Yannick Glady

Visual Strategies in Analogical Reasoning Development: A New Method for Classifying Scanpaths

International audience; Development of analogical reasoning is often explained by general maturation of executive functions. A consequence of the involvement of executive functions would be that children and adults differ in the visual strategies they apply when solving analogical problems. Since visual strategies can be studied by means of eye-tracking, we compared the visual scanpaths of children and adults in three different analogical reasoning tasks. This comparison was done by means of a novel technique that combined a recently developed algorithm for computing a “distance” between any pair of scanpaths (Jarodzka, Holmqvist, & Nyström, 2010), multidimensional scaling (MDS), and a neur…

research product

Explaining children’s failure in analogy making tasks: A problem of focus of attention?

International audience; Analogical reasoning is commonly recognized as essential to human cognition, but young children often perform poorly in the classical A:B::C:? analogical reasoning task. Previous eye-tracking results have shown that children did not visually explore the A:B pair as much as adults in this task. We hypothesized that this lack of exploration could help account for the low scores of children in comparison to adults. The present study shows that children’ performance improves significantly if they are required to look at and process the A:B pair before they are shown the full A:B::C:? problem. This confirms our hypothesis that the A:B pair is insufficiently processed by c…

research product

Rôle du contrôle exécutif dans le raisonnement par analogie chez l’enfant et le primate non humain

Resume Le raisonnement par analogie (RA) est une capacite cruciale de la pensee humaine. Plusieurs theories ont ete proposees pour comprendre son emergence chez l’enfant, evoquant successivement le developpement des competences logiques puis la connaissance necessaire des relations mises en jeu. Dans cette revue, nous proposons un point de vue alternatif suggerant que les capacites de RA dependent de l’efficience du controle executif. Dans une perspective comparative, nous presentons un ensemble de donnees recentes qui etayent le role de l’inhibition, de la flexibilite et de la mise a jour en memoire de travail dans le RA chez l’enfant et chez le primate non humain. Les travaux chez l’enfan…

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