Joni Lämsä

Descriptive literature review of the added value of virtual realities in vocational education and training

Tarkastelemme tässä katsaus artikkelissa virtuaalitodellisuusteknologian (VR) hyödyntämistä ammattikasvatuksen kentällä viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana. Tavoitteenamme on selvittää, minkälaista empiiristä tutkimusta aiheesta on tehty ja minkälaista lisäarvoa VR tuottaa ammattikasvatukselle 13 tutkimusartikkelin perusteella. Tulosten perusteella tutkimus VR:n hyödyntämisestä ammattikasvatuksessa on yhtäältä lisääntynyt, mutta toisaalta empiirisiä tuloksia on vielä suhteellisen vähän. Tutkimus on toistaiseksi keskittynyt käyttökokemuksiin erilaisia VR-sovelluksia hyödynnettäessä. Havaitsemamme lisäarvo liittyy erityisesti reaalimaailman rajoitusten ylittämiseen ja erilaisten oppimisprosessie…

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Yliopistofysiikkaa laatuaikaoppimalla : teknologiset työkalut yhteisöllisen tutkivan oppimisen tukena

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Veden kulkeutumisen ja muodonmuutosten mittaaminen MX-80-tyyppisessä bentoniitissa röntgenmikrotomografisin menetelmin

Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä reunaehdoilla aiemmin puhdistetulle bentoniitille kehitetyt kokeelliset menetelmät soveltuvat mikro- ja makrorakenteeltaan erilaisen MX-80-tyyppisen bentoniitin tutkimiseen. Edellä saatujen reunaehtojen rajoissa tehtävien mittausten avulla pyrittiin tutkimaan veden kulkeutumista ja siitä aiheutuvia muodonmuutoksia MX-80-tyyppisessä bentoniitissa. Tavoitteena oli myös, että saatua kokeellista dataa voidaan käyttää apuna laadittaessa MX-80-tyyppisen bentoniitin käyttäytymistä kuvaavia numeerisia malleja. Veden kulkeutumisen ja muodonmuutosten tutkiminen MX-80:ssa perustui röntgenmikrotomografiaan. Röntgentomografiassa pyritään rekonstruoimaan tutkit…

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Teacher trainees' experiences of the components of ICT competencies and key factors in ICT competence development in work-based vocational teacher training in Finland

International journal for research in vocational education and training 9 (2022) 2, S. 146-166

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Primetime learning: collaborative and technology-enhanced studying with genuine teacher presence.

Background Productive learning processes and good learning outcomes can be attained by applying the basic elements of active learning. The basic elements include fostering discussions and disputations, facing alternative conceptions, and focusing on conceptual understanding. However, in the face of poor course retention and high dropout rates, even learning outcomes can become of secondary importance. To address these challenges, we developed a research-based instructional strategy, the primetime learning model. We devised the model by organizing the basic elements of active learning into a theory-based four-step study process. The model is based on collaborative and technology-enhanced lea…

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Automatic Content Analysis of Computer-Supported Collaborative Inquiry-Based Learning Using Deep Networks and Attention Mechanisms

Computer-supported collaborative inquiry-based learning (CSCIL) represents a form of active learning in which students jointly pose questions and investigate them in technology-enhanced settings. Scaffolds can enhance CSCIL processes so that students can complete more challenging problems than they could without scaffolds. Scaffolding CSCIL, however, would optimally adapt to the needs of a specific context, group, and stage of the group's learning process. In CSCIL, the stage of the learning process can be characterized by the inquiry-based learning (IBL) phase (orientation, conceptualization, investigation, conclusion, and discussion). In this presentation, we illustrate the potential of a…

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What technical devices/platforms are used most by Citizen Scientists in their projects?

