Bruno Chaume

Le complexe aristocratique du mont Lassois ou la tentation de la Ville

research product

Magnetic imaging of a late Bronze Age tumulus in France before and during excavation

Geophysical surveying is taking place in the Chatillon-sur-Seine area in France to examine and map prehistoric settlements and the structure of tumuli (grave-mounds which originally reached a height of up to 5 m but which are now almost level). The magnetic survey discussed here was conducted to detect archaeological structures within a late La Tene (100-50 bce) necropolis, in particular the preexcavation recording of a late Bronze Age round barrow. During the excavation, additional surveys were carried out to analyze the influence of immediate subsurface soil layers on the magnetic anomalies originating from the deeper archaeological features. Additional radar surveys made use of a 500 MHz…

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Entre l’État et la chefferie simple : le complexe aristocratique de Vix/le mont Lassois

International audience

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In : MURPHY (S.) dir. – L’aventure interprétative. Hommage à Georges Kliebenstein. Paris : éd. Classiques Garnier, 2022, p. 71-84.

research product

Le complexe aristocratique de Vix

research product

Vix : un complexe aristocratique au coeur des principautés de l’âge du Fer

research product

New archaeological discoveries through magnetic gradiometry: The early Celtic settlement on Mont Lassois, France

The burial complex of the “Lady of Vix” was discovered and excavated in the 1950s at the foot of Mont Lassois (Figure 1), a mountain situated close to the town of Chatillion-sur-Seine in the Bourgogne region of France. The assemblage of the burial goods was rather extraordinary, including such items as an artfully crafted golden necklace with winged horses and a voluminous wine-mixing vessel, probably made in a Greek workshop, capable of holding 1100 liters. According to archaeological research, this member of the aristocracy must have lived during the period between 550 and 500 BCE. Several large-scale geophysical research projects were undertaken in the vicinity of the burial complex duri…

research product

Vix et son territoire

research product

Promenade archéologique sur le mont Lassois (Vix)

International audience

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Vix, Frankreich

research product

La stratégie de recherche sur le complexe aristocratique de Vix/Le mont Lassois

National audience

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Der Mont Lassois - ein frühkeltischer Fürstensitz im Burgund.

Catalogue de l'exposition : In: Die Weltder Kelten. Zentren der Macht-Kostbarkeiten der Kunst, Stuttgart, 15 sept. 2012 - 17 févr. 2013, Jan Thorbecke Verlag

research product

Synthèse : interprétation architecturale du bâtiment à abside et fonctions

research product

Une tendance inachevée vers l’urbanisation en Celtique nord-alpine (575-450 a.C.)

International audience

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Vix et son territoire à l'Age du Fer

International audience

research product

Il carro hallstattiano della Ca’ Morta

International audience

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L'environnement du bâtiment : Un dépôt céramique du Bronze final IIIb (fait 11)

research product

Le palais de la Dame de Vix et le complexe aristocratique du mont Lassois

Arts et Cultures, 2013

research product

L'organisation spatiale du plateau Saint-Marcel: Un habitat urbanisé de la fin du premier âge du Fer

research product

Tracing 2000 Years at the Source of the Douix, Côte-d’Or, France: Water, Offerings, and Recurrence

The Source of the Douix in Châtillon-sur-Seine, France, has been visited by local inhabitants for over 2000 years and served as a watery focal point for the ritual deposition of various types of offerings. While water deposits are by no means uncommon across Europe, the continued use of a single space over multiple millennia is. An examination of the preserved offerings at the Douix indicate there are three phases of depositional activity: late Hallstatt to early La Tène periods, late La Tène to Gallo-Roman periods, and the early modern period. Despite being separated by hundreds of years there are similarities across depositional phases including the importance of modified metallic objects…

research product

Signification sociale et implications des importations grecques et étrusques pour les sociétés “ princières ” nord-alpines du Premier âge du Fer.

International audience

research product

La partie médiane et la façade à antes du grand bâtiment absidial

research product

Vix, Ca’ Morta : deux chars du type « à caisse exhaussée »

Vix and CA’ MORTA: two wagons of “raised box” type - The wagon from the burial ground at Ca’ Morta (Como), the subject of a recent reexamination by the author, constitutes a significant social maker. It is highly likely to be a wagon of “raised box” type of the Hallstatt period, similar to the vehicle discovered in the princely burial of Vix. Its presence in a Golasecca context is somewhat incongruous and highlights the importance of exchange between elites on both sides of the Alps.

research product

Das Bleigewicht aus dem Hofareal der Fürstin von Vix

International audience; The Lead Weight from the Courtyard of the Lady of VixThe Mont Lassois near Vix, Dép. Côte d’Or, as well as the Heuneburg, counts as one of the best researched princelyseats in the early Celtic western Hallstatt zone. In 1953 the late Hallstatt grave of Vix was discovered. The old excavations(1930-1974) have been reactivated by the German-French research project »Celtic Princely Seats West of theRhine« (1991-1997) and the French PCR-project (Projet collectif de recherche) »Vix and its Environment« (since 2002)with the participation of the universities of Dijon, Kiel, Vienna and Zurich. During the investigation of the late Hallstattcourtyard of the Lady of Vix on the h…

research product

Le bâtiment palatial du mont Saint-Marcel : the House of the rising sun

research product

New insights into Early Celtic consumption practices: Organic residue analyses of local and imported pottery from Vix-Mont Lassois

