti 30.4.2019
In this project we look at how post-industrial, service economy changes work and leisure practices, and what effect it has on the welfare of employees. We look at well-being from a social and health perspective. The topic is important, as much of the public debate on atypical working hours is based more on assumptions than on empirical research. The problem with previous surveys has been the reliable identification of atypical working hours. Traditionally, employees have been asked about their work hours at a general level e.g. during the previous month or week. In this study, we use the rich material provided by time-use studies to describe changes in the timing of work. Time use diaries c…
Working hours – tracking the current and future trends
It is important to track the trends of future working hours, since working hours have strong associations to everyday life and work-life interaction, but also to health. In this paper we aim to track the current and future trends in working hours. We discuss the trends through the key dimensions of working hours: the length, timing, tempo and autonomy. We also consider the role of current trends of spatial changes of work. Changes in working time patterns are fostered by several driving factors: globalization and business restructuring challenging the current work organizations, new information technologies, demographic and climate change and the current and future pandemics. The past and c…
Teenage Time Use and Educational Attainment in Adulthood in Finland
We investigated the role of teenage everyday social ties in educational outcomes by examining the association between teenage time use and educational attainment in adulthood. The sample consisted of young people aged 10–18 from the 1979 Finnish Time Use Survey, and the same respondents’ educational attainment later in life recorded from population register data at the year of 40th birthday (n = 366 men and 393 women). We assessed the associations of time spent with the parents, on studying, leisure activities, as well as social connectedness with friends and participation in extracurricular activities, with educational outcomes. Our findings indicated that time spent with the father is pos…
Disconnected Lives: Trends in Time Spent Alone in Finland
AbstractDiscussions about social isolation have been extensive over the past few decades. A less sociable nature of social ties has been identified in Western societies. The phenomenon has been associated with demographic changes such as aging and living alone as well as changes in the use of new technologies. In this study we employ representative Finnish Time Use Surveys from three decades, 1987–1988 (n = 1887), 1999–2000 (n = 2673) and 2009–2010 (n = 1887) to examine the trends in social isolation, measured as time spent alone. Our results showed that between 1987 and 2010 the time spent alone increased by 124 min per day. The increase was linear and occurred in nearly all population gro…
This study investigates how older people differ from younger people in terms of giving and receiving help in the use of a computer and a digital television. The analysis focuses on the effects of gender and health status. The data was derived from individual interviews (N=3,306) conducted in connection the Finnish Time Use Survey in 2009 and 2010. We employ logistic regression analysis to examine the relationship of health measures and background factors on giving and receiving help. The results show that people aged 55–64 (OR=3.9) and 65 or more (OR=4.4) received help in the use of these two technologies more often than the youngest age group (10–16). Respondents with a long-term disease (…
Kotityönjako kahden työllisen perheissä
Lectio Praecursoria nonPeerReviewed
Gender differences in child and adolescent daily activities : a cross-national time use study
This study used 2009–2015 time-diary data to examine gender differences in daily activities among children and adolescents aged 10–17 in Finland, Spain and the UK ( N = 3517). In all three countries, boys were significantly more involved in screen-based activities and exercising and girls in domestic work, non-screen educational activities and personal care. Gender differences in socializing time were only significant in the UK, with girls socializing more than boys. Gender gaps within countries were largest in domestic work (UK: 60%; Finland: 58%; Spain: 48%) and exercising (UK: 57%; Finland: 36%; Spain: 27%), followed by educational time (UK: 35%; Finland: 34%; Spain: 18%) and screen-bas…
Engaged or Not? A Comparative Study on Factors Inducing Work Engagement in Call Center and Service Sector Work.
The aim of this study was to compare the possibilities of experiencing positive well-being in call centers and other service sector work. The article focuses on the prevalence of working conditions (job demands, autonomy, and social support) in call centers and at other service sector workplaces and how these factors are related to work engagement. In addition, we examine whether the relationships are divergent in call centers in comparison to other service sector work. Analysis is based on the data provided by the “Quality of Life in Changing Europe” project. The survey data were collected from service sector organizations (retail, banking, and insurance) and a telecom organization’s call …
Teknologisten laitteiden ja sovellusten käyttö vanhustyössä : työn piirteiden ja yksilötekijöiden vaikutusten tarkastelua
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan vanhustyössä käytettyjen teknologisten laitteiden ja sovellusten yleisyyttä ja toisaalta niiden käytön riippuvuutta työhön liittyvistä ja yksilöllisistä tekijöistä. Teknologian käyttö tiivistyy kolmeen pääulottuvuuteen: mobiiliin hoivateknologiaan, toimistoteknologiaan ja viihdeteknologiaan. Käyttöä määritti ensi sijassa sektori ja toimipaikan tyyppi, ei niinkään työntekijän yksilölliset piirteet. Viitteitä on myös siitä, että työn teknologisoituminen etenee ylhäältä alaspäin ja on yhteydessä nimenomaan työn rakenteellisiin piirteisiin. New technologies and applications are expected to cut expenditures, ease the workload of employees, and improve the quality of el…
Työn organisointi, yhteistoiminta ja työntekijöiden hyvinvointi Suomessa ja Euroopassa : tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti 29.4.2016
Heterogeneity of traditional and digital media use among older adults: A six-country comparison
Abstract The concept of aged heterogeneity has been associated with older adults' ability to adapt to the digital age without a systematic empirical analysis. We analyse retired adults' (aged 62 or more) use of traditional media and their digital equivalents in six countries. First, we ask whether heterogeneity in traditional and digital media use increases with age. Second, we study to what extent gender is related to this heterogeneity, and third, the country differences in the heterogeneity of media use in later life. We analyse the 2018 data (N = 5865) of the ‘Older audiences in the digital media environment’ survey using zero-inflated negative binomial models. The results provide parti…
Vanhustyö ja teknologia. Jyväskylän yliopiston vanhustyön kyselytutkimus 2019 : Katsaus tutkimusaineistoon
Jyväskylän yliopiston vanhustyön kyselytutkimuksessa kerätään tietoa vanhus- ja hoivatyön teknologisoitumista sekä työntekijöistä, työn luonteesta ja työoloista vuosina 2019−2025. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada ajantasainen kuva teknologisten laitteiden ja palveluiden käytöstä vanhuspalveluissa ja hoivatyössä sekä selvittää digiteknologioiden käytön merkityksiä ja yhteyksiä työoloihin ja päivittäisiin työrutiineihin sekä hoivasuhteisiin. Kyselytutkimus on osa Ikääntymisen ja hoivan tutkimuksen huippuyksikön (CoE AgeCare) tutkimustoimintaa. Kysely toteutettiin ensimmäisen kerran huhtikuussa 2019, jolloin kyselyyn saatiin 6 903 vastausta. Vastaajista 3 758 liittyi vastaajapaneeliin. Kyselyn…
Eldercare work and technology. 2019 University of Jyväskylä survey study on eldercare work : Overview of survey data
University of Jyväskylä has launched a survey study on eldercare work aimed to obtain information on 1) employees working with services for older people, 2) the nature of the work and working conditions in services for older people and 3) a current view of the use of technology in services for older people. The goal is to examine how the use of digital technologies is linked to working conditions, daily work routines and care relationships and to monitor the nature of care work and its digitalisation during 2019-2025. The first baseline survey was conducted on April 2019 resulting with 6 903 answers and of the respondents, 3,758 joined the respondent panel. The 2019 survey data shows that i…