Of the 12 different tools and platforms that are used in citizen science activities, the top three were websites, smartphones and databases. Respondents to a survey conducted by the CS Track project indicated that they used technology primarily for gathering scientific data and knowledge as well as for communication and dissemination of information with other enthusiasts and researchers. nonPeerReviewed

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The focus and timing of gaze matters : Investigating collaborative knowledge construction in a simulation-based environment by combined video and eye tracking

Although eye tracking has been successfully used in science education research, exploiting its potential in collaborative knowledge construction has remained sporadic. This article presents a novel approach for studying collaborative knowledge construction in a simulation-based environment by combining both the spatial and temporal dimensions of eye-tracking data with video data. For this purpose, we have investigated two undergraduate physics student pairs solving an electrostatics problem in a simulation-based environment via Zoom. The analysis of the video data of the students’ conversations focused on the different collaborative knowledge construction levels (new idea, explication, eval…

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Self-Efficacy and Study Burnout Among IT Students : Challenges and Potentials

There is a risk of student dropout in the field of engineering, particularly in the domain of information technology. To find novel pedagogical and technological solutions to prevent student attrition, we must better understand student experiences regarding their learning and studying processes. This study was conducted within the introduction of a new engineering degree program at the University of Jyväskylä and focused on first-year students. The research questions are: How do IT students experience study burnout at the beginning of their studies? What kind of self-efficacy beliefs do IT students have at the beginning of their studies? How are the self-efficacy beliefs of IT students asso…

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What do we do when we analyse the temporal aspects of computer-supported collaborative learning? A systematic literature review

To better understand the premises for successful computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), several studies over the last 10 years have analysed the temporal aspects of CSCL. We broadly define the temporal aspects of CSCL as focusing on the characteristics of or interrelations between events over time. The analysis of these aspects, however, has been loosely defined, creating challenges regarding the comparability and commensurability of studies. To address these challenges, we conducted a systematic literature review to define the temporal analysis procedure for CSCL using 78 journal papers published from 2003 to 2019. After identifying the key operations to be included in the proce…

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Deep Networks for Collaboration Analytics : Promoting Automatic Analysis of Face-to-Face Interaction in the Context of Inquiry-Based Learning

Scholars have applied automatic content analysis to study computer-mediated communication in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Since CSCL also takes place in face-to-face interactions, we studied the automatic coding accuracy of manually transcribed face-to-face communication. We conducted our study in an authentic higher-education physics context where computer-supported collaborative inquiry-based learning (CSCIL) is a popular pedagogical approach. Since learners’ needs for support in CSCIL vary in the different inquiry phases (orientation, conceptualization, investigation, conclusion, and discussion), we studied, first, how the coding accuracy of five computational models…

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The potential of temporal analysis: Combining log data and lag sequential analysis to investigate temporal differences between scaffolded and non-scaffolded group inquiry-based learning processes

This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion about analysing the temporal aspects of learning processes in the educational technology research field. Our main aim was to advance methods for analysing temporal aspects of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) processes by introducing the temporal lag sequential analysis (TLSA) technique and by combining TLSA with temporal log data analysis (TLDA). Our secondary aim was to illustrate the potential of these two analysis techniques to reveal the differences between the face-to-face technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry-based learning (CIBL) processes of three different conditions (non-scaffolded, writing scaffolded and script scaffolded gro…

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Understanding teaching professionals' digital competence : What do PIAAC and TALIS reveal about technology-related skills, attitudes, and knowledge?

In an ever-evolving technological landscape that challenges teaching professionals' digital competence, this study complements previous studies by providing an overall picture of teaching professionals' digital competence. We employed regression models on two large-scale assessment data sets on teachers from 11 countries—namely, the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS; n = 50,800) and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC; n = 2590)—to investigate through the theoretical lens of digital competence how teaching professionals' skills, attitudes and knowledge distribute and relate, and how they are associated with personal and contextual fact…

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Knowledge building and roles in Citizen Science : findings from the CS Track survey 2021

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Visualising the temporal aspects of collaborative inquiry-based learning processes in technology-enhanced physics learning

This study presents new ways of visualising technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry-based learning (CIBL) processes in an undergraduate physics course. The data included screen-capture videos from a technology-enhanced learning environment and audio recordings of discussions between students. We performed a thematic analysis based on the phases of inquiry-based learning (IBL). The thematic analysis was complemented by a content analysis, in which we analysed whether the utilisation of technological tools was on a deep-level, surface-level, or nonexistent basis. Student participation was measured in terms of frequency of contributions as well as in terms of impact. We visualised the sequen…

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Hydro-mechanical modelling of MX-80 bentonite: one dimensional study

As a first step towards modelling the coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) behaviour of bentonite, the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) has been implemented into Numerrin finite element code. This model has been fully coupled with the single phase flow equation for unsaturated soils which models liquid water transport. Suction obtained from solving the flow equation is used as an input for the BBM model and the volumetric deformations from the mechanical analysis are used to update the pore water pressure field. As an alternative, BBM is used alongside the Kröhn’s model which assumes that bentonite re-saturation is mainly driven by water vapour diffusion. The paper simulates one dimen…

