G. Tripi

Forensic considerations on violent parasomnias during lifespan

Nocturnal parasomnias are a group of sleep complex manifestation that don't alter the sleep macrostructure, but when persistent during adulthood may be assume violent aspects with relevant forensic implications about the guiltiness.

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Rehabilitative treatment proposals in pediatric non-verbal syndrome

Nonverbal learning disability (NVLD) can be defined as a specific learning disorder peculiar for deficits in non-verbal area, such as visuospatial and visuo-constructive difficulties, fine motor coordination impairments, and poor mathematics achievement, associated with well-developed language skills. aim of the present work is suggesting rehabilitative proposal for management treatment of NVLD in pediatric age tailored on children and based on EBM.

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Influence of comorbidity and cognitive status on instrumental activities of daily living in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: results from the ReGAl project.

Objectives To investigate whether amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) is characterised by restriction in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Further, to examine the role of comorbidity and cognitive performance on IADL changes in aMCI subjects. Methods The study included 132 subjects with aMCI and 249 subjects with no cognitive impairment (NCI), consecutively enrolled as outpatients in a multicentric Italian clinical-based study, the ReGAl Project. All subjects underwent a comprehensive evaluation including clinical examination, laboratory screening, neuroimaging and cognitive and behavioral assessments. Functional status was evaluated by the Lawton's Instrumental Activiti…

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Motor skills in children with primary headache: A pilot case-control study

Background: Headache is the most common painful manifestation in the developmental age, often accompanied by severe disability such as scholastic absenteeism, low quality of academic performance and compromised emotional functioning. The aim of the study is to evaluate praxic abilities in a population of children without aural migraine. Materials and methods: The test population consists of 10 subjects without migraine without aura (MwA), (8 Males) (mean age 8.40, SD ± 1.17) and 11 healthy children (7 Males) (mean age 8.27; SD ± 1.10; p = 0.800). All subjects underwent evaluation of motor coordination skills through the Battery for Children Movement Assessment (M-ABC). Results: The two grou…

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A brief review about anxiety and aggressive behavior in pediatric age

Anxiety can be considered a normal experience of the human being and as such also of the child. It manifests itself in different ways according to the level of development: in the smaller the child, the more anxiety is expressed with manifestations that involve the whole organism, becoming evident either with motor excitement or with physical discomfort. As the psychic apparatus is structured, anxiety is experienced as an inner phenomenon and is experienced as an unpleasant state. Fortunately, we are all a bit anxious, even if there are some people who are more, others less.

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Neuropsychomotricity in water: A new rehabilitative tool for neruodevelop-mental disorders

Neuropsychomotricity in water is a rehabilitative practice that avails itself just of the liquid element, as a mediator of relationships: in water yes they upset all dynamics, be they relational, of equilibrium, of movement and perception, due to the fact that proprioceptive sensations, created by bodily contact with water, they are different than those generated by contact with air.

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Movement is important for neuropsycho-physical development, ensuring the correct growth and giving many benefits from childhood to adulthood. Motor activity plays a pivotal role in psychological, educational and social terms: sport practice induces harmonious physical development with common important benefits independently from sport type and each sport imposes rules respect that children learns to know and respect step by step improving the social skills and cognitive abilities. Sport has a very important role in the growth of children and adolescents. Sport and physical activity work as a moral laboratory to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills, as well as teamwork and coo…

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Orexin system: Network multi-tasking

Orexin system regulates sleep/wake states and its deficiency result in narcolepsy thus indicating the crucial role of orexins in maintaining wakefulness. There are two types of orexin peptides: the orexin-A (OXA or hypocretin 1) and orexin-B (OXB or hypocre- tin 2). The Majority of the central nervous system orexin peptides are synthesized in neurons located in the lateral and back hypotha- lamus and send projections throughout the brain regions Orexin neurons are “multi-tasking” hence regulating also energy homeosta- sis, reward systems and feeding behaviour through connection with hypothalamic nuclei and through responsiveness to leptine and glucose. It has recently been found a connectio…

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Internalizing problems are related to sleep patterns disordered in children affected by primary headache

Introduction: Migraine is a common disorder in children and adolescents, associated with various disorders such as emotions, behavioral problems, and sleep disturbances. Aim of the study is to verify the relationship between psychological problems of cephalalgic patients and sleep disturbances. Materials and methods: 64 subjects (27 females), aged 8-12 years (mean 9.4 years, SD ± 1.03) with primary headache were enrolled. CBCL 6-18 scale and the SDSC scale were used for behavioral screening and for assessing sleep habits. Results: According to the ICHD-III criteria, the distribution of the headache subtype was as follows: headaches without aura (71.87%), headache episodes typical of tensio…

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Autonomic Regulation In Autism Spectrum Disorders

Introduction: The sinactive developmental model provides suggests a different way for the brain study by observing the children behavior. In all neurodevelopmental disorders, we can observe autonomic alteration comprising sleep disorders, meal behaviour alteration and self-regulatory impairment. These alterations/impairment are very frequent in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (1-12). Aim of the present preliminary study is the assessment of metabolic rate in children affected by ASD. Material s and methods. 5 males affected by ASD aged 7-10 years (mean age 6.73±3:39), were recruited. The average score at the ADOS scale was 12.24 (SD± 3.29). The control group consisted of 5 males typically d…

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Ketogenic diet as antiepileptic therapy: Administration and formulas

In 1921 Wilder defined classical cholesterol diet providing the patient with a daily calorie intake of less than 20% compared to age-related requirements. The main macronutrient is represented by saturated and long chain unsaturated fatty acids, in the ratio of 4: 1 to carbohydrates and proteins (4 grams of lipids per gram of carbohydrates and proteins). One of the first therapeutic protocols proposed is that of John Hopkins that the onset of the diet should take place in a hospital environment to assess the patient's response in a controlled situation.

