S. Marino
Proton presence and motion in rhenium-oxide films and their application to liquid-crystalline cells
Disordered solid phases, containing appreciable amounts of hydrogen ions, are grown at the surface of rhenium oxide crystals, because of the high reactivity of this compound with ambient moisture. To investigate such phenomena, a comparative study is performed on ground powder and thermally evaporated or sputtered films using x-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Two types of solid phases were found in the films: HxReO3 distorted perovskite structures, based on corner-sharing ReO6 octahedra as in the bulk crystals, and ordered HReO4 crystalline structures, based on tetrahedral perrhenate ions. The complex impedance measurements on ReO3 films support the hypothesis of mobile hydrog…
impiego della PET CT nella valutazione delle metastasi epatiche da carcinoma del colon retto nei pazienti con Kras wild type e Kras mutate.
La tesi si incentra sul terzo tumore al mondo per diffusione nei Paesi Occidentali, il tumore del colon retto. Le metastasi epatiche di questa neoplasia possono essere trattate chirurgicamente, se individuate in tempo. Il ruolo della PET CT e' proprio una precoce individuazione di queste lesioni ed una loro migliore caratterizzazione rispetto alle tecniche tradizionali. Inoltre, lo studio molecolare del k-RAS e del suo stato permetterebbe, attraverso la PET CT, di individuare rapidamente, senza ulteriori indagini, I pazienti da sottoporre a terapie neoadiuvanti, per renderli operabili.
Characterization of rhenium oxide films and their application to liquid crystal cells
Rhenium trioxide exhibits high electronic conductivity, while its open cubic crystal structure allows an appreciable hydrogen intercalation, generating disordered solid phases, with protonic conductivity. Rhenium oxide thin films have been obtained by thermal evaporation of ReO3 powders on different substrates, maintained at different temperatures, and also by reactive magnetron sputtering of a Re metallic target. A comparative investigation has been carried out on these films, by using micro-Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction. Two basic types of solid phases appear to grow in the films: a red metallic HxReO3 compound, with distorted perovskite structures, like in the bulk material, a…
A pilot study demonstrating how inhaled furosemide enhances the bronchodilator effect of salbutamol
Abstract To investigate whether inhaled furosemide can improve the bronchodilator effect of salbutamol, a single-blind crossover study in 10 subjects with stable asthma was designed. Each subject inhaled two puffs of salbutamol (200 μg) 1 hour after premedication with an aerosol preparation of either furosemide or placebo. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1 ) was measured before premedication, again before inhalation of salbutamol, and again 30, 60, and 90 minutes after, and 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours after inhalation of salbutamol. The FEV 1 at each time interval was greater on furosemide days but the difference was significant at 1, 4, and 5 hours after salbutamol inhalation. The areas…
Platelet Activity in Relation to Smoke and Exercise in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease: Effects of Platelet Antiaggregating Drugs
Lung tissue is involved in the synthesis and/or metabolism of many vasoactive substances such as histamine, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, bradikinin, angiotensin II and prostaglandins (1).
Effect of beclomethasone dipropionate on the bronchial responsiveness to propranolol in asthmatics.
The effect of four weeks of treatment with beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP, 500 micrograms twice daily) on the bronchial responsiveness to propranolol was examined in 16 patients with mild asthma in a placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study. Propranolol was inhaled in doubling concentrations and the results were expressed as the cumulative dose producing a 20 percent fall in FEV1 (PC20). After four weeks of treatment with BDP, the mean FEV1 increased from 82.0 percent predicted to 88.1 percent predicted. The difference was significant (p less than 0.001). Treatment with BDP did not significantly change the responsiveness to propranolol, the geometric mean PC20 being 3.17 mg/ml bef…
Airway Responsiveness to Histamine in Patients Refractory to Repeated Exercise
To investigate the mechanisms contributing to refractoriness in exercise-induced asthma (EIA), airway responsiveness to histamine was studied in eight asthmatic patients. Patients were included in the study on the basis of their refractory response to multiple exercise challenges. Incremental challenges with inhaled histamine were performed at rest and 40 minutes after single and paired exercise tests. The geometric mean histamine concentration required to produce a 20 percent fall in FEV1 (PC20) for the challenge after paired exercise test (4.34 mg/ml) was significantly higher (p greater than 0.001) than those for the challenges after a single exercise (1.05 mg/ml) and for the challenge at…
Effect throughout the day of inhaled fenoterol on the bronchial responsiveness to histamine in asthmatic patients.
