Arantxa Martín López

El lenguaje afectivo durante la crisis sanitaria de la gripe A

In this article we analyze the effects that, as seen through the written press, the arrival of H1N1 had on certain affective behaviors in society. After the spread of H1N1, health authorities recommended maintaining physical distance in social settings and, among other measures, advised against kissing. At first, this show of affection became a victim of the pandemic, especially in certain activities and rituals. However, once the media impact of swine flu had subsided, kissing recovered its habitual place and frequency, demonstrating that customs which are socially and culturally entrenched are resistant to change.

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La enseñanza del léxico. Reflexiones teóricas y propuestas didácticas

Este volumen recoge diversos trabajos sobre la enseñanza del léxico. Cómo explicar los procesos de adquisición y cómo aprovechar su descripción con una orientación didáctica son las líneas genéricas que vertebran las contribuciones aquí reunidas This volume includes several papers on the teaching of vocabulary. The basic lines that structure the contributions here made are the explanation of the lexical acquisition process and how to use the description of this process with a didactic approach

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La metáfora bélica durante la crisis sanitaria de la gripe A

This article aims to illustrate how became a fundamental communicative resource for the mass media when reporting on the H1N1 virus during the swine flu health crisis. This analogy heightened public fear so much so that many individuals demanded that the government acquire certain drugs and vaccines to protect themselves from the virus. This research is based on the information which appeared in three national dailies –El Pais, El Mundo and ABC– over a six-month period, as well as academic publications, documents and articles available in the media and Internet.

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Mensajes amorosos en el pavimento

Este articulo se propone analizar a partir de un corpus de 750 mensajes la huella que el sentimiento amoroso deja en el pavimento callejero. Para ello, se ha dividido el trabajo en tres partes: comienza con una introduccion tematica sobre el amor; continua con la descripcion y explicacion de las caracteristicas de la narracion sentimental plasmada en aceras y calzadas; y finaliza con unas conclusiones en las que se insiste en como el asfalto se ha convertido en un soporte comunicativo para los enamorados.

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El lenguaje de los balcones

El presente artículo analiza los usos comunicativos de los balcones, que, además de cumplir una función estética y ambiental, se han convertido, a lo largo del tiempo, en unos soportes de gran riqueza expresiva, especialmente en el paisaje urbano.In the present article, we analize the communicative uses of balconies. Besides their ambiental and esthetic function, balconies have become incredibly expressive supports over time, especially in cities.

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Food labels: Do consumers perceive what semiotics want to convey?

In this research work, a multidisciplinary approach was applied to answer the question: do consumers perceive what semiotics want to convey? The idea behind was to determine if consumers' expectations and associations raised by simulated yogurt labels, designed with different sign combinations frequently applied in commercial products, were in agreement with results from a semiotic analysis, and to check for cultural differences, comparing results from two Spanish-speaking countries (Spain and Uruguay).A survey of the plain yogurt market was performed, followed by a semiotic analysis of the gathered labels performed by a team of semiotics experts. Only the non-verbal elements such as images…

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