Aleksejs Miščuks


Promocijas darba „Jauns reģionālās anestēzijas problēmu risinājums” anotācija Promocijas darbs ir izstrādāts kā praktiskais risinājums RA efektivitātes noteikšanai. Realizēti 5 pētījumi: 1 retrospektīvs un 4 prospektīvie klīniskie novērojumi, kuru gaitā pētītas ādas temperatūras un PPG pārmaiņas pēc LA ievadīšanas, veicot plexus brachialis bloku aksilārā līmenī. Sadarbībā ar LU ASI un ar ESF atbalstu ir izstrādāta jauna kvantitatīva, bezkontakta, viegli lietojama, neinvazīva metode, ar kuru ir iespējams preventīvi noteikt RA efektivitāti un izslēgt subjektīvo komponenti - bezkontakta PPGI. Par prototipu izvēlēta metode, kuras pamatā ir organisma simpatiskās sistēmas atbildes kvantitatīvā no…

research product

Imaging photoplethysmography for clinical assessment of cutaneous microcirculation at two different depths

The feasibility of bispectral imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG) system for clinical assessment of cutaneous microcirculation at two different depths is proposed. The iPPG system has been developed and evaluated for in vivo conditions during various tests: (1) topical application of vasodilatory liniment on the skin, (2) skin local heating, (3) arterial occlusion, and (4) regional anesthesia. The device has been validated by the measurements of a laser Doppler imager (LDI) as a reference. The hardware comprises four bispectral light sources (530 and 810 nm) for uniform illumination of skin, video camera, and the control unit for triggering of the system. The PPG signals were calculated and…

research product

Severe Clostridium difficile infection with extremely high leucocytosis complicated by a concomitant bloodstream infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae after osteomyelitis surgery: A case report

Highlights • Exposure to antibiotics after surgery increase risk of Cl. difficile infection. • Sudden high leucocytosis may be sign of poor outcome in Cl. difficile case. • Oral Vancomycin could be responsible for the growth of bloodstream Kl. pneumonia.

research product

ESRA19-0640 The effect of intravenous dexamethasone on pain relief, blood glucose and lactate levels after hip atheroplasty

Background and aims Dexamethasone provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but induces hyperglycemia and may increase serum lactate. the aim was to determine the effect of dexamethasoneon analgesia, blood glucose and lactate after hip arthroplasty. Methods This prospective randomized study includes 32 patients undergoing hip replacement. It was provided SA and patients received multimodal analgesia. the experimental group received Dexamethasone 8 mg i/v before surgery and 4 mg i/v in a 6 and 12 hours after the first dose. the control group did not receive any glucocorticoids. Blood glucose and lactate were measured before surgery,at 18:00 and 6:00 on the POD1. Patients filled in a p…

research product

Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for continuous monitoring of regional anesthesia

An efficient photoplethy smography imaging system and advanced algorithm for continuous monitoring of skin microcirculation was developed. The system comprises compact device and computer with software for visualizing of skin blood volume changes. The software is able to process high-resolution microcirculation amplitude maps in real-time. It was tested in clinical environment during the regional anesthesia procedures. The Eulerian-based method showed improved sensitivity and higher resolution of microcirculation maps.

research product

Fast-Track Surgery and Early Rehabilitation for Total Hip Replacement in Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopaedics

Abstract Due to an ageing population, the necessity for hip replacement has grown, and therefore, new options are being sought, such as the Fast-track principle, to improve patient condition, reduce their hospital stay and enhance the hospital’s ability to treat more patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of same-day patient mobilisation on pain, side effects, complications, duration of hospital stay, and recovery after primary hip replacement, using intermediate-acting local anaesthetics in spinal anaesthesia (SA). A prospective, randomised study was conducted at the Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopaedics. Forty-six patients undergoing total hip replacement were …

research product