Fernando G. Benavides

Comparación de las lesiones por accidente de trabajo en trabajadores extranjeros y españoles por actividad económica y comunidad autónoma (España, 2005)

Fundamento: Aunque el colectivo de personas inmigrantes en nuestro país se ha incrementado notablemente en los últimos años, poco se sabe de sus condiciones de trabajo y de los efectos de éstas en términos de lesiones por accidentes de trabajo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar, para el año 2005, la incidencia de lesiones mortales y no mortales de las personas extranjeras con las de las españolas por actividad económica y comunidad autónoma. Métodos: Los datos de lesiones por accidentes de trabajo (LAT) procedieron del Registro de Accidentes de Trabajo del Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales y los denominadores se obtuvieron de las estadísticas disponibles sobre afiliación a la …

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The burden of disease in Spain: Results from the Global Burden of Disease 2016

Abstract Background and objectives The global burden of disease (GBD) project measures the health of populations worldwide on an annual basis, and results are available by country. We used the estimates of the GBD to summarise the state of health in Spain in 2016 and report trends in mortality and morbidity from 1990 to 2016. Material and methods GBD 2016 estimated disease burden due to 333 diseases and injuries, and 84 risk factors. The GBD list of causes is hierarchical and includes 3 top level categories, namely: (1) communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases; (2) non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and (3) injuries. Mortality and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), ris…

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Sociodemographic Characteristics related to Sickness Presenteeism of Migrants Workers in Spain.

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Long Working Hours and Job Quality in Europe: Gender and Welfare State Differences

Chronic extreme long working hours (LWH) have been found consistently associated with poor health status. However, the evidence for moderately LWH (41&ndash

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Sociodemographic and occupational factors related to exposure to psychosocial risk factors by occupation in Spain. The MatEmEsp project

espanolObjetivo: El objetivo del estudio es describir el nivel de exposicion a riesgos psicosociales por ocupacion en poblacion laboral espanola y analizar su relacion con condiciones de empleo y caracteristicas sociodemograficas. Metodos: La Matriz Empleo Exposicion Espanola (MatEmESp) es la fuente de informacion para la descripcion de los niveles de exposicion a riesgos psicosociales en 2005. Se identifican las ocupaciones con mayores niveles de exposicion y se analiza su relacion con condiciones de empleo y caracteristicas sociodemograficas por ocupacion. Resultados: Se encontraron niveles de exposicion a influencia en el trabajo inferiores al punto medio de la escala (50, escala de 0 a …

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Evaluación de la efectividad de las actividades preventivas (planes de actuación preferente) sobre la incidencia de las lesiones traumáticas no mortales con incapacidad laboral por accidentes de trabajo en jornada en España (1994-2004)

Fundamento. Los planes de actuación preferente (PAP) han sido las principales actividades preventivas desarrolladas por las comunidades autónomas (CCAA) frente a las lesiones por accidentes de trabajo (LAT) en España desde 1999. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la efectividad de los planes. Métodos. Fueron seleccionados 4.714.080 casos incidentes de LAT no mortales con incapacidad laboral, ocurridos entre 1994 y 2004 durante la jornada laboral producidos por causas mecánicas y por sobreesfuerzo en empresas manufactureras y de servicios no públicos. A partir de las incidencias anuales se estimó en cada CCAA el porcentaje de cambio anual y su intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC95%) para e…

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Immigration, work and health in Spain: the influence of legal status and employment contract on reported health indicators

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship of legal status and employment conditions with health indicators in foreign-born and Spanish-born workers in Spain. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 1,849 foreign-born and 509 Spanish-born workers (2008-2009, ITSAL Project). Considered employment conditions: permanent, temporary and no contract (foreign-born and Spanish-born); considered legal statuses: documented and undocumented (foreign-born). Joint relationships with self-rated health (SRH) and mental health (MH) were analyzed via logistical regression. RESULTS: When compared with male permanently contracted Spanish-born workers, worse health is seen in undocumented foreign-born, time in Spain ≤3 …

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Unemployment and health in Spain

We present the results of a study on the association between unemployment and health and the use of health services, exploring the influence of the socio-economic environment on these relationships. With this aim, data from the Spanish National Health Survey (SNHS) were used. Health was measured by subjective health status, presence of chronic illnesses and psychological symptoms. The use of health services was measured by drug consumption (over the counter and/or prescribed drugs), doctor consultation, hospital admission and casualty attendance. A total of 13,344 individuals aged between 16 and 65 years were included. Results were analysed for all of Spain and for 3 regions with different …

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A qualitative exploration of the impact of the economic recession in Spain on working, living and health conditions: reflections based on immigrant workers' experiences

