Ignazio Pizzo
I denti decidui. Anatomia e fisiologia
Advances in paediatric restorative dentistry
Dental caries has been a highly prevalent and costly disease in the world, representing the most common infectious disease in the paediatric population. Caries lesions are also increasingly isolated in specific teeth and tooth morphology types, and there is growing controversy about the most appropriate restorative material for these lesions in deciduous teeth. In fact, restorative materials continuously improved in durability, strength, aesthetics, and anti-cariogenic properties. Moreover, the increasing demand for aesthetic restorative treatment has totally transformed the practice of paediatric dentistry in the last decade. Traditionally, the use of amalgam was a standard procedure in th…
Efficacia nella rimozione della placca di un nuovo spazzolino manuale: valutazione comparativa in vivo.
Il ruolo dell'igienista dentale nel counselling anti-tabacco
L’igienista dentale e il counselling anti-tabacco
Salute orale e diabete mellito di tipo I (IDDM): indagine su un campione di soggetti in età pediatrica
Cyclosporin- and nifedipine-induced gingival overgrowth in renal transplant patients: correlations with periodontal and pharmacological parameters, and HLA-antigens
The factors associated with cyclosporin A (CsA)- and nifedipine (Nif)-induced gingival overgrowth were investigated in 113 renal transplant recipients receiving CsA alone (Group 1) [n = 61], CsA and Nif (Group 2) [n = 28], or azathioprine (Aza) (Control Group) [n = 24]. Periodontal and pharmacological parameters were assessed for each patient. The patients with a gingival overgrowth index (GOI) score1 were considered responders (R); those with a score/= 1 were non-responders (NR). Gingival overgrowth occurred in 33.7% of the patients in Groups 1 and 2; 60% of the responders were receiving CsA+Nif. In R, no relationship was found between the GOI and the periodontal and pharmacological parame…
Efficacia nella rimozione della placca di uno spazzolino manuale di nuova generazione: valutazione clinica comparativa
Effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on periodontal status of postmenopausal women.
Summary Background The risks/benefits balance of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is controversial. The aim of this study was to assess the periodontal status of a postmenopausal women group receiving HRT and to determine the effects of HRT on clinical measures of periodontal disease. Material/Methods Ninety-one postmenopausal women, 52 taking HRT (HRT+) and 39 not taking HRT (HRT−), completed the study. Clinical parameters measured included visible supragingival plaque, probing pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment level (CAL). Gingival status was recorded as gingival bleeding on probing (BOP). Previous oral contraceptive use and current and past smoking status were also assessed. Res…
Sindrome di Ehlers-Danlos: manifestazioni orali in due gemelle omozigoti.
Plaque removal efficacy of power and manual toothbrushes: a comparative study
The aim of this study was to compare the plaque removal efficacy of a new oscillating/rotating/pulsating toothbrush [Oral-B® Professional Care® 8500 (PC 8500)] with two manual toothbrushes [Oral-B® CrossAction™ Vitalizer (CAV) and Oral-B® Indicator™ (IND), respectively]. The safety of the PC 8500 was also assessed. The study was a single-use, observer-masked, randomised 3×3 Latin square crossover design balanced for carryover effects. The enrolled subjects (n=66) refrained from brushing for 23–25 h before each clinical examination. Plaque scores were recorded before and after brushing with the allocated toothbrush using the Turesky et al. modification of the Quigley and Hein plaque index. T…
Counselling anti-fumo e team odontoiatrico.
The aim of this paper was to present specific strategies to guide dental professionals providing smoking cessation interventions. Original papers, reviews and current guidelines on this subject, published in English from 2001 to the first semester of 2005, were located in the MEDLINE/Pubmed database. Additional publications were obtained by searching the reference lists of retrieved studies. The "Five A's" strategic approach represents a brief and effective protocol for smoking cessation that members of dental team can use with all patients in their office practice. Intensive interventions, more effective than brief ones, can be further adopted with any smokers willing to make a quit attemp…
The effects of antimicrobial sprays and mouthrinses on supragingival plaque regrowth: a comparative study.