The effect throughout the day of inhaled fenoterol on the bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine was evaluated in 8 asthmatic patients. The airway response to increasing concentration of histamine aerosol was assessed by measurement of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). The provocative dose of histamine needed to cause a 20% fall in starting FEV1 was calculated from the cumulative log dose response curves. Histamine challenges were performed in duplicate, on separate days, after premedication with placebo or fenoterol given by metered dose inhalers in the morning and in the afternoon. The mean starting FEV1 in the morning and in the afternoon did not change significantly …
Effect of ketotifen on the bronchodilation induced by salbutamol.
Twelve subjects with stable asthma each inhaled two puffs (200 micrograms) of salbutamol on 2 separate days 3 h after double-blind oral administration of ketotifen (two 1-mg capsules) or identical placebo. FEV1 was recorded before and at intervals for 4 h after inhalation of salbutamol. Overall, the FEV1 was significantly greater during the 4-hour period after premedication with ketotifen (p less than 0.02) and the difference between the effect of placebo and ketotifen was statistically significant at 120, 180 and 240 min after salbutamol (p less than 0.05).
Effects of Inhaled Fenoterol on the Circadian Rhythm of Expiratory Flow in Allergic Bronchial Asthma
Metered-dose aerosol treatment with fenoterol for three consecutive days, in eight patients suffering from allergic asthma, caused the disappearance of FEV1 and MEF50 circadian rhythm. We attribute such behavior to the suppression of the bronchomotor tone induced by fenoterol. The administration on different days of a single dose of fenoterol aerosol in another group of eight patients pointed out the variability of the effects of the drug at different hours of the day. We believe the results obtained are important for a better dosage and time distribution of the therapy with beta2 agonists.
Central nervous system involvement in late-onset Pompe disease: clues from neuroimaging and neuropsychological analysis
Background and purpose Late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) is a rare, multisystem disorder that is well established to mainly impair skeletal muscle function. Systematic studies exploring brain functions in LOPD are lacking. The aim of this study was to detect morphological and functional brain alterations as well as neuropsychological impairment in LOPD. Methods We studied 21 patients (10 male, mean age 49 ± 18.4 years) with defined diagnosis of LOPD, divided into two groups: one with pre-symptomatic hyperCKemia with no muscle weakness and the second with limb-girdle muscle weakness. All patients underwent 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain morphological/angiographic evaluation as w…
Dose-Related Effect of Beclomethasone Dipropionate on Airway Responsiveness in Asthma
The effects of twice daily inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) at two dose levels (500 and 1,000 micrograms daily) on the airway responsiveness to inhaled histamine was evaluated by a randomized, single-blind, cross-over study in 10 patients with stable asthma. The 12-week study began with a 3-week run-in period of baseline treatment, which was continued unchanged throughout the study, and the two treatment periods were separated by a 3-week placebo period. Patients attended the laboratory every 3 weeks for spirometry and histamine inhalation tests to determine the provocative concentration of histamine causing a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (PC20 of FEV1). There was a …
CCDC 611339: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: D.Simoni, M.Rossi, V.Bertolasi, M.Roberti, D.Pizzirani, R.Rondanin, R.Baruchello, F.P.Invidiata, M.Tolomeo, S.Grimaudo, S.Merighi, K.Varani, S.Gessi, P.A.Borea, S.Marino, S.Cavallini, C.Bianchi, A.Siniscalchi|2005|J.Med.Chem.|48|3337|doi:10.1021/jm0490235