Background: This study aimed to analyse how immigrant workers in Spain experienced changes in their working and employment conditions brought about Spain's economic recession and the impact of these changes on their living conditions and health status. Method: We conducted a grounded theory study. Data were obtained through six focus group discussions with immigrant workers (n = 44) from Colombia, Ecuador and Morocco, and two individual interviews with key informants from Romania living in Spain, selected by theoretical sample. Results: Three categories related to the crisis emerged – previous labour experiences, employment consequences and individual consequences – that show how immigrant …

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Validación de un cuestionario para medir retrospectivamente la exposición laboral a plaguicidas

ResumenObjetivosValidar un cuestionario diseñado para medir retrospectivamente la exposición laboral a plaguicidas en un estudio de casos y controles sobre trabajadores expuestos a plaguicidas y malformaciones congénitas.MétodosSe compara la información obtenida mediante una entrevista personal con 56 agricultores con: 1) una entrevista con los empleadores de los agricultores, 2) la observación directa de los lugares de trabajo y 3) un cuestionario que cumplimentaron los agncultores durante la realización del Programa de Capacitación para Manipuladores de Plaguicidas.ResultadosLos índices de exactitud y fiabilidad fueron altos para las variables «cultivos trabajados», «períodos de tratamien…

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De la encuesta a la base de datos: experiencia de trabajo de campo del estudio «Inmigración, trabajo y salud» (Proyecto ITSAL)

Objective: Despite the need for information in the area of migration and health, the available data are sparse. We describe the field work in a cross-sectional study on the health of immigrant workers in Spain. Method: A convenience sample of workers from Colombia, Ecuador, Morocco and Rumania in four cities was targeted, using a block-walking approach. The outcome rates of the American Association of Public Opinion Research were estimated. Results: Of 6,504 persons approached, 71.4% were eligible contacts. Of these contacts, only 57.8% completed interviews. Response and cooperation rates were above 50%. Conclusions: Block-walking enabled surveyors to access difficult-to-reach groups. The u…

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La precariedad laboral en inmigrantes en situación irregular en España y su relación con la salud

ResumenObjetivoDescribir las características de la precariedad laboral en inmigrantes irregulares en España y su relación con la salud.MétodosEstudio cualitativo que utiliza los principios de la inducción analítica. Se definió una submuestra del proyecto ITSAL, cuya muestra teórica se identificó a partir de la definición de inmigrante en España y de la literatura. Las áreas de estudio fueron 4 ciudades de España. La muestra final fue de 44 trabajadores inmigrantes irregulares, de 4 nacionalidades.ResultadosAlgunas características de la precariedad laboral percibidas por los inmigrantes irregulares fueron: elevada inestabilidad laboral; ausencia total de empoderamiento en tanto no cuentan co…

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Evaluation of the effectiveness of occupational injury prevention programs at the company level

The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of an occupational injury prevention program, known as the Preferential Action Plan (PAP), focused on companies with high incidence rates of occupational injuries. We studied 1189 companies in the industrial, construction and services sectors between 1999 and 2007 in the Valencia region (Spain). Our sample included 507,262 workers, among whom 44,250 non-fatal occupational injuries with at least a workday lost were registered. Companies included in a PAP program were divided into three intervention groups, according to the year that each company entered into a PAP (2000, 2001, and 2002). We calculated annual percentage change in incidence rates…

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De la encuesta a la base de datos: experiencia de trabajo de campo del estudio «Inmigración, trabajo y salud» (Proyecto ITSAL)

Objective: Despite the need for information in the area of migration and health, the available data are sparse. We describe the field work in a cross-sectional study on the health of immigrant workers in Spain. Method: A convenience sample of workers from Colombia, Ecuador, Morocco and Rumania in four cities was targeted, using a block-walking approach. The outcome rates of the American Association of Public Opinion Research were estimated. Results: Of 6,504 persons approached, 71.4% were eligible contacts. Of these contacts, only 57.8% completed interviews. Response and cooperation rates were above 50%. Conclusions: Block-walking enabled surveyors to access difficult-to-reach groups. The u…

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La carga de enfermedad en España: resultados del Estudio de la Carga Global de las Enfermedades 2016

Resumen Antecedentes y objetivo El estudio de la carga global de las enfermedades, conocido como GBD por sus siglas en ingles (global burden of disease), mide la salud poblacional en todo el mundo de forma anual y sus resultados estan disponibles por pais. Utilizamos las estimaciones GBD para resumir el estado de salud poblacional en Espana en 2016 y describir las tendencias en morbimortalidad de 1990 a 2016. Material y metodos GBD 2016 estima la carga debida a 333 enfermedades y lesiones, y a 84 factores de riesgo. La lista de causas de GBD es jerarquica e incluye 3 categorias de nivel superior: 1) enfermedades transmisibles, maternas, neonatales y nutricionales; 2) enfermedades no transmi…

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Extending a model of precarious employment: A qualitative study of immigrant workers in Spain.