The rich Mediterranean imports found in Early Celtic princely sites (7th-5th cent. BC) in Southwestern Germany, Switzerland and Eastern France have long been the focus of archaeological and public interest. Consumption practices, particularly in the context of feasting, played a major role in Early Celtic life and imported ceramic vessels have consequently been interpreted as an attempt by the elite to imitate Mediterranean wine feasting. Here we present the first scientific study carried out to elucidate the use of Mediterranean imports in Early Celtic Central Europe and their local ceramic counterparts through organic residue analyses of 99 vessels from Vix-Mont Lassois, a key Early Celti…

research product

Les chars à caisse exhaussée : Vix, Ca’ Morta, deux chars, une même source ?

International audience

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Les phiales étrusques de type Vetulonia/Colmar de la tomba del carrettino à Ca’ Morta (Côme, Italie) : essai de contre-typologie.

AbstractA new study of the patere baccellate from the Tomba del carrettino at Ca’ Morta offers the opportunity to re-examine the typology of the ribbed bowls of Vetulonia/Colmar type and to re-evaluate their funerary contexts. These vessels appear in central and southern Etruria at the end of the eighth and the beginning of the seventh century BC, the site of Vetulonia being considered as their main production site.Ferdinando Sciacca’s (2005) classification of the ribbed bowls of Vetulonia/Colmar type is supported by solid evidence ; it has advanced the subject significantly, but Sciacca’s model nevertheless raises some questions in terms of the hierarchy of the criteria that were chosen.Du…

research product

Conceptual approaches over the past 25 years to the princely phenomenon in the Celtic world north of the Alps

International audience

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Vix et le phénomène princier

International audience

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Les principautés celtiques du premier âge du Fer

International audience

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An unfinished trend : towards urbanization in Celtic regions north of Alps (575-450 BCA)

International audience

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L’enclos aux grands bâtiments absidiaux : campagnes de fouilles de 2008 à 2012.

International audience

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La spada in ferro di tipo Mindelheim dal Nuovo Ospedale Sant’Anna

International audience

research product

Das Bleigewicht aus dem Hofareal der Fürstin von Vix auf dem Hochplateau des Mont Lassois.

Das Bleigewicht aus dem Hofareal der Fürstin von VixDer Mont Lassois bei Vix, Dép. Côte d’Or, zählt neben der Heuneburg zu den am besten erforschten Fürstensitzen imfrühkeltischen Westhallstattkreis. 1953 wurde das späthallstattzeitliche Fürstinnengrab von Vix entdeckt. Im Rahmendes deutsch-französischen Forschungsprojektes »Keltische Fürstensitze westlich des Rheins« (1991-1997) und desfranzösischen PCR-Projektes (Projet collectif de recherche) »Vix et son environnement« (seit 2002) mit Beteiligungder Universitäten Dijon, Kiel, Wien und Zürich wurden die Altgrabungen (1930-1974) wieder aufgenommen. Bei derUntersuchung des späthallstattzeitlichen Hofareals der Fürstin von Vix auf dem Hochpl…

research product

Deux années de recherche sur l'habitat, le système de fortifications et l'environnement du complexe aristocratique de Vix : conclusion générale

research product

Vix: The Temptation of the City

International audience; Ancient and modern geographers tend to use three criteria to define cities: a population above 5,000 inhabitants, the presence of a variety of activities, and a network connecting them with other establishments. Plato, Herodotus, Pausanias, and many others had preceded them in attempting to establish a paradigm for the city or polis. The Celtic princely seat on Vix-Mont Lassois is considered a coherent and organised entity, consisting of a quasi-urban space. At Vix, the latest investigations (2016‑2019) have revealed remains that suggest the possibility of harbour installations on the banks of the Seine. The notion of urbanisation or proto-urbanisation has been put f…

research product

Les fouilles du site du Breuil : un habitat du hallstatt final en bordure de Seine à Vix

International audience

research product

Confrontation entre sites de hauteur des âges des Métaux (âge du Bronze et Premier âge du Fer) et de l’Antiquité tardive et du haut Moyen Âge

L’étude des occupations fortifiées de hauteur est aujourd’hui l’un des thèmes centraux de la recherche en archéologie des territoires et des peuplements, en particulier pour les âges des Métaux et la fin de l’Antiquité.Pour les périodes anciennes, cette tradition de recherche remonte à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle, à la faveur d’un engouement croissant pour les oppida gaulois motivant la réalisation de nombreux travaux de terrain. Ce type d’occupation fait aujourd’hui l’objet d’une attention nouvelle, comme l’attestent les récentes rencontres portant sur les « habitats de hauteur et fortifiés à l’âge du Bronze et au Premier âge du Fer entre Alpes et Massif central » (F. Delrieu …

research product

A la recherche des habitats extérieurs du complexe aristocratique de Vix le mont Lassois

research product

Le char de Ca’Morta et les échanges entre la Culture de Golasecca et le secteur nord-alpin du 8e au 5e siècle av. J.-C

International audience

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