BACKGROUND: Due to the side effects of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) mouthrinsing, a spray has been proposed as an alternative method of CHX delivery to the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to investigate the plaque inhibitory effects of CHX, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), and triclosan (TRN) delivered by sprays and mouthrinses. METHODS: The study was an observer-masked, randomized cross-over design balanced for carryover effects, involving 15 healthy volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. Products being tested (0.2% CHX, 0.12% CHX, 0.05% CPC, and 0.03% TRN) were used both as sprays and mouthrinses. A saline solution served as a negative control. On day 1, subjects received p…
Valutazione della forza di un sistema adesivo su dentina di denti decidui
Effetto sulla formazione della placca batterica di alcuni chewing gum sugar-free. Indagine comparativa in vivo.
The effects of sugar-free chewing gums on dental plaque regrowth: a comparative study
Abstract Sugar-free chewing gum has been claimed to be a useful means of reducing dental plaque accumulation. The incorporation of additives, such as enzymes, abrasives and divalent metal ions, into gum formulations might improve their antiplaque activity, particularly at the buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth. Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the plaque inhibitory effects of three sugar-free chewing gums each containing lactoperoxidase (LP), micro granules of silicon dioxide (SD), and zinc gluconate (ZG). Methods The study was an observer-masked, randomized cross-over design balanced for carryover effects, involving 12 healthy volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth …
Detection of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA and antigens in oral mucosa of renal transplant patients without clinical evidence of oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL)
The use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA in oral mucosa in the absence of specific lesions gives rise to the problem of identifying the real viral replication sites. To verify whether the detection of EBV is due to salivary contamination or its true replicative capacity in oral mucosa, saliva samples and exfoliated cells from four different oral mucosa sites were taken from 40 renal transplant patients and 20 normal subjects for examination by PCR using two pairs of primers specific for the BamHI-L and BamHI-K genomic regions. EBV-specific sequences were detected in one or more of the oral mucosa samples from 29 transplant patient…
Accuratezza del DIAGNOdent Pen nell’individuazione di lesioni cariose occlusali in denti decidui e permanenti
The Effects of an Essential Oil and an Amine Fluoride/Stannous Fluoride Mouthrinse on Supragingival Plaque Regrowth
Background: The side effects of chlorhexidine (CHX) have stimulated the search for alternative antiplaque agents such as amine fluoride/stannous fluoride (ASF) and essential oils (EO). The aim of the study was to investigate the plaqueinhibiting effects of two commercially available mouthrinses containing ASF and EO, respectively. Methods: The study was an observer-masked, randomized, 5 · 5 Latin square cross-over design, balanced for carryover effects, involving 15 volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. A 0.12% CHX rinse and a saline solution served as positive and negative controls, respectively. On day 1, subjects received professional prophylaxis, suspended oral hygiene measures, …
The effects of two essential oil mouthrinses on supragingival plaque regrowth: a comparative in vivo study
Periodontal status in postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Valutazione dell'efficacia clinica dello spazzolino elettrico Oral-B Professional Care 8500
Community water fluoridation and caries prevention: a critical review.
The aim of this paper was to critically review the current role of community water fluoridation in preventing dental caries. Original articles and reviews published in English language from January 2001 to June 2006 were selected through MEDLINE database. Other sources were taken from the references of the selected papers. For the past 50 years community water fluoridation has been considered the milestone of caries prevention and as one of the major public health measures of the 20th century. However, it is now accepted that the primary cariostatic action of fluoride occurs after tooth eruption. Moreover, the caries reduction directly attributable to water fluoridation have declined in the…
Manifestazioni orali della sindrome di Smith-Lemli-Opitz: un case report.
Il mantenimento della salute orale nel paziente in trattamento ortodontico
I trattamenti ortodontici vengono eseguiti con dispositivi rimovibili o fissi che, modificando l’ecosistema del cavo orale, aumentano il rischio d’insorgenza e progressione di lesioni cariose e di malattia parodontale. Pertanto, occorre attuare un protocollo individualizzato di prevenzione che preveda un adeguato addestramento all’igiene orale domiciliare, con rinforzi motivazionali nelle varie fasi del trattamento ortodontico, e l’attuazione di programmi di fluoroprofilassi topica professionale e domiciliare. Fixed or removable appliances impede the maintenance of good oral hygiene resulting in dental plaque accumulation. Plaque retention surrounding orthodontic appliances can increase the…