Laurence Reekie
Long period gratings formed in depressed cladding fibres
There has been a significant interest in long period gratings, primarily due to their applications in gain-flattened erbium doped fibre amplifiers [1]. Up till now, cladding modes supported by the glass-air interface of an optical fibre have been used in a forward mode coupling scheme involving also the guided fundamental mode of the optical fibre. Here we propose an alternative technique. In a single mode depressed cladding fibre of an appropriate design (an example is given in fig. 1), the higher order LP11 mode can be made to be a leaky mode in such a structure, i.e. it can propagate for a short length before being stripped off the high index region beyond the depressed cladding. This en…
Fiber Bragg gratings with various chirp profiles made in etched tapers
We have studied, both theoretically and experimentally, fibre Bragg gratings with a number of different chirp profiles. These chirp profiles can be easily achieved with a recently demonstrated technique involving a taper of desired profile being etched into the cladding of a fibre. Performances of gratings with linear, quadratic, periodically modulated and step chirp profiles are numerically analysed. The versatility of the technique is demonstrated when linearly and quadratically chirped gratings were made as examples of continuous chirp and gratings with step chirps were made as examples of discontinuously chirped structure.