Background Since the 1980s, changes in the labor market have modified power relations between capital and labor, leading to greater levels of precarious employment among workers. Globalization has led to a growth in migration, as people leave their countries in search of work. We aimed to describe the dimensions of precarious employment for immigrant workers in Spain. Methods Qualitative study using analytic induction. Criterion sampling was used to recruit 129 immigrant workers in Spain with documented and undocumented administrative status. Data quality was ensured by triangulation. Results Immigrant workers reported that precarious employment is characterized by high job instability, a l…

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Long working hours and health in Europe: Gender and welfare state differences in a context of economic crisis

This article examines the relationship between moderately long working hours and health status in Europe. A cross-sectional study based on data from the 2010 European Working Conditions Survey (13,518 men and 9381 women) was performed. Working moderately long hours was consistently associated with poor health status and poor psychological wellbeing in countries with traditional family models, in both sexes in Liberal countries and primarily among women in Continental and Southern European countries. A combination of economic vulnerability, increasing labour market deregulation and work overload related to the combination of job and domestic work could explain these findings. (C) 2016 Elsevi…

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Causalidad en salud laboral: el caso ardystil

ResumenEl establecimiento de relaciones causa-efecto ha sido y sigue siendo objeto de debate en epidemiología. La naturaleza observacional de la investigación epidemiológica dificulta el reconocimiento de estas relaciones. En este contexto, se han propuesto diferentes modelos para explicar las relaciones causales en los procesos de salud y enfermedad, desde el modelo determinista puro defendido por los postulados de Koch, que requiere la aceptación de relaciones unicausales, pasando por otras explicaciones que asumen la naturaleza multicausal de los problemas de salud en la población. En Salud Laboral se debe disponer también de modelos explicativos y criterios consensuados para valorar las…

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Mortalidad por defectos del tubo neural en México, 1980-1997

Objetivo. Describir la mortalidad en México por defectos del tubo neural, durante el periodo 1980-1997. Material y métodos. Las tasas anuales de mortalidad estatales y nacionales, por defectos del tubo neural, se calcularon por 10 000 nacidos vivos. La tendencia temporal fue evaluada por el porcentaje de cambio anual obtenido mediante un modelo de regresión de Poisson. Se calculó la razón de mortalidad, tomando la media nacional como referencia. Las tasas y las razones se representaron gráficamente en mapas. Resultados. Durante el periodo la tasa bruta de mortalidad por defectos del tubo neural fue de 5.8 por 10 000 nacidos vivos. La anencefalia fue el tipo de defecto más frecuente (37.7%),…

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El conjunto mínimo básico de datos al alta hospitalaria como fuente de información para el estudio de las anomalías congénitas

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is that of assessing the validity of the computerized diagnoses of hospital discharges of congenital defects by comparing them with the information included in the medical history. MEANS AND METHODS: Based on the discharge records generated over a one-year period at 7 hospitals in the Autonomous Region of Valencia, 100 children were selected at random from each hospital. As a standard, the diagnoses stated in the medical histories were indexed and coded. Solely those discharges having taken place during the first year of life were considered. A study was also made of the type, seriousness and individual or combinations of congenital defects. A calculation …

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A job-exposure matrix for research and surveillance of occupational health and safety in Spanish workers: MatEmESp

BACKGROUND: In this study we describe a general-population job-exposure matrix (MatEmESp) for Spanish workers covering the period 1996-2005. METHODS: The Finnish job-exposure matrix (FINJEM) provided the default value estimates for occupational exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents. These estimates were adapted to Spanish working conditions by local experts. Spanish surveys were used to obtain exposure estimates for ergonomic and psychosocial risk factors. Employment and socio-demographic conditions for Spanish workers were obtained from the Spanish National Statistics Institute. RESULTS: MatEmESp provides a large amount of national and occupation-specific data on the major o…

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The effect of perceived discrimination on the health of immigrant workers in Spain

Background: Discrimination is an important determinant of health inequalities, and immigrants may be more vulnerable to certain types of discrimination than the native-born. This study analyses the relationship between immigrants' perceived discrimination and various self-reported health indicators. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted (2008) amongst a non-random sample of 2434 immigrants from Ecuador, Morocco, Romania and Colombia in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia. A factorial analysis of variables revealed three dimensions of perceived discrimination (due to immigrant status, due to physical appearance, and workplace-related). The association of the…

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Effectiveness of Occupational Injury Prevention Policies in Spain