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Virtual Enterprise Simulation Game as an Environment for Collaborative Creativity and Learning

AbstractWhen employees become accustomed to everyday working habits it can prevent them from generating creative ideas. This familiarity takes the forms of mainly collaborating with familiar colleagues, playing roles that develop over years, and solving encountered problems with proven strategies. This chapter considers how a virtual enterprise simulation game (RealGame) can potentially foster digital creativity and collaborative learning. The game simulates a situation where team members take responsibility for managing a virtual manufacturing company and its supply chain. Theoretically, we consider RealGame a facilitating environment for people to collaborate by offering a safe environmen…

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Työelämä digimurroksessa : jatkuvaa oppimista vai teknostressiä?

Tässä luvussa tarkastelemme teknostressin ilmiötä suomalaisessa työelämässä. Tutkimusaineisto (N=1032), johon tämä luku pohjautuu, kerättiin strukturoidulla verkkokyselyllä vuoden 2020 alussa. Määrällinen aineisto analysoitiin hyödyntämällä yksi- ja kaksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä sekä lineaarista regressiota. Avointen vastausten analysointiin sovelsimme teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset osoittavat, että työpaikoilla koetaan teknostressiä. Teknostressin kokemukseen olivat työntekijän omien asenteiden ja osaamisen lisäksi yhteydessä organisaation toimintaympäristö oppimisen ja kehittymisen mahdollisuuksineen. Tulevaisuudessa on syytä kiinnittää huomiota erityisesti työelämän digi…

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Staying at the front line of literature: How can topic modelling help researchers follow recent studies?

Staying at the front line in learning research is challenging because many fields are rapidly developing. One such field is research on the temporal aspects of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). To obtain an overview of these fields, systematic literature reviews can capture patterns of existing research. However, conducting systematic literature reviews is time-consuming and do not reveal future developments in the field. This study proposes a machine learning method based on topic modelling that takes articles from a systematic literature review on the temporal aspects of CSCL (49 original articles published before 2019) as a starting point to describe the most recent devel…

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It’s Not Only What You Say, But How You Say It : Investigating the Potential of Prosodic Analysis as a Method to Study Teacher’s Talk

In this study, we introduce new insights into prosodic analyses as an emerging method to study what happens in classrooms interactions. We claim that the prosodic aspects (features of speech such as intonation, volume and pace) of talk are important, but under-represented in the learning sciences. These prosodic aspects may be used to complement, intensify or even reverse the linguistic content of speech. Thus far, most research on classrooms has focused on the content (what is said) rather than on understanding the meaning of the prosodic features (how it is said) of talk. In this study, we introduce prosodic analyses as a method to study classroom discussions. Our exploratory experiment f…

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Ruotiminen : toimintamalli harjoitustehtävien läpikäyntiin

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How Citizen Scientists Learn: Exploring Learning Perceptions Through an International Survey

Citizen science (CS) is a growing field of participatory science, bringing together the public, researchers, organizations, and communities to participate in various scientific projects that unfold in different sociomaterial settings known as territories. While research on perceived learning in CS has recently grown, the discussion regarding the different learning approaches, territories, and the overall process as well as their associations with learning factors remains meager. In our study, we unpack three types of learning (formal, informal, and nonformal) and their respective territories in CS, and within this context, review a model of learning to synthesize the project-related and ind…

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Laatuaikaoppiminen : vuorovaikutteista ja yhteistoiminnallista fysiikan opiskelua

Esittelemme artikkelissa Jyväskylän yliopiston fysiikan laitoksella kehitettyä opetuksen toimintamallia, joka perustuu teknologiatuettuun pienryhmäopiskeluun ja kurssin aikaiseen formatiiviseen arviointiin. Toimintamalli kehittää työelämätaitoja, tehostaa opettajien ja opiskelijoiden ajankäyttöä, vahvistaa opiskelijoiden välistä vuorovaikutusta ja hyödyntää suunnitelmallisesti tuloksia fysiikan opetuksen tutkimuksesta. Alustavat kokemukset toimintamallista ovat rohkaisevia. nonPeerReviewed

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Automatic content analysis in collaborative inquiry-based learning

