Trapani Ferdinando

From Conservation to Revitalization. Ambiguous and Critical Conditions in the Heritage Conservation Experiences of Erice

The plans and the evolutionary trends of policies and practices implemented in Erice old town, in the south of Italy, in the western part of Sicily, can be considered a case study of total conservation as highly representative of Italian urban planning of the last 60 years. This paper aims to deal with the actual problems and the perspective of sustainable development of the historical centre of Erice, by adopting the approach of urban and territorial regeneration. This paper also highlights the historical and cultural context in which the Gubbio Charter (issued in 1960) is affirmed; i.e. the most appropriate approaches to historical urban centres; what we can learn from Erice’s integral co…

research product

Transizioni in periodi di incertezza. L’innovazione delle politiche regionali di governance per lo sviluppo auto sostenibile

The basis of this contribution are a) the European Commission's regional innovation strategies for smart specialization (RIS3), b) the regional policies to combat the risk of decline and c) the governance model of Transition Management. Today the challenge consists in the validation of RIS3 even in the conditions of uncertainty exacerbated, for example, by the recent experience of COVID 19 as a global pandemic, trigger of the planetary economic and social decline. The guidance of the territorial transformations induced by RIS3 can be achieved with GIS technologies which, in turn, can constitute a single platform of the competent regional administration for urban and landscape planning. This…

research product

Dall’iper–densificazione all’abbandono: la negazione della qualità della vita nella città moderna

A partire dall’Ottocento si assiste ad un fenomeno che porta le città europee ad ingrandirsi ed espandersi. Non si tratta solo di un’estensione territoriale, ma anche di un incremento della densificazione dovuto agli ingenti spostamenti di popolazione dalle campagne ai centri urbani. Il fenomeno della densificazione non deve essere inteso solo come rapporto tra la superficie e il numero degli abitanti, ma anche come complessità delle relazioni sociali ed è un processo che dalle città si estende alla dimensione planetaria a causa delle tecnologie che hanno trasformato il mondo in un villaggio globale. Dopo aver messo a fuoco le componenti storiche, economiche politiche e sociali che determin…

research product

Città e organismi territoriali. Verso un approccio olistico alle crisi dell’Antropocene

From the second half of the nineteenth century, urban planning was understood, according to a top-down approach managed by government systems, as a cure for the city affected by the disease, injustice, and violence. This approach, aimed at regulating the behaviour of producers in cities and territories, aims at favouring the strongest economic and social actors to the detriment of the weakest social tissues. Today, the various factors of economic and social crisis, which act on a global scale, have made the picture of inequalities even more complicated and uncertain than in the past. Consequently, the technocratic responses provided by central governments are no longer enough and indeed som…

research product

Aree verdi storiche e alberi monumentali: stimolo per un'efficace pianificazione delle infrastrutture verdi

This study is based on the assumption that existing urban green areas can play a significant role in giving a boost to the effective development of linear infrastructures when conceived as green-blue corridors, capable to significantly affect in the production of the ecosystem services within the urban environment. The first phase of analysis, necessary to frame the case study, identified in the city of Palermo (Italy), the research focused on the ecological and social aspects of urban green, investigating its current values and potentials. The existing private and public parks and gardens have been combined with major areas of ecological relevance, whereas the monumental trees connect gree…

research product

Paesaggi urbani costieri. Voci discordanti e interessi comuni

In questo contributo viene evidenziato il programma della ricerca-azione sul tema generale della rigenerazione urbana presentata nel volume che in parte raccoglie la selezione degli interventi svolti ad una conferenza del 16 dicembre 2016 nella sede del Rettorato, Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri. Alla selezione dei contributi della conferenza sono stati integrati altri contributi scientifici e progettuali che attestano le dinamiche di trasformazione del litorale costiero di levante a Palermo anche pper dimostrare con evidenza empiricha che anche in contesti local i particolarmente complessi è possibile svolgere una corretta animazione territoriale ben se ben organizzata e focalizzata per il raggi…

research product

“Ephemeral” regeneration for the marginal urban spaces/places in Enna

The aim of this paper it to demonstrate that the interventions of “ephemeral designing” - seen in the key of potential activators of shared forms of bottom-up urban regeneration - may be also read as sequence of pop-up actions (flames); but capable in conferring to the marginal urban spaces - even if temporarily - a “meta-real” shape of the desirable effects of that urban transformation they would to reach in a real implementation. By establishing, thereby, with both the city's communities and places, a true moment of local awareness and animation, fleeting but realistic, that can trigger interest and re-generate the sleeping collective activism, even before to regenerate the physical compo…

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