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EMotional Intelligence And Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome In Children: Preliminary Case-Control Study

Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) affects up to 4% of pediatric population, with many co-morbidities in the medium-long term. Functional alterations in prefrontal cortex (PFC) may explain why OSAS impacts aspects such as: executive functions, memory, motor control, attention, visual-spatial skills, learning and mood regulation. Emotional intelligence (EI) is a complex neuropsychological function that could be impaired in many clinical conditions. Aim of the study is to evaluate the difference in emotional intelligence skills among children with OSAS and healthy subjects Materials and methods: 29 children (16 males) mean age 9.5 ± 1.54 years, affected by OSAS were compare…

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The synactive theory of development may be considered the keyword for neurodevelopmental disorders, considering that each one presents constantly autonomic troubles such as sleep disorders, feeding problems.

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Beneficial effects of pasta during pregnancy: The positive effects of mediterranean diet

Pregnancy is a physiological state during which the woman's body undergoes profound modifications. During this time, every woman must be nourished in such a way as to maintain herself in good health and at the same time allow the fetal tissues to form and develop in the best way. Proper nutrition is one of the fundamental prerequisites for the normal evolution of both pregnancy and fetal growth: the quantity and quality of food and drinks must be scrupulously controlled. Contrariwise, it is important to avoid the excess calories and macronutrients. In fact, during pregnancy, it may be just as harmful as their shortage, especially in overweight and obese women, for which the risk of miscarri…

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Anxiety levels in mothers of children affected by x-fragile syndrome

Introduction: Anxiety is the psychological process by which the individual reacts to dangerous external stimuli, triggering responses (mediated by norepinephrine, GABA and serotonin) involving physiological reactions and cognitive strategies. Anxiety can be differentiated in state anxiety and trait anxiety. Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a disorder most commonly caused by a triplet repeat expansion of > 200 cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) repeats in the 50 untranslated region of the Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Aim of the present study is investigating the state or trait anxiety in a sample of mothers of children affected by X-fragile. Materials and methods: 84 mothers (mean age …

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The hairy elbows syndrome: clinical and neuroradiological findings.

The hairy elbows syndrome (HES) is a rare congenital phenotype characterized by an abnormal increase in long hairs localized on the upper limbs extensor surfaces. This feature is often associated with short stature, facial asymmetry, dysmorphisms, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), and mental and speech delay. We report a case with hypertricosis cubiti associated with infantile spasms, behaviour disorders and cerebral hemisphere asymmetry. Although these findings have not been previously described we are uncertain whether they are unusual or underestimated. However, it is likely that these neurological findings are strongly interrelated leading to a more severe phenotype of the syndrom…

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Mind, brain and altered states of consciousness

The consciousness is the expression of an enormous and complex variety of neurobiological events, phenomenological and psychological that, from the early stages of development, prepare the emergence soil of the Self. It is a complex of tangible and intan- gible characters distinct from one another - neural infrastructure, awareness, temporality, qualitative subjectivity, intentionality - to such an extent as to seem welded faces of the same prism. Consciousness is not a simple function of the mind, but its organization. In this paper we intend to show how its order is not strictly hierarchical, but sustained by multiple horizontal levels, each of which in a structural and functional continu…

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Behavioral aspects in children's brothers affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders

Introduction: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a permanent and complex disability arising within the first three years of life characterized by a socio-communicative disorder and by fixed interests and repetitive behaviors. The present pilot study aims to evaluate behavioral aspects in a small population of siblings of ASD children. Material and methods: Population: 5 school-aged children (2 males, 3 females) (mean age 9.235 ± 2.041) were enrolled, as siblings of ASD children, and for comparison, 12 healthy (7 males, 5 females) children (average age 9,528 ± 3,351). All subjects underwent evaluation of the behavioral with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scale. Results: The two groups were…

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The Italian dementia with Lewy bodies study group (DLB-SINdem): toward a standardization of clinical procedures and multicenter cohort studies design

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) causes elevated outlays for the National Health Systems due to high institutionalization rate and patients' reduced quality of life and high mortality. Furthermore, DLB is often misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease. These data motivate harmonized multicenter longitudinal cohort studies to improve clinical management and therapy monitoring. The Italian DLB study group of the Italian Neurological Society for dementia (SINdem) developed and emailed a semi-structured questionnaire to 572 national dementia centers (from primary to tertiary) to prepare an Italian large longitudinal cohort. The questionnaire surveyed: (1) prevalence and incidence of DLB; (2) clinical…

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