In the field of science education, content analysis is a popular way to analyse collaborative inquiry-based learning (CIBL) processes. However, content analysis is time-consuming when conducted by humans. In this paper, we introduce an automatic content analysis method to identify the different inquiry-based learning (IBL) phases from authentic student face-to-face discussions. We illustrate the potential of automatic content analysis by comparing the results of manual content analysis (conducted by humans) and automatic content analysis (conducted by computers). Both the manual and automatic content analyses were based on manual transcriptions of 11 groups’ CIBL processes. Two researchers …

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Juu vai ei digiteknologialle? : pandemia haastaa opettajia ja tutkijoita muuttamaan kysymyksiä teknologiatuetusta oppimisesta

Koronaviruspandemian aikana olemme kaikki kehittyneet. Olemme kehittyneet epävarmuuden sietämisessä. Olemme kehittyneet digitaalisen teknologian hyödyntämisessä, kun maito on loppu ja leipäpussissa on vain murut jäljellä. Ja ennen kaikkea olemme kehittyneet käsien pesussa. Kehittymistä edeltää usein kehittäminen. Käsittelenkin puheenvuorossani kehittämistä, sillä myös väitöskirjani (Lämsä 2020) otsikon ensimmäinen sana on ”kehittää” (develop). Kuvaan, miten ja miksi kehitin väitöskirjassani opetusta ja miksi samalla kehitin oppimisen tutkimusta. Sivuan myös käsien pesua. nonPeerReviewed

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Games for enhancing basic reading and maths skills : A systematic review of educational game design in supporting learning by people with learning disabilities

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PISA 18 : ensituloksia. Suomi parhaiden joukossa

PISA toteutettiin vuonna 2018 seitsemännen kerran. Taloudellisen yhteistyön ja kehityksen järjestön (OECD:n, Organisation for Economic and Cultural Development) toteuttaman tutkimusohjelman tarkoituksena on etsiä vastauksia siihen, miten peruskoulun päättövaiheessa olevat tai sen juuri päättäneet 15-vuotiaat nuoret osaavat etsiä, arvioida ja soveltaa tietoa arkielämän sekä tulevaisuuden tarpeista nousevien tehtävien ja ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. PISA painottaa nuorten valmiuksia hyödyntää osaamistaan jatko-opinnoissa, erilaisissa työtehtävissä ja vaihtelevissa arkielämän tilanteissa. Ensitulosten raportissa tarkastellaan erityisesti lukutaidon osaamista, mutta myös matematiikan ja luonnonti…

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Unfolding principles for student peer feedback : a comparative analysis of examples across higher education contexts

In this paper we conceptualize formative peer feedback principles by analyzing and comparing six empirical examples of formative peer feedback in a set of international STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) contexts. By discussing how these different approaches to peer feedback unfold in practice, we aim to facilitate the bridging of the gap between theory and practice in implementing peer feedback in Higher Education. As a group of researchers and teaching practitioners from six Higher Education institutions, we discussed, analyzed, and synthesized practical examples of peer feedback in STEM that cover a breadth of settings, aims, and forms. The analysis and comparison o…

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Temporal perspective on the gender-related differences in online learning behaviour

Although several studies suggested considering gender in online learning, the literature about how male and female students would behave is fragmented. Little attention has been paid to the effect of gender on online learning behavioural patterns. This study aimed at investigating the roles of gender in online learning behaviours by analyzing the gender-related differences of students’ online learning behavioural patterns. We used the case study approach with descriptive statistical analysis, lag sequential analysis, and temporal log data analysis to investigate gender-related differences in students’ online learning behaviours. The results indicated no significant difference in the counts …

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Onko teknostressi asennekysymys? : Teknologinen osaaminen jatkuvan oppimisen mahdollistajana

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Capturing cognitive load management during authentic virtual reality flight training with behavioural and physiological indicators

Background Cognitive load (CL) management is essential in safety-critical fields so that professionals can monitor and control their cognitive resources efficiently to perform and solve scenarios in a timely and safe manner, even in complex and unexpected circumstances. Thus, cognitive load theory (CLT) can be used to design virtual reality (VR) training programmes for professional learning in these fields. Objectives We studied CL management performance through behavioural indicators in authentic VR flight training and explored if and to what extent physiological data was associated with CL management performance. Methods The expert (n = 8) and novice pilots (n = 6) performed three approac…

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