Markus Wirtz
Konfirmatorische Prüfung der Skalenstruktur des SF-12 Version 2.0 in einer deutschen bevölkerungs-repräsentativen Stichprobe
Zusammenfassung. Der Short Form Health Survey SF-12 Fragebogen ist die Kurzform des krankheitsübergreifenden Short Form SF-36 Health Survey, der zur generischen Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität eingesetzt wird. Die 12 Items des SF-12 erlauben die Bildung eines körperlichen und eines psychischen Summenwertes. Mittels konkurrierender konfirmatorischer Strukturmodelle wurden auf Basis der Daten einer für Deutschland repräsentativen Normstichprobe von N = 2 524 Personen 3 theoriebasierte bzw. in der Literatur berichtete Modellvarianten geprüft. Nach Modifikation des Messmodells des psychischen Faktors konnte eine gute Datenpassung des zweidimensionalen Modells erreicht werden …
The cytosolic Arabidopsis thaliana cysteine desulfurase ABA3 delivers sulfur to the sulfurtransferase STR18
ABSTRACTThe biosynthesis of many sulfur-containing molecules depends on cysteine as a sulfur source. Cysteine desulfurase (CD) and rhodanese (Rhd) domain-containing protein families participate in the trafficking of sulfur for various metabolic pathways in bacteria and human, but their connection is not yet described in plants. The existence of natural chimeric proteins, however, containing both CD and Rhd domains in specific bacterial genera suggests a general interaction between both proteins. We report here the biochemical relationships between two cytosolic proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana, a Rhd domain containing protein, the sulfurtransferase 18 (STR18), and a CD isoform referred to…
Importance du sulfate vacuolaire pour l’établissement du rendement et de la qualité des graines de pois
Les graines de pois constituent un aliment sain et nourrissant, notamment de par leur forte teneur en protéines (environ 25%). La qualité nutritionnelle de ces protéines est néanmoins limitée par leur faible proportion en acides aminés soufrés (AAS) : cystéine et méthionine. L’objectif était d’étudier la contribution du stock de sulfate contenu dans les vacuoles à l’élaboration du rendement et de la qualité des graines, notamment la synthèse des AAS. Nous avons ciblé l’unique gène SULTR4 de pois qui code un transporteur permettant l’efflux de sulfate de la vacuole vers le cytosol. Après avoir confirmé sa localisation à la membrane vacuolaire, nous avons recherché des mutants de pois pour ce…
Association of Physical Morbidity and Health-Related Quality of Life in a Representative Sample of Older German People
Abstract. The association between health-related quality of life (HRQoL; Short-Form Health Survey-12; SF-12) and patient-reported morbidity-related symptoms measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15) is analyzed in a representative sample of older people in the general German population. Data from 1,659 people aged 60 to 85 years were obtained. Latent class analysis identified six classes of patients, which optimally categorize clusters of physical symptoms the participants reported: musculoskeletal impairments (39.8%), healthy (25.7%), musculoskeletal and respiratory/cardiac impairments (12.8%), musculoskeletal and respiratory impairments, along with bowel and digestion prob…
The pea sulfate transporter, PsSULTR4, contributes to seed yield and quality
To investigate the role of vacuolar sulfate in seed yield and quality, we have targeted the single pea SULTR4 gene (PsSULTR4), which encodes a transporter homologous to Arabidopsis SULTR4;1 and 4;2 that allow sulfate efflux from the vacuole to the cytosol. By simulating the 3D structure of PsSULTR4, we observed that it is similar to that of SULTR4;1 in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis revealed a high level of conservation of SULTR4 protein motifs across land species. A fluorescent protein fusion experiment confirmed that PsSULTR4 localizes to the vacuolar membrane.Five sultr4 mutants were identified by TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes), two of which showe…
Role of vacuolar sulfate in the nutritional quality of pea seeds
Legumes have a key role to play in both agroecological and food transitions due to their ability to accumulate large amountsof seed proteins without nitrogen fertilization thanks to symbiotic N2 fixation in the root nodules. However, in agroecologicalsystems, legumes are more exposed to nutrient deficiencies, including sulfur deficiency, than in conventional systems, makingit important to optimize nutrient use efficiency for maintain seed protein quality, in particular the level of (semi) essentialamino acids like methionine and cysteine. These sulfur-containing amino acids are synthetized through the sulfur metabolicpathway starting from sulfate reduction. Sulfate is taken up from the soil…
Validierung der Messung gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität mittels des Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 (SF-12 Version 2.0) in einer deutschen Normstichprobe
Validation of the Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 (SF-12 Version 2.0) assessing health-related quality of life in a normative German sample Objectives: Convergent and divergent validation of the Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 assessing HRQoL by analyzing its associations with depressiveness (PHQ-9), social support (OSS-3) and satisfaction with life (SWLS). Methods: A normative German sample (N = 2.524) was analyzed using correlation, regression as well as confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling for ordinal data. Results: The SF-12-scale Mental Health is associated most strongly with the validation criteria (PHQ: r[scales/constructs] = -.73/-.88, OSS-3: r = .35/.55, SWLS: r =…
Normierung des SF-12 Version 2.0 zur Messung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität in einer deutschen bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Stichprobe
Zusammenfassung. Der Short-Form-Health Survey (SF-12) ist ein Screeninginstrument zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität. Der Körperliche Skalenwert repräsentiert Allgemeine Gesundheitswahrnehmung, Körperliche Funktionsfähigkeit und Rollenfunktion sowie Schmerzen. Der Psychische Skalenwert bildet Emotionale Rollenfunktion, Psychisches Wohlbefinden, Negativen Affekt und Soziale Funktionsfähigkeit ab. Alternativ kann die Emotionale Rollenfunktion getrennt ermittelt werden. Die Daten entstammen einer schriftlichen Befragung einer für Deutschland repräsentativen Normstichprobe von N = 2 524 Personen. Der Körperliche Skalenwert kann mit R2 = .305 besser prädiziert werden als die …