Objective. We examined the effectiveness of preventive interventions against occupational injuries (preferential action plans [PAPs]) developed by Spanish regional governments starting in 2000. Methods. We included 3,252,028 occupational injuries with sick leave due to mechanical causes occurring between 1994 and 2004 in manufacturing and private service companies. Time trends for occupational injury rates were estimated before and after implementation of PAPs in each region, with a control group defined for those regions in which no PAPs were implemented (e.g., Galicia, Madrid, and Cataluña). We determined annual change percentages and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) through a negativ…

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Invisible work, unseen hazards: the health of women immigrant household service workers in Spain

BACKGROUND: Household service work has been largely absent from occupational health studies. We examine the occupational hazards and health effects identified by immigrant women household service workers. METHODS: Exploratory, descriptive study of 46 documented and undocumented immigrant women in household services in Spain, using a phenomenological approach. Data were collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through focus groups and semi-structured individual interviews. Data were separated for analysis by documentation status and sorted using a mixed-generation process. In a second phase of analysis, data on psychosocial hazards were organized using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questi…

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Sickness presenteeism in Spanish-born and immigrant workers in Spain

Abstract Background Previous studies have shown that immigrant workers face relatively worse working and employment conditions, as well as lower rates of sickness absence than native-born workers. This study aims to assess rates of sickness presenteeism in a sample of Spanish-born and foreign-born workers according to different characteristics. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst a convenience sample of workers (Spanish-born and foreign-born), living in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia (2008-2009). Sickness presenteeism information was collected through two items in the questionnaire ("Have you had health problems in the last year?" and "Have yo…

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Condiciones de trabajo y salud de los trabajadores inmigrantes en España: revisión bibliográfica

Fundamentos: La relación entre inmigración, trabajo y salud constituye uno de los retos más importantes en salud laboral y más concretamente en España por el importante incremento de proporción inmigrante acontecido en el mercado laboral. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo y sus efectos en la salud de trabajadores inmigrantes en España. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos originales en español e inglés Medline y Medes (1998-2012). Se revisaron los textos completos de los artículos incluidos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 20 estudios, 13 con metodología de investigación cuantitativa y 7 cualitativa. Los temas tratados ab…

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Prioridades de investigación en salud laboral en España

La investigacion en salud laboral es un elemento crucial para impulsar de manera efectiva las politicas publicas y privadas en seguridad y salud en el trabajo1. En Espana, en los ultimos anos, y a pesar de su insufi ciencia, se han abierto diversas posibilidades de fi nanciacion de la investigacion en salud laboral con el subprograma de seguridad y salud en el trabajo del Plan Nacional I+D+i 2004-2007, el Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, el Fondo de Investigacion de Proteccion Social y el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, entre otras. Por su especial relevancia hay que mencionar la incorporacion en el Plan Nacional I+D+I 2004-2007 de un Subprograma I+D en Segurida…

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La sorprendente historia de las enfermedades profesionales en España

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Determinants of Workplace Occupational Safety and Health Practice in Spain

AbstractThis paper considers the determinants of workplace health and safety practice in Spain. By outlining the historical evolution and current arrangements for occupational safety and health on the one hand, and the current labour market and health and safety outcome contexts on the other, it identifies a number of key influential factors. These include the way in which health and safety institutions and roles have developed, the country’s entry into the EU and the subsequent legislative and structural developments, and the relative position of health and safety management within organisations’ management processes more generally. The paper concludes by reflecting on the influence of sig…

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From questionnaire to database: field work experience in the "Immigration, work and health survey" (ITSAL Project) De la encuesta a la base de datos: experiencia de trabajo de campo del estudio «Inmigración, trabajo y salud» (Proyecto ITSAL)

Objective: Despite the need for information in the area of migration and health, the available data are sparse. We describe the field work in a cross-sectional study on the health of immigrant workers in Spain. Method: A convenience sample of workers from Colombia, Ecuador, Morocco and Rumania in four cities was targeted, using a block-walking approach. The outcome rates of the American Association of Public Opinion Research were estimated. Results: Of 6,504 persons approached, 71.4% were eligible contacts. Of these contacts, only 57.8% completed interviews. Response and cooperation rates were above 50%. Conclusions: Block-walking enabled surveyors to access difficult-to-reach groups. The u…

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Combining employment and family in Europe: the role of family policies in health.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were: (i) to analyse the relationship between health status and paid working hours and household composition in the EU-27, and (ii) to examine whether patterns of association differ as a function of family policy typologies and gender. Methods: Cross-sectional study based on data from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey of 2010. The sample included married or cohabiting employees aged 25-64 years from the EU-27 (10,482 men and 8,882 women). The dependent variables were self-perceived health status and psychological well-being. Results: Irrespective of differences in family policy typologies between countries, working long hours was more common…

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